Thanks for deciding to come on a breath taking adventure with Musa and Riven and remember this is rated M T-T I hope I do you justice!!!!! T_T!!!!!!!

So this is a short story on Musa and Riven my favorite Winx Club couple everyone else in the show is too gum droppie and full of sunshine. Though I still love the show. Ok so here's what this one shot is mainly about. Musa is heart broken and distraught when the negative side of the magical realm decide to take her father from her. She swears revenge on them and won't let anyone get in her way. Not even her absolute closes friends. Riven who still loves muse more than anything is determined to make her see the light and let go of the past.

Warning!! There will be a heavy Lemon in this short story so those of you under age Shoooo!!!

Disclaimer: Remember I don't own anything, nothing, zip, NADA!!!! Everything belongs to their respectable owners and not me


" Wait come back it doesn't have to be this way" Yelled Layla Running after a certain musical fairy.

"I can't …I just can't …LEAVE ME ALONE" Yelled Musa with so much venom in her voice it made the rest of the fairies along with Layla come to a complete halt on the slippery sidewalk .

After running for what seemed like a eternity she finally dropped to her knees, with her hands on her face and just cried.

She was mad worse than that she was completely broken. How could he leave her he was the only thing she truly had left. She couldn't take it anymore she was done defending a world that showed her nothing but misery and hatred. He father was killed by one the beast sent to destroy her and her friends, how could she had been so stupid to let him out of her sight for, and at a time like that. If only she would have gotten there sooner and fought along side him this would never had happened. She would have given up her life to save him. First her mother all those years ago, she couldn't save her. And now after years of training and hard work after night of staying up with her head in a textbook trying to memorize spells and incantations she was still worthless now. She was unable to save him either.

Could you seriously blame her for running, she had to, she couldn't stay there with the people that cared for her. It would be too much having their kind words when she didn't deserve them. Or worse having them pat her on the shoulder telling her that everything would be find, things would get better. How the hell were things suppose to get better her father and mother were dead and she did nothing to stop it.

She couldn't sit there any longer she had to get up keep running until her legs throbbed, she could not stop no matter what. She wouldn't give herself the time or space to think about not having a family anymore or the sweet smile on her fathers face when ever she came home from Alfea during the many breaks. No, she had to keep her mind occupied nothing but the pain of her legs and the soreness of her throat was she allowed to feel.

The rain falling was perfectly welcomed it fit in now more than ever and she was more than glad for it. At least the rain could hide her face, those tears falling from her eyes could mix with the water hiding her from the stares of the public. The last thing she wanted right now was pity. She didn't want the stares or the whispers behind her back reminding her of her fatherless state. All of Magics should have heard of it by now considering how fast Stella could spread gossip. She grimaced at the thought, in a couple of days her fathers death would be the latest gossip making headlines and assumptions about her. She knew she wouldn't be able to stand it seeing his face where ever she went.

Finally at around eight that night she couldn't take it anymore she fell to her knees once again unable to get up. She was completely exhausted from running away from everything running away from something that she couldn't escape. The tears had stopped along with the rain everyone on the streets had gone inside. She had no idea where she was any way too tired to try and figure it out.

Slowly she lifted herself up and walked a couple more blocks. There was a small Inn not too far from there. She could see the glowing sight directing her to it.

She had completely forgotten to pack her bags back at Alfea, as soon as she stepped into the school all the memories there came to smother her. She ran out and she couldn't bring herself to go back no matter how much common sense lured her to.

Shakily she walked up to the front desk. The man standing there threw her a degrading look. She couldn't blame him though, the way she looked at that moment didn't do much to help her.

"Would you like to rent a room miss" Asked the man behind the desk he was wearing a nametag that read the name Edward

"Yes I would my names Musa" She said handing him her credit card and signing a few papers for him.

The man proceeded to do all the necessary paperwork along with entering her into the computer before handing her the key to her room.

