Well its been ten very long years since I started this story and now with anticipation return to continue this story.

I hope you enjoy it and please review -JD

The Hood – Chapter 15


With swords in hand, tearing the hyde from its holding nails. Two of the sheriffs men burst through the doorway and stepped onto the bank. Looking from side to side as they approached the waters edge.

"Boats still 'ere so they 'aint gone up the river" said one of the men as he looked at the upturned boat on the reeds.

"Aye. No ones 'ere, lets go back an tell the captain" replied the other.

As the two men made their way back into the passageway, they did not notice the hooded man peering through the reeds, nor the lady he held close to his side. Her hands covering her mouth in fear of uttering a sound which would lead to their discovery. To say that she was shocked when he had gathered her up in his arms, but this was nothing compared to that of jumping into the river itself. She wanted so desperately to get out of the water which chilled her very bones. He leaned closer, making her draw a breath as he softly whispered in her ear

"We must wait awhile my lady until we are most certain that the sheriffs men have left and travelled beyond the bridge. For if we move now, we will be surely seen and all of our efforts will have been in vain."

She knew he spoke the truth and just nodded.

But oh how she longed to be sitting by a fire and discovering more about this man. This Knight. This Hood.

For their was something about him which stirred her very soul and she was most determined to find out why this was so.

As Zell pressed his body against the hidden door within the attic, he heard heavy footsteps approaching.

Tensing his body ready for the possible onslaught.

"The sheriffs men are leaving. It is safe for you to come out!"

Hearing John's words made Zell relax his body and sigh with relief.

Irvine the archer released the tension on his bowstring as he retuned the unused arrow to his quivver. Watching through the gap between the thatch and wall as Captain Nida and his men headed across the bridge.

"Is Milady safe?" Asked Edea.

"Aye that she is. Rose has gone out to tell them it safe to return" replied John.

"Ere let me give you a hand Milady"offered Rose as made her way towards them she saw 'The Hood' lifting her onto the river bank. Rose took both of Milady's hands so that she could stand.

"Thank you Rose" replied Milady.

Both of them turned to watch 'The Hood' as he pulled himself out of the water with great ease. As he returned their gaze his eyes locked once again on Milday's. His thoughts and time held once again in her beauty.

Breaking the tension between them with a smile on her face.

Rose said "Come Milday, Sir, lets get you both inside for yer catch yer deaths"