Reviews for Digital Mutants
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 2/27/2008

1. This being a crossover, that makes it automatically an AU, so there was no need to point it out.

2. Yes, the Xavier Institute is a school, but it isn't much bigger then most schools. What is amazing about it is that it is a mansion and the underground levels.


1. Why only Davis?

2. Why no Digimon?

3. Why didn't Kurts looks effect Davis? Or has Davis not seen waht Kurt really looks like.

Which leads to more pointers

3. Without anyother Digimon characters, it kind of loses the 'Digimon' theme. The Digimon are one thing, but only Davis stretches a bit.

4. Unless Davis is realy daft, which he is, he won't react well to what Kurt really looks like.

Which leads to another question.

4. Where's Kari? Out of all the Digimon characters it is known that she has powers, over light, and can sence certain things. As can her brother, T.K. and Ken; sence things that is.
Catgirl Ishida chapter 1 . 3/3/2002
I liked it but why only Davis. More digidestined Please!
Hotaru007not signed in chapter 2 . 12/2/2001
Once again, dear Mr. Watson, I uh mean RurouniGirl, you have completed a exciting chapter of Digital Mutants, but you're so evil! How can you leave us hanging like that? How can you leave me hanging like that? Why don't you just preform a triple by-pass surgery without using anesthetic for crying outloud, it'd save me a lot of stress. C'mon pleeeeeeease get the next chapter up! What are Davis' powers? What's the mark mean? What is his mutant name gonna be? Where do the rest of the Digidestined figure into this story? Do they at all? Hurry up, I'm on the edge of my seat here! I give this chapter: *****!

Sincerely, Sherlock Hotaru, I uh, I mean Hotaru_007
Butterfly chapter 2 . 12/2/2001
GREAT story!
Charles Xavier chapter 2 . 12/1/2001
This is a good story. I'm not sure if you know, there's another fic called 'X-mon' where the Digidestined are actually mutants. I think you should that story out. You might like it. Please write more.
Vandesdelca chapter 2 . 11/30/2001
COOL! I can't WAIT for more! Keep it up!
Teddy's Rose chapter 2 . 11/30/2001
As before, you need more description, and normally villains don't disappear for no reason whatsoever. At least a mini-fight scene where the good guys get bashed around for a little while and the bad guy gets some minor injury that causes him to retreat. But still, a good premise. Keep it up. (Can you not tell that I love constructive criticism?)
Teddy's Rose chapter 1 . 11/30/2001
OK. My review for the first chapter. Decent beginning, and definitely deserves to be continued, but it could use some more detail. For example, the tour should have had a little more description. And remember, this is the Digimon section. Fans here are not guaranteed to know what the X-Men look like, so you may want to give a little description of that. And a little longer scene might have been nice just outside the school, like as he was walking up, and when he was teleported to the garden with Kirk. Other than that, it was pretty good. Definitely continue (you can't improve without practice).
me chapter 2 . 11/30/2001
it started out really good and not to be hipacritical or any thing cause the story is way better than i could of written it but a bad guy just saying his name and that he wanted to kill the x-men is well kinda wierd, unusual, and well its not how most people would write it... are you gonna have the rest of the digidestines have "special powers" that would be a lot better
TeenTrunks Not signed in chapter 2 . 11/30/2001
This is soooooooo awesome, please I beg write more. I'll even pray for you to write more !
ALPAUST chapter 2 . 11/30/2001
This is sooooooooooo EXCELLENT! You have to finish this soon. Please make the chapters alittle longer though. PLEASE CONTINUE!
Taka ichijouji chapter 2 . 11/30/2001
I like this. Keep it up.
Genevi chapter 1 . 11/30/2001
Oh yes, you should continue! I wander what exactly are Davis' powers... *Wonders*... Humm.. Oh question, will the other DD be there? Anyways, great work. I wanna read the next part. -Geneviève
Hotaru007not logged in chapter 1 . 11/30/2001
OMG! This is soooooo good! I was gonna write a Daisuke/Xmen fic thing but you beat me to it! Oh darn, but this story is excellente! Sorry I'm in Spanish class...Keep up the good work, may be I'll email my story to you, so you can read it... Ja ne...
Ma-Chan didn't sign in chapter 1 . 11/30/2001
*clears throat* *breathe*! plz email me when you add the next chapter! plz!
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