"Have a nice night ma'ma" He said before leaving into the back.

Without a second thought Musa rushed up to her room she wanted nothing more than to just fall asleep and never wake up to let her dreams sooth her for the rest of eternity.

Her hands were still shaking a little so it took her a while to get the door open. Once she was inside she dropped her jacket on the bed and went into the bathroom to wash her face.

The Hotel was pretty nice everything was where it was suppose to be plus it had a very elegant feel. The bed was placed against the wall in the middle of the room with an assortment of pillows. There was also a TV and an armchair in one of the corners while on the either sides of the bed there were small cabinets with things resting on top of them. Though she was far too tired to take the time to see what they were.

Entering the bathroom she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her long raven hair which had previously been placed in two ponytails was now sticking out in all directions loosely around her face with the occasional leaf or twig. Her eyes looked red and so was her nose from all the crying she had done. She really looked nothing like the person who left Alfea with her free spirited friends to go on a regular mission with the guys.

Turning on the water she took a wash cloth from the rest of the towels and soaked it in the cold water then used it to clean her face. The water felt good against her heated skin so she used it to clean her arms and her legs. She decided a shower would do her some good since she wasn't to fond of the idea of going to sleep quite yet not now that she realized that it would be haunted by nightmares.

Adjusting the water she stepped into the tub and let the warm water soak away the dirt and sweat off her body . Her hair was reached the small of her back it felt extremely heavy to her for some reason. Another sick reminder of why she was so tied to begin with. All that running for nothing she was trying to escape something that couldn't be outrun something that would follow her where ever she goes. It was impossible to escape her thoughts they where glued to her with no way to get free.

She punched her fist into the side of the shower and let the throbbing fist stay there. She couldn't go on like this having every single thing remind her of her parents or her over helping friends.

The only way to stop it was to end it once and for all. That's what she had to do she had to end it by getting rid of the people who started it in the first place. Every single last filthy one of them.

That night she fell asleep contempt with the thought of revenge. They'll never suffer the way she will at only seventeen having the last person she called family ripped away from her. They'll never know pain like she does but they will feel pain and she'll be there to inflict it. She'll take pleasure in having them squirm under her grasp and hear their cries for mercy. And she'll keep it there her foot stomping them into the ground with no regrets what so ever. Not caring if they had someone to go home to, cause god knows she didn't.

The next morning she was ready. The rest of her life was planned out from that moment forward she would never be known as the pathetic little pixie that depended on others to get their hands dirty. She would take a life she would take many and she wouldn't give a damn why should she the only thought on her mind was the bitter urge for revenge.

Quickly she got dressed and headed back to the lobby and out the door. On her way their she noticed many people giving her strange looks. She paid them no attention if fact she could care less soon she'll give them a reason to look to listen to whisper she'll make them fear her.

Walking out of the Inn she decided that first things first. She needed a new outfit the one she was wearing was filthy and no where suitable for what she was about to do. Plus everyone recognized her in that type of clothing and she couldn't have that.

Walking into a near by clothing store she headed straight to the back to see what she could use without being stared at too much. She did seem out of place in a store like this the store she had chosen wasn't the type she would usually go for. Everyone in here had multiple piercing and chains hanging from their pants. Plus their faces were smothered with dark make up. The eyeliner and neon hair color certainly drove her out of the crowd.

Still if she didn't want to be noticed easily then this style on her would keep anyone from recognizing her as Musa. Well maybe her friends would still know and… Riven. She was without a doubt going to miss him the most even with his big ego and temper. Those were just some of his traits that made him well Riven. The ones he decided to share with the world. The rest he keep hidden for her. Snapping out of the thought quickly she knew why she couldn't drag him into this. He was training to become a hero and was so close to it too. This would just pull him further from his dream and she couldn't have that on her conscious too.

