Jasper POV

I crossed my arms over my chest as I listened to Roger hash out plans like splitting us up meant nothing to him. He was so stoic, so impassive, it seemed we, our family, meant nothing to him. He didn't care.

We would leave tonight. I wouldn't get to see my baby sister again. Chances were that she would never remember me. If I ran into her walking down a street, she would blush, duck her head, apologize softly then run off. She wouldn't recognize me, or the way I would help her pick her belongings off the ground the way I had since we first adopted her.

Alice and I would stay together. We would be sent with Roger's close colleague and Bella's surrogate uncle, Caleb, and his partner, Amelia. We would play the part of uncle, wife, nephew and fiancé, so there would be no suspicions of our travels together.

Esme and Carlisle would be placed with Kiana and her children under the protection of Ian and Sylvie, two agents posing as a happily married couple, best friends with Carlisle, newly married to Esme, sisters with Kiana and helping her care for her children after her husband was shipped off to Afghanistan. It was a long and confusing line, but it worked.

Rose and Emmett be the spitfire couple. Legally, Rose and Emmett were adults, and would play the part of a rebellious couple, marrying right out of high school and moving in with Emmett's older sister and her husband, Agents Kailey and Luke.

It was Edward and Bella's situation that angered me the most. I hated that our family was splitting, I hated that I may never see them again, or at the very least not for several years. But what I hated most was that my baby sister was going to be lied to. Edward would be her best friend since she was placed in the system, and when she was adopted by Agents Evan and Tatianna, they took Edward in as well. They began dating last year and were a happy, loving, but slow moving couple. She would remember Aunt Tia from the last time around, and the fact that Evan and Tia were truly married would help her warm to the idea.

Edward pursed his lips at the plan. "What if she remembers things?" he asked at last.

Carlisle bowed his head, staring at his clasped hands. "It isn't… likely," he said at last. "With her sort of amnesia, we would be lucky if she remembers her high school education."

Rose bit her lip, tears trailing down her cheeks. "She doesn't remember me?" she whispered disbelievingly, her voice hoarse.

Carlisle shook his head. "She legitimately doesn't remember anyone but Roger. She seemed truly afraid that I was going to hurt her." His voice shook but he kept going. "She calmed down with Edward. I think Roger is right to place them together, though I don't like that we have to lie to her anymore than any of you do. He seems to be the best option we have for her mentally and emotional stability."

"Will we ever… see each other again?" Alice wanted to know, her eyes wide and scared.

Roger hesitated before saying, "I'm not sure. It all depends on how well my team and I do our jobs, and I'll sure as hell work my team harder than I ever have before. We'll try to end this as soon as we can, but you should know, these things have taken years, decades, even. I don't know what else to tell you but the truth."

"No, we… appreciate all the honesty we can get in this situation. Will we get updates on everyone else? Just a call, maybe every once a month, from a different source everytime, obviously, but just to let each other know that we're safe and doing well? Obviously Bella would never know, but Edward would be able to keep us up to date, just so we know everyone's okay…" Esme's eyes were red and swollen, her cheeks flushed.

"I'll see what I can do," Roger promised.

"Can I see her?" Esme asked, pleaded. "Just one last time? She should still be unconscious. I just… I want to see her. She smiles in her sleep."

"Quickly, yes," Roger agreed. "You can all go see her. Edward should be there when she wakes up. Evan and Tia just landed in Sea-Tac and are on their way. They should be here before Bella wakes up."

Esme and Carlisle went in first, staying for only five minutes before hurrying out. They tried to hide their tears from us, wanting to be strong, wanting to be the anchor of our family, but unable to trick anyone.

Emmett and Rose went next, staying five as well. Emmett held himself together much better than Rose. She sobbed hysterically and he had to pull her from the room, though tears clouded his gaze.

Alice tugged my hand. "Jazz, babe, it's our turn. We've gotta go now," she insisted softly.

I nodded, trailing after her into the pristine room. Flowers covered the bedside tables. The cards would be switched out as soon as we left. Most were from Edward, but the ones from Rose, Carlisle and Esme, Emmett, Alice, and myself would be switched to be from Evan, Tia, and the other agents posing as close friends of the family. Even Emmett's giant teddy bear that he spent almost his entire month's salary on would be from Agent "big brother" Cole. He was Evan and Tia's first adoptee, and Bella's big, fun-loving brother. Emmett didn't want to be replaced, but he understood it was necessary.

Balloons littered the room, some drooping closer to the floor, some still floating high. The phrases ranged from "It's a boy!" to "Just tied the knot!" and "Happy Barmitzfah!". The latter was Emmett's idea; the rest of us got normal balloons. "Get well soon" and "We love you!" but Emmett always insisted on "Happy Birthday Princess!".

"Hey Bitsy," I whispered, stroking her hand. "Hang in there." My voice caught, tears dripping slowly down my face. "Hold on. We love you. I'll see you soon. I… I love you, Bits." I turned tail and fled from the room, letting the door swing shut behind me.

I could feel my heart pounding in my ears, blood thumping behind my eyes. My breathing caught and hitched, and caught again as I tried to regulate my breaths. I pressed my palms against my temples, tightening my grip more and more as I lost control bit by bit.

"Jas," Alice's gentle voice was the soothing calm of a storm. "It's gonna be okay, Jas. Edward'll take good care of her, and when this is all over, we can all be together again. She'll remember, I promise."

She wrapped her arms around me, comforting me as best as she could. But at this point, at this moment, there was only one person in the world who could make this better, and she didn't even know my name anymore.

I'm sorry. There are not enough ways to say I am sorry. But I just started at a new school and it is so different from my old school, and I hardly know anyone, and I think I'm drowning in a sea of people!

I'm doing my best.

