i do not own naruto

But i sure do love it.


"We have left 'Snake' behind. From now on our team will remobilize under the name 'Hawk'. As 'Hawk' we will have only one goal. We will - destroy Konoha." – Sasuke, Naruto manga

"Madara, have we got a deal?"

The scarred man was sitting serenely on a plush mat in a small, cavern-like den of a house. His gravel-hard voice sounded so unpleasant. Madara shifted slightly where he was sitting across from the generally creepy man. Even for him, the timeless immortal and most powerful man in Akatsuki, Danzou's steel-tight security of hundreds of emotionless Anbu ROOT guards put him slightly on edge.

Well, not really, but whatever.

"Yes, I believe we do, Danzou. I will tell Pein to destroy Konoha, then once we find the jinchuuriki I will release and control the nine-tails with my sharingan, so ultimately the people lose faith in the current Hokage; giving you the title of Hokage as well as a new foundation to rebuild Konoha into whatever you wish, and you will give me my revenge on that village and the power of Kyuubi. I also want Akatsuki off of your bingo-books and full amenity. That is our deal, Danzou."

"Correct; you will soon become the last Uchiha, Madara."

"As you will soon be the sixth Hokage, Danzou"

Tobi had to resist, greatly resist the pressing urge to give his best evil laugh. He'd actually been practicing for this moment, although now it didn't seem so wise. It would undoubtedly ruin the evil 'mood'.

Sasuke flew by another tree; his team's mission finally complete. In all attempts for truth, Sasuke had felt rushed and for some reason overly anxious during the entire time he knew Konoha was going to be attacked. But it wasn't like he felt any attachment to the place or anything. In fact, he wanted them all dead. Every last civillian and Shinobi in the damned village.
So what was with this feeling of dread that sat bubbling in the deepest recesses of his consciousness?

Thin onyx brows furrowed slightly, unnoticable to anyone further than a few feet away. Don't think about it; if he over thought the situation, emotions would undoubtedly arise. That was certainly not what Sasuke needed at the moment. No, he needed to get back that air of detachment that he had allowed to overcome him those few times Sasuke had been subjected to these kinds of situations. But was this really Madara's plan, to go along and just 'help Sasuke out'? Why would Itachi go through such troubles to keep Madara away from him, if the only thing to fear of the man was the truth? There must have been something more; something that 'immortal' wasn't saying… Sasuke shook his head, trying to figure out the unsensible muck his thoughts had become; just as his team reached the very outer limits of Konoha.

Or at least, what should have been Konoha.

The air was perfectly still; it felt as if not even the leaves dared to quiver. There should have been many more chakra signatures for a village of Konoha's magnitude; there should have been more chakra being released in battles or at least of Pein and his many forms. But there was almost nothing.

Unless- Sasuke motioned for his team to go back and wait before rushing ahead of them, shocking them into stillness as he traveled the last few meters to the damaged gate by himself. Could they have already finished? Was Konoha left to rubble and spilt blood so soon? That was what he had wanted.

And that was the uneasy feeling in Sasuke's stomach.

The raven didn't look back; silently signaling his team to wait awhile before coming after him. Sasuke couldn't be disturbed in his internal war. Should he go inside and look at the damage ensued by his own drive for vengance? The lives lost? No. He didn't really care too much about that. Sure, it was almpst unreal how quickly it had all happened, but what had him most on edge was if Pein had already left with 'Him' in their sharp-clawed grasp.

If 'he' was still alive, of course; not that he cared.

Sasuke went inside the largely intact green gates, his alabaster face not twitching from it's impassive regard as the boy looked around the scattered remains of his old home.

No busy streets. No bloody corpses. No large fires. There was nothing; an open, imaginary-red stained plain that encased the entire center of Konoha, its busiest place. He was alone there, in the midst of what was once his village, his home, and yet there was no sudden crash of emotion. There was no heartbreak, no panic. Sure, irritation at Madara for doing it all himself, not leaving anything for Sasuke to do; but no pity for all those who had lost their lives in this monstrous slaughter.

There was nothing in the empty plane, nothing raging inside him. Had the darkness really completely overtaken then? Sasuke smirked, enjoying the numbness.

Wait… there was someone standing in the very center of the blast area. A blonde; soaked with the black ink blood of the various destroyed Pein-dolls and their pets whose battered corpses formed a rather large and grusome pile nearly 100 meteres away and who's only clean spots were the whites of his emotion-reddened blue eyes.

The silent blonde was kneeling; not even bothering to wipe his eyes or bandage his wounds, or clean the drying blood that scarred his dirty face.


Naruto. Naruto. Naruto.

Sauske's once 'non-existent' heartstring pulled taught; suddenly completely there and changed and excruciatingly painful he haden't had time to prepare himself to see 'him' again.

