Here is the sequel to "His name is Brendan Birch". Keep in mind that this fiction will be descriptive when it comes to sexual nature, thus is a lemon fiction.

'That should take care of preparations.' Wearing a red sleeveless tee and sports shorts, Brendan had just finished preparing the bed for him and his beloved May to sleep in. He and May had traveled far, reaching as far as the Orange Islands in pursuit of May's dream of being a pro Pokémon Coordinator. Currently, the two were located inside a ferry which was on its way towards Kumquat Island to enter the Pokémon contest that recently opened up there. The room they were inside was quaint, yet comfortable. A brown dresser, night table with a lamp, refrigerator and a table adorned the room.

As Brendan sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for May to emerge from the bathroom, he began to think about their relationship thus far. It had been 6 years since he began his travels with May. Life with her has been more enjoyable than he could have ever hoped. Though she tended to be scattered brained and clumsy at times, the good times outweighed the bad ones by far. Truly, he couldn't picture anyone more suited to him than May.

But then began the times of him losing sleep.

He loved sleeping. Though part of the reason was his low blood pressure, the thought of laying in comfort without a worry in the world was just as thrilling as being with May. However, around two years ago, he slowly began developing a strange craving. May always slept with him, which was normal and never disrupted his sleeping cycle. If anything, it always helped him sleep easier.

But ever so slowly, it began doing the opposite.

His urges would steadily grow, pressing him to do something to quell it. At first, the entire ordeal was very troublesome. After all, it stopped him from sleeping properly, which he wasn't going to stand for. But after some time, he managed to suppress it, but not completely. It would often attack his nerves at times, making his heart race and his face flushed.

Another odd fact was he was not alone with this problem.

One thing May and Brendan shared that no one else did was their breath routine. In order to prevent May's withdrawal symptoms which she contracted from giving Brendan CPR years ago, the two would exchange their breaths. What it did, however, was exchange any emotions the two were experiencing at that moment. Brendan felt the emotion that bothered him in May, which worried him at times. What it was, he had no idea. 'Now that I consider it, I never questioned her about it. Perhaps tonight…'

"Uwaah…! All done and ready for bed." May exhaled, stretching as she stepped out of the bathroom. Steam protruded from the bathroom, indicating she had just finished taking a hot shower. Her dark blue silk pajama set clung proudly to her body, showing how well the years had treated her. Though her figure didn't compare to someone as curvy and endowed as Professor Ivy or the dragon gym leader Clair, her toned body was still a sight for sore eyes.

"Ready for our routine?" Brendan asked, admiring her long, damp hair.

"Yep!" May smiled. She sat next to him, closing her eyes and opening her mouth. Brendan took a moment to look at her, getting flushed from looking at her cute expression. For some reason, he was reminded of a Magikarp awaiting its meal. Humorous as it was, he didn't want to hurt May's feelings by laughing. As he moved closer to her face, he grew aware of how radiant and warm her face was. It made his suppressed urge awaken for a moment, but he quickly calmed it down. Without further hesitation, he exhaled deeply into May's mouth. When their routine was finished, May gave Brendan a curious glance, her cheeks burning. "Brendan?"

Judging from her expression, she had absorbed his emotions and had a small idea of how he was feeling. "Yes May?"

"Is something bothering you? You feel flustered."

Brendan shook his head. "Not really, but I have been wondering about something."

"Really? What would that be?"

"Do you feel as though something is missing? Maybe there is something you desire?"

May took a moment to consider it. Her expression revealed embarrassment, but she tried to play it off. "Well, not really. I mean, I got everything I could want already. There's nothing really missing that I can think of."

Brendan caught a guilty look in her eyes. Obviously, she knew something but didn't wish to reveal it. "May, are you…" His words were caught in this throat as his eyes accidentally glanced at May's button-up long sleeve shirt. He couldn't help but notice how it was slightly open and revealing, showing a small part of May's breast. His face burned greatly, taking great notice to its perfect, round shape.

"Brendan, is something the matter? Your face is burning up."

This snapped Brendan's attention back to May, his blush still very dark. "No, nothing at all. We should get some sleep, considering we have a busy day tomorrow."

"Okay. Goodnight, Brendan." May gave a quick kiss to Brendan's cheek, causing the redness in his cheeks to get even darker.

"Good night." The two crawled under the covers and turned off the lights, their only remaining light source being the half moon coming through the small window.

While in bed, Brendan felt anxious. He felt extremely worked up over seeing a small part of May's breast. Being new to that kind of feeling, he was vague on what it was that intrigued him so. Also, he couldn't help but notice how much they had grown in the past few years. When they first met, her breast were petite and cute, which of course, was normal. But now, they were full and healthy. His train of thought began to drift elsewhere, picturing the thought of May's succulent breast fitting ever so perfectly into his hands. 'No, I can't think of May like that. It's…it's indecent. I need focus on sleep.' Regaining his composure, Brendan closed his eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.

An hour later, Brendan still couldn't get to sleep, troubled by the resurfacing emotions he tried to repress. With his will to sleep failing him, he decided to watch May sleeping, which usually helped him rest. Her expression was that of peace and tranquility, the way sleeping should be. It was starting to work, feeling himself getting tired. But as his eyes began to move towards her slightly open shirt, it caused him to be more awake. His mind went back to the idea of how soft her breast must have been, unable to easily suppress it like he has done before. As he continued to wonder how it felt, his hands slowly started moving for them. His hands were almost successful when he yanked his hand back, stopping himself. 'To think it has gone this far. This isn't something normal like I had hoped. What has become of me…?' Turning in his bed, he faced away so he would not be tempted again. This seemed to help as he was soon able to sleep soundly.

