A/N: Inspired by another Broken Compass Drabble Challenge, based on the prompt "truth."

Starting in January, after I get a little time to organize, these drabbles will be condensed into one story, with each posted as a chapter, a la FreedomoftheSeas (thanks for the idea! :P).

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in PotC. It would also be in bad taste to steal them around the holidays.

The sad truth was it was uglier than sin itself.

It crackled when she moved and caught the light in a truly dreadful fashion. If this was her idea of a proper souvenir from France, it'd be just to Italy from now on.

Weatherby Swann swallowed rather heavily, hoping to choke on his lack of words. His throat, usually prone to all sorts of superfluous noises, remained unhelpfully clear, sending him into a flushed stammering.

"Er, well…Very nice, Elizabeth, dear," he stammered, a slight sweat breaking across his forehead. "You look lovely…compared to it."

He smiled. That much was true.