I don't own Twilight...only Hannie

It was a typical evening in the foster home. Zoë and Brenna were coloring, Cody and Eric were arguing over the remote, and Hannie and Mitchell were upstairs tossing a lacrosse ball to each other.

Then the family approached and rang the doorbell. A hush fell over the children, all except Hannie and Mitchell.

They were the oldest children in the foster home and did not have hope for adoption. The families these days only wanted young kids, not teenagers.

Their foster mother opened the door to the most beautiful people they had ever seen.

"Hello. I'm Ms. Meyers," she said.

"Pleased to meet you. My name is Carlisle Cullen, and this is my wife Esme," the man said, smiling.

"Oh, do come in," Ms. Meyers ushered them inside to where the children were gathered. "These are the children, Eric, dear, will you go tell Hannie and Mitchell that people are here?" She asked one of them.

He nodded and jogged up the stairs to Hannie's room. He poked his head in and said, "You guys, there are people here looking to adopt."

"Did Ms. Meyers send you?" Hannie asked him with a bit of a smirk.

"Yea," Eric answered.

"Typical," Mitchell said shaking his head.

"Well, tell them that I say hello, but I won't come downstairs," Hannie said.

"Fat chance we're getting adopted, there's no point in meeting people who probably don't want us," Mitchell said.

"Ok, guys, your loss," Eric said with a shrug.

"Wait till you get to be our age, then you'll understand," Hannie said.

"Ok then bye," Eric said.

"Adios," Mitchell said with a wave.

"Bye Foreman," Hannie said smiling.

"I'm not Foreman, stop calling me that, my last name is Kain," Eric rolled his eyes and left.

"He is so Foreman, same first name, hates Dr. House, looks just like him without the facial hair," Mitchell said.

"It's destiny," Hannie agreed.

"Well?" Ms. Meyers asked when Eric returned.

"Hannie says Hello, and neither of them are coming downstairs," Eric told her.

"Alright then," She said to the Cullens. "This is Zoë, Cody, Brenna, and Eric," she said pointing to each one. "Well, I'll leave you two to talk with them and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask."

"What about the two who won't come downstairs?" Carlisle inquired.

"Oh, Hannie and Mitchell. They're my oldest and don't think they're going to be adopted. Mitchell's going on 15, and Hannie's turning 14, families just don't want teenagers."

"I see," Carlisle said, glancing at Esme significantly. They started to get to know the kids; Five-year-old Zoe wanted to be an actress, Cody who was eight liked racecars, eleven-year-old Brenna likes to dance, and Twelve year old Eric liked baseball.

A few minutes later a short girl with dark hair and gray eyes came halfway down the stairs.

Everyone glanced up at her; surprised that Hannie would come downstairs. But she wasn't there to socialize.

"Foreman," she said, jerking her head in the direction of upstairs indicating that she wanted him to come with her.

"And this is where I leave," Eric said. "It was very nice to meet the both of you," he said politely to the Cullens, and followed her upstairs.

"I'm assuming that that was Hannie?" Esme asked.

"Yes that was her," Ms. Meyers said.

Upstairs, Hannie and Mitchell were waiting for the scoop on the Cullens.

"First off, stop calling me Foreman," Eric told them.

"Come on kid, look in a mirror sometime, will you?" Mitchell asked. "You are totally a mini-Eric Foreman from House."

"Seriously. If they ever did an episode revealing Foreman's past, you'd have the part in the bag," Hannie said.

"Do you want to hear about the Cullens or not?" Eric asked angrily.

"Eric, chill out, seriously. We're just teasing," Hannie said.

"So that's their name. The Cullens. They sound like pricks," Mitchell said.

"They're really not. Carlisle's a doctor and they're both really nice," Eric said.

"Not to mention gorgeous," Hannie said.

"You saw them?" Mitchell asked.

"From the stairs I had a perfect view. They're like, impossibly perfect, it's unreal," she said.

Back downstairs, Carlisle and Esme were preparing to leave.

"We'll come back later. In the meantime do you have any files on them that we could look at?" Esme asked Ms. Meyer.

"Of course, let me pull them out for you," She said and went to her office.

"They seem like lovely children, don't you think?" Esme said to Carlisle softly.

"Yes, they do. I want to know more about Hannie and Mitchell though," Carlisle murmered back.

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