A/N: Hey everyone! After a long debate, and after Mulder stopped boycotting me in my head (fanfiction characters can be SO demanding), I finally decided to write up this one :).
Disclaimer: Dear Chris: I took Mulder and Scully on vacation since Mulder wanted to go somewhere. He had been protesting that you had taken Scully to Vegas and not him. So I took the liberty to take them both again myself. I'll have then back safe and sound as soon as possible...If Mulder let's me! ;)
Waking up in Vegas
Scully held onto the dice like for her own dear life. The crowd wouldn't let her think straight over their chanting, and the fumes in the room we're blurring her vision. She turned to her partner who stood by her side, a prideful grin plastered on his face, waiting for her next move.
Scully: Mulder, you think I should? I mean, I think we should call it a night, don't you think?
Mulder: Roll the dice, Scully…
Scully: What if we loose--
He cut her words in half by cockily blurting out:
Mulder: Shut up and put your money where your mouth is…roll the dice Scully.
Scully grinned mischievously before letting go of dice and sending them to their fate…
Her head throbbed horribly. The sun was sliding through the panes, illuminating the whole room. She moaned before opening her eyes slowly. "What the-" She didn't recognize the room and the rays of light were burning her eyes. She decided to get up and head over to the bathroom, maybe a spray of water would bring her back to her senses. And that's when she noticed it, she couldn't move. She felt like something heavy was lying on her. She was right. Laying sprawled over her body, with his head on her chest, was Mulder.
Her face turned into and awkward expression as she noticed another detail; her button down shirt was completely open, she was lying in the bed with her black lace bra exposed, and one of her shoes was missing. Mulder was practically in the same fashion, his hair in a rumpled display, his sleeves had been rolled to his elbows, and his belt undone.
For a second Scully feared the worst. She pushed him off, searching herself. She sighed in relief finding that the rest of her clothes were still on . She looked to Mulder, who was now lying right side up, still in deep sleep. Anger and confusion suddenly bursting into her system.
Scully: Mulder! Mulder, get up!
He uttered a soft moan as the soft white sheets of the bed caressed his body.
Scully: Mulder!
She began to rock him. He had no other choice than to wake up.
Mulder: W-what? What?
Scully: Get up…
Mulder: What? Why…what happened?
Scully: That's exactly what I would like to know.
She began buttoning her shirt, her head still spinning. Mulder looked around the room. He couldn't remember having gone to sleep there…in fact, he couldn't remember anything. He got up and sat on that bed, and noticed it was a pretty big mistake when his head throbbed like crazy.
Mulder: Ahhh, God…
Scully looked around franticly. The room was a fairly oversized room, very nicely furnished. She turned to find Mulder still sitting at the edge of the bed, his hands grasping his head.
Scully: Mulder…what happened last night?
Mulder: I…I can't remember Scully…
Scully: We were going to meet one of your confidents at Area 51...I remember that…but how did we get here?
Scully looked at Mulder intently. The sunrays were lighting up the room and Mulder seemed to be…shining? She stared at him marveled. Mulder caught up with her glance.
Mulder: What?
Scully: What in the…
She reached up to examine her partner's shimmer. When she got close, she could see why.
Mulder: Huh?
Scully: Mulder, you have glitter all over yourself!
Mulder: Well so do you!
She contemplated herself. He was right. She too was covered in the small pieces of reflective material. This only baffled her even more. She looked around the room for anything that might jog her memory as she now was getting anxious. Then she suddenly heard one of their cell phones beep. She looked to Mulder, and as if reading her mind, they both began the search. Finally he found his cell under the bed. He had 5 missed calls. Scully later found her's at the small kitchen in their room. "Small kitchen…this has to be an expensive room" She thought as she walked back to the bedroom.
Scully: Mulder…I have no idea what's happened. I don't know where we are, or how we even got here. What's going on?
Mulder: I have no clue…but I do have this throbbing headache…feels like a horrible hangover…
Scully: I do too…We have to figure out something Mulder…
She remained hesitating around the bedroom. Mulder looked to the night table where he saw a small match box, a label imprinted on it. He looked up to Scully.
Mulder: Well we have one thing answered…
She turned to face him quickly.
Scully: What?
He took the box and pointed it at her…
Mulder: Scully…Welcome to Vegas.
A/N: So there you go! Haha, didn't expect that did you Mulder...okay, I think hes not that happy...Don't worry Mulder I'll probably make it worth your while ;)
This story was inspired by Katy Perry's song "Waking up in Vegas". I have actually based it vertually in every line, so if you could so download it, it would be a complete benefit! At the ending of the whole story I'll be posting the lyrics of the song, so you can compare and tell me if I did A good job :D! It's a little challenge I did for myself.
Well I hope you liked it till now! PLZ REVIEW!