Musa continued looking through the clothes to see what she could work with without strangling herself with the chains. She couldn't plot revenge if she was dead. So carefully she started pulling clothes off the rack. Trying to see what fit and what didn't she didn't want to buy something she wouldn't wear it would just be dead weight. Money wasn't a problem she had plenty of it even more then she needed. After all her father was a wealthy man who gave her whatever it was she wanted. Plus his will gave everything to her. Either way she wasn't planning on touching any of it she had her own money and that's what she planned to use for this.

After grabbing a hand full of shirts and pants along with some other accessories she went over to the shoe section. She was extremely glad that she rarely wore heels and even happier that no one in this store was wearing them so she wouldn't have to either. So she went and got the ones that looked the easiest to get on and off.

Looking over the clothing in her hands and shoe boxes she knew the only thing missing was the one thing that would pull everything together. Hesitantly and with a lot of will power she pulled herself over to the makeup section of the store.

There was a women standing behind the counter smacking her gum loudly. She wore baggie pants with chains handing off of them and a tight shirt with a rose dripping blood along with some bracelets and the assortment of piercings on her ears . Her whole head of hair was sticking straight up with the tips dyed blue. Musa wondered how many bottles of Gel she used each morning.

She remembered a time when Riven had let her try to gel his hair up. To say it didn't go to well was an understatement, every time she got one side to stick up the other would droop down. So she ended up having to use clips to hold one side up while she dipped her fingers back into the product and worked on the other side. After about forty minutes of nothing she finally just gave up and let him work his magic on his magenta locks. How he managed to get his hair so close to perfection was beyond her.

"Can I help you" Said the girl without even sparing her a glance.

" well…" She was about to say something but she had absolutely no idea how this worked. She looked up and the girl who in response put the magazine she was reading down and put a wicket smile on her face.

"I give up what do you suggest" Said Musa

I'm guessing that was her cue since her eyes lit up and her smile spread wider. Obviously she was going to take pleasure from turning a fairy such as herself into someone completely different. This was more than likely a great opportunity for her to show off just how much talent she had by turn Musa a girl who's daily ounce of makeup didn't consist of anything black, to someone absolutely carefree.

Musa without giving herself a chance to run away, quickly sat in the chair the girl had placed in front of her.

"Ok listen to me very well cause I'm only going to say this once got it " She said

Musa nodded and got ready to hear whatever this girl was about to say.

Her face once again formed a cat like smile while she reached behind her and BAM! She dramatically stuck her hand out with a stick of eyeliner in it.

"Trust me this is all you'll be needing" she said seeming very proud of herself.

"Uh…ok thank you" Said Musa before standing up and walking to the cashier to check out

Back at the hotel room she was ready to set her plan into action. She quickly took a shower and then went into her bag to get the clothes she bought earlier that day. Looking through the clothes she found the perfect outfit to work with. She pulled out a black tank top with a bright blue rose in the middle of it and nothing more. The image had a very dark sinister look to it yet the rose still looked beautiful it was not at all what you would expect. Next she pulled out a pair of jeans and put them on. The only difference was instead of them being loose they were extremely tight but still comfortable hugging her every curve. They were also tight around her ankles and a dark shade of black like her shirt. Once she was done adjusting her clothes she took out one of the shoe boxes that she had. She pulled out a pair of long leather boots that came up to her knees that she put on over her jeans. They had a few buckles on them that gave them just the right look.

She was pretty much ready the only thing she had left to do was put on the finishing touches. From another one of her bags she pulled out a necklace with a metal chain and a jewel that looked something like a fang that had a old look to it. She grabbed some black gloves that came up to her elbows and put them on. The glove part didn't cover up all of her hand her fingers were exposed so they were really just for show and helped put the outfit together. Next she grabbed a belt that had chains embedded on it she put it through one of the loops in her pants and just let it hand sideways over her hip.