It hurt, this scene. Naruto had come to save his village, but it had been too late, and he could see the bloodied shinobi trying to help the injured and dead. There was nothing more the once lively blonde could do but mourn the lives he maybe, possibly could have saved. Warmth was invading him, yet Sauske was powerless to stop it as a strange white light chased the darkness from its tight hold around the boy's ribs. The string pulled tighter, tighter, stretching until Sauske couldn't bear it anymore; grabbing at his chest with pale, shaking fingers; mouth a tight clenched line. What had changed? This scene affected him so powerfully; what happened to the merciless Sasuke of not 10 minutes ago, to the ice that had incased him for the last two and a half years?

His knees buckled and Sauske went down with a thud. Naruto was almost crying. Naruto was visibly burning with the same pain Sauske now felt, only Naruto's was thousands of times worse, being for the hundreds of shinobi and civilians and close friends who had died in this massacre.

The string snapped. It was broken. Sauske couldn't hold back the groan of pain that erupted from his suddenly sore throat. What in hell was wrong with him?

What was with this pain, this pain that made the world go round, that made it crash and burn everything in sight? Please, please make it stop.

He had gotten over Naruto and their bond, their 'hearts connection'. He had tried to kill him. He didn't care about him, engaging in a plan to suck the life and the monster out of him. Then why were there tears threatening Sasuke's eyes at this horrific scene? Naruto didn't cry. Never. But now…He was hunched over, clenching his fists and covered in blood and leaking a single tear, wiped off imediately; trying to be strong. Sauske wanted to run over, hold the heartbroken boy in his arms; just the thought gave a slight relief from the pain that had him still clutching his chest; kneeling with eyes wide and a gasp in his throat.

Sasuke cursed; completely unable to hold the sound back with the fresh wave of pain; the boy couldn't keep looking at this scene, but he couldn't close his eyes...

when had things turned out like this?

Suddenly, there were blood-shot cerulean eyes boring holes into Sasuke's own.
Naruto looked so beautifully startled from his former mask of pain that the weight crushing Sasuke's heart lifted a little. In that moment, the raven felt like he could look into those eyes forever. But wait. where went all his resolve; wasn't Sasuke supposed to be prepared to even kill this beautifully tortured sunshine boy who was kneeling so defenslessly and pitifully not fifty feet in front of him?

It was impossible. Who could ever do such a thing? Sasuke sat for what seemed like a second, but must've actually been more like several minutes; content to just gaze into those still-shocked ocean eyes.

Then those eyes flickered. Those deep, perfect mirrors clouded.

What..? Naruto's eyes flickered from clear sea blue to crimson, fiery red.

What was happening? Thick red blood oozed from the corners of Sauske's Sunshine's red lips, flowing in horrible rivers down to the already blood-stained ground.
The boy touched his lips, eyes never leaving Sasuke's; still flickering madly. Crimson stained Naruto's orange jumpsuit, right over where his heart was.

What was wrong with him? Sasuke was frozen with shock and fear, glued to the spot he was kneeling in.
Naruto suddenly froze; then his blue eyes rolled back into his head and his body erupted into spasms.

What the hell was going on?

Sasuke darted up from his place, free from the strange spell at last. Who was doing this to Naruto?


Someone laughing?

Sasuke whipped his head around to spy, at the top of a pile of debris and bloody corpes, stood Tobi. He was giggling, pointing at the violently seizuring blonde.

The last breadth of sanity left in Sasuke demanded he control himself and finish Naruto off, just kill him now and get his final revenge on Konoha. It would be easy, the blonde was still seizuring badly; all it would take was one quick swipe of his katana and the annoying boy who'd been a thorn in his side, following him relentlessly for close to three years would be gone forever, never to deafen him again.

Sasuke lunged.


hey everyone, i just wanted to write a little note about what inspired me for this story.

Most muti-chaptered Sasunaru stories start out in a time far in the future of the manga and anime when somehow everything worked out one way or another and Sasuke was back and with Naruto and their happy til somthing happens. But no one really bothers with the 'why's' and 'how's' of an actual beginning to this pairing. They just say that somehow Sasuke came back, and for some reason him and Naruto hook up.

Perhaps it's because of my own strange and admittedly slightly obsessive compulsive need to have a logical explanation that will hopefully fit at least decently into the original storyline rather than a few, vague sentences about how Naruto got Sasuke back or he came back on his own.

Well, that's what this story explains, and for now I'm trying to stick with the 'they didn't jump each other at first glance and actually atruggled with their sunconcious desisions' outlook on the two boy's adventures in first love.

Anyway, i hope that now you might understand some of my logic for creating this prequil to my upcoming next story(ies), so that if you read this you might understand that there is a massive amout of evidence for this pairing in the manga and also that there was a time before the 'happily ever after', and that it's possible to write a story pretaining to this time about a growing relationship in a hopefully not-very-farout fashion.

Thanks for reading my super-long rant about my story along with the prolouge!


Bright Eyed.