AN: Alright so, this came out of no where, but it was threatening to devour my brain unless I typed it so here you be.
Oh, and Matt'sUke, this is for you. "There can never be enough badass-Mello-ness." As I said, I agree, and this is the first of four things I'm writing for you. -shakes head- I spoil you. ^^
"He deserved every bit of it, you know?"
"I know," Mello groaned. He slid down the wall and pulled his knees to his chest, sighing as he ran a sore hand through his hair. He winced.
"You should probably get that looked at; Could've broken something."
"Nah, it'll be fine. I've had worse." The blond said as he pulled his hand back to look at it; a bit swollen, and two of his knuckles were gashed open. "Anyway, what's with the sudden concern?"
"I haven't the slightest idea what--"
"I'm not stupid." Mello managed around the cloth between his teeth. He tore his shirt sleeve.
"You wouldn't be here if you were," came the reply, "Don't put words in my mouth."
A growl rasped deep in the blonds throat as he mumbled something that sounded an awful lot like 'I'll put whatever I want in your mouth'.
"Excuse me?" It was menacing.
"Nothing," Mello smirked, "nothing at all."
"Anyway," clam now, "That's what your roommate is for."
"Mm…" The blond smirked again as he wrapped his bleeding knuckles. He stretched his hand experimentally before his entire arm shook with pain. "Ah… Fuck"
"Language, dear."
Mello shot a glare at the other, who simply smirked in response.
"You've defiantly broken something, judging from that near seizure you just had…"
"What," Mello fired back, "you a nurse now or something?"
The other said nothing and stuck his tongue out.
"Then be quite," Mello prompted with a snarl. "Honestly, do you ever shut up?"
"Do you?"
Mello couldn't respond, which seemed to please the other. He smirked.
There was a knock on the door, and Mello directed his attention toward it, remaining silent. It opened and in walked a be-goggled redhead. The blond suppressed a smile at the happy expression the other was wearing.
"Roger wants to see you in his office, Mel." Matt informed him, "You fucked Near up pretty bad…" The redhead trailed off as he glanced around the room. "You got somebody in here, man? I could've sworn I heard you talking to someone…"
Mello simply shook his head before standing to follow Matt, and turning away from the mirror mounted on his wall.
AN: No, he's not insane; he's a genius. Insanely sexy, however...
This was inspired in part by Just Another Pretty Face, by calm theif. I encourage you to read it if you -ahem- really, really, REALLY like Mello. -nudge-