A/N- Thanks to all of you who reviewed. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy this one too.

Digital Mutants: Part 2

By: RurouniGirl

Davis groaned and squinted his eyes against the bright sunlight pouring through his window. He yawned and stretched as he pulled himself out of bed. Just then there was a knock on his door. He hurried to answer it and found Professor Xavier waiting outside.

The professor smiled. "Good morning, Davis. Did you sleep well?"

Davis grinned. "Yep. Had a hard time getting out of bed though."

The professor chuckled. "How about some breakfast?"

Davis nodded and followed the professor. After eating a leisurely breakfast, he followed Professor Xavier to his office.

"Have a seat, Davis. Let's see if we can figure out what exactly your powers are."

Davis nodded and sat down across from the professor. He cleared his throat and tried to think of where to start.

"Well," he began. "I guess it started a couple of months ago. It's hard to explain, really. It's like I can control stuff. But only certain things, not all things."

The professor nodded. "I see. What kind of things?"

Davis thought about it. "Well, fire and wind," he said. "And I can't control them. It was like, one minute I was practicing soccer and the next minute the soccer net was on fire. Or when I was getting picked on at school. All of a sudden this really strong, like whirlwind thing came up and knocked the guy away from me."

"That's very unusual," Professor Xavier said. "Is there anything else?"

Davis nodded. "Yeah..." he began. But he was interrupted as the office door burst open and Storm hurried in.

"Professor. The school is being attacked."

"By who?" the professor asked.

Storm shook her head in confusion. "I don't know. He's an unknown mutant. We have no records on him at all."

The professor and Storm hurried outside, Davis right on their heels. Outside the school, whirlwinds raged about, tearing bushes and flowers from the ground, throwing benches and branches about. In the mist of all the chaos stood the commander of the chaos.

"Who are you?" Professor Xavier called. "What do you want?"

The mysterious mutant laughed. "I am Tornado," he replied. "As to what I want. I want to destroy the X-men." He laughed manically for another second before completely vanishing, leaving the three mutants standing dumbstruck on the steps.

"What...what was that all about?" Davis asked shakily.

The professor shook his head. "I'm not quite sure, Davis. Let's go back inside. We'll deal with this when the rest of the X-men get back. For now, why don't we go back to my office and you can finish telling me whatever it was you started before we were interrupted."

Davis nodded. "O...okay," he said.

He followed the professor back inside and once again sat down. The professor smiled. "Alright," he said. "What were you saying?"

Davis cleared his throat. "I was about to tell you about this weird mark on my foot."

"Weird mark on your foot?"

Davis nodded. "Yes, I've had it for as long as I can remember. I have no clue how I got it."

The professor nodded. "I see. Would you mind if I took a look."

Davis shook his head. "Not at all," he said, bending down and taking of his sock. The professor moved forward, taking a closer look. It was an odd mark. Almost like a scar, but it wasn't a scar. It was a pinkish mark in the middle of his foot. The odd part was the shape. It was in the shape of a crescent.

The professor examined the mark carefully, but couldn't find anything that would tell him how the mark had gotten there. He leaned back, mystified.

"It's a very odd mark," he told Davis. "But I have no clue what it means. I'll have to do some research to find out what it means."

Davis nodded. "That's fine by me. I just want to know what the heck it is."

The professor smiled. "As for your powers, I think the answer lies within the meaning of the mark."

"In other words, we find out what the mark means, we find out my powers." Davis said.

Professor Xavier nodded. "Exactly. I'll start doing research right away to see what I can find. In the meantime, we'll enroll you in Bayville High. You'll start tomorrow."

Davis nodded. "Sounds good," he said.

Davis left the professor's office and headed back to his room. His thoughts went back to the mysterious mutant. 'Who was he and why did he want to destroy the X-men?'

Author's Notes: So, what did you think? Was this chapter any good? Please review. RurouniGirl