
"I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly."

Well, I'm me again now. A little more attractive I hope. Time to find out if she meant it.

Who are you kidding? I ask myself, but I keep on driving towards her appartment anyway. She doesn't remember. Any of it.

But she knew it was you at the time, the other side of my brain argues rationally. And she said it anyway. That's the side I want to believe. I'm going to give her her 'normal life'. If she'll have me.

Thing is, I'm so wrapped up in my thoughts that I don't see the truck until it's too late.

The next thing I know I'm lying in a bed with an angel gazing down on me. And my head REALLY hurts. Figuring I must have died I close my eyes again.


Huh. The angel knows my name?

I open my eyes again, squinting in the bright light.

"Mulder?" says the voice again and I realise it's not an angel, it's Scully.

"I- my head, ...I didn't die then?" I ask hopefully.

"Ssh Mulder, don't try to talk. No, you didn't die." She slips her hand into mine.

"Do you know what happened to you?"

"I remember a truck," I volunteer weakly. "It was big."

"You were in an accident Mulder. It was a big truck. You are very lucky." She squeezes my hand and I try to squeeze her's back, but it's so feeble I'm not sure she notices. But she smiles at me. "You weren't paying attention, Mulder what were you thinking of?"

"You," I mumble.

"What?" she says, not sure if she's heard me correctly.

"I was coming to see you Scully," I tell her truthfully. "I had something important to tell you."

"What could be so important it was worth getting in a car wreck and nearly killing yourself over?"

I look at her, not sure if I should just blurt it out. But as I've just regained consciousness in a hospital bed, what else can go wrong? And she's still holding my hand. "I love you. Can I kiss you?"

She stares at me, lets go of my hand, wobbles a bit and sits down. Fortunately there's a chair there.

She regains her composure and says, "Well, I guess that was important."

I watch her intently, waiting for a clue as to whether she's going to make me the happiest man alive or break my heart.

She stands up, squeezes my hand again and moves towards the door. She's going to break my heart. I'm about to sigh in resignation when she stops, turns around and comes towards me.

Looking down at me again she smiles and I know I was right the first time. She is an angel.

"Mulder, you are incorrigable. You really know how to say the most inappropriate things. But-" and she moves closer to me, "you're forgiven. And my answer is yes."

I try to tell her I think she's an angel but I can't speak because she's kissing me. My angel Dana Scully is kissing me. For once I stop protesting and surrender myself to the moment.