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Hey! Just some random thought that had crossed my mind more than once. Sort of a sipn off of Twas the Night Before Christmas. Hope you like! ^^

Primus: You enjoy making other peoples lives hard don't you?

JG: Bad Primus! Why would I do something like that?

Primus: Because you are you.

JG: Yes I am, and you're under the mistletoe. *smirks*

Primus: *turns pale and faints*................

JG: Well Happy Holidays!!! *waves*

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the base not a creature was stirring....well that's not true. Sneaking through the silent halls of the ever quiet base, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker went, arms laden with Christmas 'goodies'. Strait toward Ironhide's quarters they went.

"This'll be so funny!" Sideswipe said opening the door.

"You said it bro." Sunny replied.

To work they went with a moments delay, giggling all the way. A rustle of paper, a snip of scissors, time was running out. Faster they went, grins growing larger, until at last they were done.

"Come one Sunny we can still get a couple hours recharge before the show tomorrow."

"Fine with me." And off they went, thinking thoughts of how tomorrow would go.

The morning was quiet, as it always is. The calm before the storm. The twins were up and about, grinning as they went. That's when it happened, the shout of shouts. A noise that could wake the dad.

"SIDESWIPE!!!!!! SUNSTREAKER!!!!!!" And out he came, a present among mechs. Ironhide covered from top to bottom in the most outlandish and ridiculous wrapping paper one could find and on his head rested the largest bow anyone had ever seen.

"You two are so dead." And that my friends was one of the most memorable Christmases the Autobots have ever had. To this day the wrapping paper, in large quantities is band from the base as to discourage the twins from trying this prank out again. Well, that still didn't stop them coming up with a good plan for next years Christmas. Optimus should of band gift boxes large enough to fit one of the twins inside as well! So much for Silent nights...