Finally the very last thing to pull it all off. Musa stepped into the bathroom of hotel room and looked into the mirror. She pulled out the stick of eye liner she had purchased and read the instructions just to be sure before putting it on. Once she was done she took on last look at herself she really didn't look anything like herself. The make up really did make a difference she put on a reasonable amount of eyeliner along with a dark shade of eye shadow those two things alone pulled the whole out fit together. Her hair had been pulled up into a high pony tail leaving her bangs out which she pushed to the side so they were really side bangs.

After carefully picking out her clothes she was ready to go out and do her father justice there was no way in hell that she would let those people get away with what they did to her beloved father.

Meanwhile back at Alfea …

"And she hasn't call or anything" asked a frantic Riven

"No, nothing at all and I'm really starting to worry before she left Miss. F took away her Winx she was scared she would do something drastic so she thought that Musa would be safer without them" Responded Flora

"Shit, well then what the fuck are we doing standing here when we should be out there looking for her. Knowing Musa she'll probably end up getting herself in deeper trouble" Screamed Riven.

The Winx girls along with the red fountain boys where all in Miss. Faragonda's office trying to come up with the whereabouts of Musa but Riven freaking out wasn't getting them anywhere.

"Riven please, calm down , we're all worried but screaming and getting upset won't help us" Said Brandon

" You don't get it man, you didn't see the look on her face the look of utter defeat and hopelessness. I can't even start to imagine how she's feeling right now you have no idea how much she loved that old man." Said Riven while looking down at the ground

There was dead silence in the room until Riven spoke up once again.

"Well fine, just find, stay here and waste all your god damn time trying to come up with a fuckin plan that's doomed for failure. Just don't expect me to be a part of it" Said Riven as he headed for the door.

"Where are you going, get back here you're just going to end up getting us into bigger trouble, it's more than obvious she doesn't want to be found right now. And even if she did what makes you think she would want you going after her. What?! Now that she's in real trouble you finally decide to try and help her? Ha, I told her, I told her a million times not to get involved with someone like you. You're nothing but a arrogant heartless bastard who never before gave a damn about how she felt. Why start now, face it Riven she doesn't need you following her she's got us, like it or not." Screamed Stella at the top of her lungs

Which made Riven stop dead in his tracks and before anyone had a second to blink Riven was already half way across the room holding the defenseless fairy by the neck against the wall. He was careful not to hurt her to much but still, she wasn't going to get it easy not after what she said.

He leaned in dangerously close to her, to where she could feel his breath on her face and whispered in a bone chilling low voice his eyes piercing through hers. "Don't tell me what I do or don't feel towards Musa , and whether or not she needs me isn't the case. "I" need her more then you could ever imagine so I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself from now on. It would do you a hell of lot good. So listen to me when I tell you this, I will get her back and I don't need some loud mouth fairy telling me other wise. I'm capable of a lot more than you could ever imagine." he said

That's all he had time to say before he saw out of the corner of his eye a extremely pissed off Branding launching a punch straight for his face. Using his free hand he caught his fist before it made contact with him and used it to swing Brandon around throwing him against the wall on the other side of the room. No one in the room dared to move for fear of enraging him more.

Riven looked back at the fairy he had under his grasp giving her one last dirty look the worst one he could find in him before roughly releasing her. She fell on her knees for a couple of seconds trying to catch her breath before running over to where Brandon was laying. Everyone else in the room stood still watching him leave the room not wanting to face Riven again they knew better then to get in his way at a time like this. Cause like it or not they were no match for him when he was this pissed off even the teachers knew not to try anything against him when he was like this. It was easier to just wait for him to cool off and deal with him later. That or send Musa after him she was the only one who could get within two feet of him without being sent flying or land in the hospital.

Walking towards the two aircrafts they had brought with them Riven could feel the adrenalin pulsing through him. He knew he had to calm down he couldn't drive the ship in the state he was in he could end up killing himself before finding Musa. He half expected her to come out of the school behind him. Like every other time he had a moment like this she would calmly stroll toward him and take a seat and wait for him to talk.


