Swap me once, shoot you twice



Myers woke to the sound of shouting and the feel of burning skin on his back. Then he heard the click of handcuffs, his eyes flung open as he realised what was happening.

"Oh god have mercy! I don't want to die!" He wined as he saw some wires running through the apartment.

"Oh shut up already! You're not going to die! I won't let you have the satisfaction of dying in my body!" Scully moved to the other side of the bed and grabbed the end of the wires and wrapped them round the bed frame. Myers's breathing hastened.

"You know this is classed as being INSANE!" Myers shouted at Scully. Just then he heard Mulder's voice again in the other room, then a crack of thunder from outside. "Storm? There's a storm?... OUCH!" Myers yelled as Scully tightened something on his arm. He looked across to see she had handcuffed herself to him.

"Sorry" She replied dryly. Then he saw her pick up what looked like a button connected to the wires. "Ok you may feel a slight tingling" Scully replied as she lifted the button and proceeded to press it.

"No wait!" but it was too late she pressed the button. Myers squinted... Nothing happened. He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God!"

"Damn it!"Scully cursed as she unhooked herself from Myers. "What went wrong?!" She cursed as she went into the other room. Suddenly Myers heard a thud then Mulder walked through the door and unhooked him off the bed.

"Scully are you ok?" He asked as he helped Myers off the bed

"Spooks! Oh I'm so glad to see you! Where's Scul...er...Myers?" Myers rubbed his wrists.

"He's in the lounge room on the floor" Mulder replied annoyed.

"Floor?" Myers rushed to the lounge room and saw his body lying flat on the floor. "Oh god, she's going to be mad when she wakes up" Myers bit his lower lip. Mulder just stepped over the body and went for the kitchen.

"I swear I am going to call the white coats on him." Mulder shouted in the other room as he searched for where the wires were connected. Myers looked at the door, he should make a break for it now before Scully woke up. Suddenly there was a groan, he looked down to see Scully open her eyes and stare up at him. He smiled sheepishly at her.


"I'm going to kill you!" In a split second Scully was on her feet moving towards him.

"ARRR!!" Myers spun and ran for the door with Scully chasing him, just then Mulder sped around the corner.

"Myers!" he shouted as he tried catch up with them. He wasn't going to let Myers catch Scully again.


Myers ran as fast as he could, his lungs were burning. The storm echoed around them as the three ran through the darkness. They had been running for quite a while now and Myers saw his hideout ahead. The FBI Building. Myers ran through the underground car park towards the elevator.

"Myers! I want my body back!" he heard Scully scream behind him and he franticly pushed the buttons. Suddenly the lift doors opened and Myers flung himself in and slammed his palm against the buttons.

"Come on!" He cursed as Scully approached. The doors began to close but it was too late Scully and Mulder had flung themselves in as well. Myers backed up against the wall as the elevator doors closed, he put his hands up. "Think of a happy place people, we can all look back on this in 30 years and laugh"

"I want my body back Myers!" Scully fumed just then Mulder grabbed her by the collar.

"Myers what the hell are you doing?! Her body does not belong to y..." Suddenly there was a crack and electricity erupted throughout the elevator. The three were thrown backwards against the wall. All Scully could remember was the sound rain as darkness swamped her.


Scully woke to the sound of a siren and voices around her. She opened her eyes slowly to see a paramedic hovering over her. Scully sat up slowly.

"Where's Mulder?" She held her head as she stood up. That's when she realised something different, her hands they were... small! She looked down... A skirt! She managed to stand still and look in the ambulance windows "I'm back! I'm me! Mulder I'm back!" Scully almost laughed as she came around the back of the ambulance where Myers and Mulder were sitting. Scully smiled. "Well Myers I guess you'll have to keep your body a little bit longer now" She said as she looked at Myers.

"Yeah at least you got a fair trade!" Myers replied but not from Myers's mouth. Scully looked across at Mulder who had just spoken.

"Mulder?" She asked the Mulder body in front of her. The Mulder looked at her.

"For you I can be gorgeous" He replied. Scully looked across at the Myers body who was looking at her defeated.

"Scully, next time when you say you have body swapped and I don't believe you, please knock some sense into me!" Mulder replied from Myers's body. Scully rubbed her face and almost laughed.

"Oh this is going to be a long week. Now come on, we still have the wires hooked up at Mulders place and..."

"No!" They both cut her off. She looked back at them both.

"Well, atleast something good came out of this" Scully said smiling. They both looked at her.

"What good is there in being in each other's bodies? I am now spooky Mulder!" Myers grumbled.

"And I am an annoying paper pusher! I have to push paper!" Mulder grumbled back. Scully just shrugged.

"The one good thing that came out of this is..." She smiled "...I finally got my body back..."



Hey I hope you liked it

Thanks for all the reviews to date.

Let me know what you thought

Thanks so much for reading guys!

May the files be with you always!

P.S would anyone like to see more stories with Myers and friends in it?