He had just gotten in another fight with sky he was sick of always losing to him and always getting blamed for everything that went wrong. Getting his mistakes shoved back in his face. While he sat there in all his glory always being the center of attention the pride and joy of Red Fountain.

That's when he heard it soft footsteps behind him he didn't even have to turn around to know who it was he already had her walk memorized by heart . The way and the timing it took her to take each step the sound of her sneakers crunching the leaves beneath her feet. Her walk wasn't like every other girls he liked the way she walked instead of swinging her hips when she walked she swung her arms lightly by her side.

He was expecting to feel a warm hand on his shoulders and a voice telling him to calm down and what he did was childish and irresponsible. But instead he only felt her come to a halt and take a seat beside him a little further then what he would have liked. And she was silent she didn't say a word not one.

After about a minutes of her saying nothing he got annoyed.

WHAT! Oh wait let me guess they told you to come out here and talk to me right? Well guess what I don't need another lecture so you can leave now!" he said

"Yea I guess they did" she said

"Well like I said I don't want to hear it" he spat out

"Never said I was going to though" she responded

"Then why are you here" he asked, Musa was really starting to confuse him

"I thought I come for a walk but I got tiered so I decided to stop for a break" she said looking up at the sky

"You're a bad liar" stated Riven

"And so are you" she said not taking her eyes off the clouds

"What did you expect me to do, just sit there and take it" he asked

"Course not what you did was fine, I mean he was bothering you, what you did he brought upon himself, right?" she said finally looking at him

"Yea" he said looking down at the ground

"Then you shouldn't be worried about anything, in a couple of days he won't even have a bruise." she said with a smile, for some reason her reassurance that what he did was right was starting to make him feel guilty

"Guess not" was all he could say

"So why beat yourself up over it" she asked

"Well I mean I did hit him pretty hard and well he was just doing what anyone else in his position would do" he said instead of answering her question

"Well sure everyone, but you though " she said

"I'm guessing I really did mess up huh" he asked looking at her again

"yeah but just a little I'm sure it's nothing an apology can't fix" she said standing up and coming to sit in his lap resting her head against his firm chest.

"You knew I would cave in all along didn't you?" he said wrapping his arms around her small waist

"Well I was more like hoping" she said looking up at him

He couldn't take it anymore she was just so perfect for him. She was never straight forward cause god knows he wasn't and she never pushed him to do anything though she always managed to spin things just right so that he would end up seeing what she wanted and understand it too. He had to show her some gratitude only words weren't really his thing. He could fight a beast and come out victorious but he couldn't tell his girlfriend how he felt.

It didn't look like he would have to though, before he even had a chance to try he felt her soft lips on his. She wasn't really pressing into him still they were lightly touching. It was just as hypnotizing as the real thing though her warm breath on his face was intoxicating. For a split second he couldn't do anything but relish in the feeling of having her lips lightly gazing his. Taking her by surprise he put his hand behind her neck and pushed her mouth into his casing her to gasp and in a split second he had his tongue inside her mouth exploring every last corned of it. Once she got over the shock she scooted close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck while he pulled her closer to him.

And that's how it usually went, whenever he got into some sort of frenzy she would always find a way to make him see the right side and once he did reward him with a kiss. He tried not to get into to much trouble that way he wouldn't have to waste time talking when he could just go ahead and kiss her when he saw her. Plus it made her happy to see him out of trouble it wasn't easy though trouble always had it's way of finding him but that was one of his priorities to keep his girl happy and he would do it no matter the cost.

End flashback

He couldn't waste anymore time she was in trouble and she was always there for him during his problems an now it was his turn. He jumped into the bigger aircraft and took off at lightning speed.

She was ready this was it the moment of truth. Time to put everything she had been planning for the last twenty four hours into action there was no turning back at this point. Absolutely nothing could stop it no matter who's life was at stake, pity and mercy were two things that were completely thrown out of her being. No longer would she bound by the desire to do good.


Well I hoped you liked it

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