Unbeknownst to Brendan, May's eyes peeked open, making sure that Brendan was asleep.

'It looks like he noticed. As long as we have been together, you would think he would feel more comfortable with me.' May thought, a little irritated about the situation. She knew Brendan caught sight of her shirt, which she did on purpose to get his attention. When she exchanged breaths with him that confirmed it, but he held back. Personally, she felt that their relationship could go just a bit further. She couldn't blame him completely though, given she was also at fault. She was also very shy about the subject, and though she wanted more from him, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable or obligated to go further with their relationship.

But that was when she got an idea.

Very slowly, she moved closer to Brendan until her chest was pressing onto his back. She moved her arm through the sheets to embrace him, which made him relax into her more. 'Come on May, you can do this. Just move your hand slowly…' Herhand began to make their decent, aiming for the prize that was hidden inside his shorts.

Her face red and heart beating radically, May's fingers had just reached the rim of his shorts when she suddenly lost her nerve, moving her hand back to his chest. 'Looks like I'm just as bad as he is about it. Oh well, I have to get some sleep for tomorrow anyway.' With her focus shifted to tomorrow, May allowed herself to fall asleep.

Unfortunately for them, they would be plagued by vividly erotic dreams that night.

The next day arrived, and at the exit of the boat was one of the ferrymen bidding the passengers farewell. He spotted the last two people walking towards the exit and was prepared to greet them. "Thank you for riding the S.S. Yiffer. I hope you two have a pleasant-whoa!" The man gaped at the condition of the two young adults heading his way.

Overly-stressed did not do their disheveled condition justice.

"Are…are you two alright? What happened?" The ferryman asked worriedly.

May and Brendan made a collective sigh. "We had a bad dream…" They lied, not wishing to discuss it in detail.

"Uh…right." The ferryman quickly decided not to question them must further on the topic and let them through.

As May and Brendan started leaving the port, a large commotion drew their attention near the entrance. There was a large crowd encircling whatever was happening. Curious, they delved into the sea of people watching the event. They could already hear voices that emanated from the source.

"Pikachu, use Agility!"

"Umbreon, strike with Faint Attack!"

"Go get em', Ash!"

"Don't let up, Wes!"

"Those voices…no way!" Grabbing Brendan's hand, May pushed her way through until she could clearly see the battle that was going on. On one side was a man around the age of 22 with raven hair and a red and white baseball cap battling against a 23 year old man with silver goggles resting on his sandy blonde hair. Behind the dark haired person was a woman who was slightly older than him with short red hair with a sleeveless yellow shirt and shorts. A woman with a similar shade of hair color stood behind the man with the goggles and long blue coat, wearing a halter top, a blue light jacket, a white mini skirt and pink boots. "I can't believe it. Hey Ash! Misty!" May called out.

Ash took notice of the voice and smiled upon the sight of his old friend. "May! Long time no—"

"Umbreon, finish it with Swift!" The other trainer commanded. The moonlight Pokémon unleashed a string of star shaped attacks upon the Pikachu, which was the deciding blow for the battle. Too weak to continue, Pikachu fainted on the spot.

"Ah! Pikachu!" Ash gasped, redirecting his attention to his fallen Pikachu.

The girl next to winning trainer gave the man a stern look. "That was cheap, Wes. Effective, but cheap."

Wes wore a victorious grin on his face. "It wasn't THAT cheap, Rui. A trainer isn't supposed to lose focus on the battle. He has to have great concentration, composure, and…" At the corner of his eye, he spotted Brendan standing next to May, who tossed him a disapproving look. "BRO! What's up?" Wes darted quickly to Brendan, beaming with excitement.

Rui groaned. "So much for concentration and composure…"

Brendan was clearly not too happy with Wes's sucker punch towards Ash. "That wasn't very fair of you Wes."

"Aw come on, Bro! He was asking for it. But enough about that, it's great to see you again."

"You two must be Wes and Rui. Brendan has told me a lot about you two." May said.

"It's a pleasure to meet the woman who snagged my little buddy."

"Enough of that, Wes." Brendan mumbled.

"Why don't we continue this inside the Kumquat Hotel nearby? We'll be more comfortable there." Misty suggested. Ash, who stood next to her, had a sour expression. He didn't enjoy losing that battle. Accepting the invitation, the party of 6 relocated to the lobby area of the hotel. It was as grand as the reputation the hotel had as the best on the island. Everyone sat at a large round table, chatting happily.

"So Misty," May started, grinning widely, "I see you finally got past Ash's denseness and got together."

"Hey! I'm right here you know. And for your information, I am not dense. I just didn't see the signs." Ash said in his defense.

Misty laughed. "But he was so cute when he asked me out right after defeating the Elite Four. He was acting so shy." She nudged Ash playfully, who was red with embarrassment.

"Hmph, poor sap. Can't talk to girls, Ashy?" Wes teased, earning a glare from the said trainer.

"You are in no position to talk, Wes. You didn't even ask me out." Rui pointed out.

"Yes I did! I invited you to the movies back then!"

"AFTER we got together."

"Grr…" Wes growled, not liking Ash's smirk towards him.

"Real smooth, Wes." Ash taunted.

"You shut up!"

"I can't believe how much people stay the same." Brendan sighed, leaning into his chair.

"Tell me about it." May grinned. She recalled Brendan telling her about Wes and Rui. The three used to travel together when Brendan arrived at Orre. From there, they went to Kanto, and then split up right before reaching Johto. Well, it was more like Brendan was dragged everywhere, but they were still good friends through it all.

"So May, how did you two get together?" Misty asked, catching May off guard. This time, everyone's attention was turned to May.

"Yeah, I wonder about that too." Ash said.

"Uh…about that…" May was at a loss for words. She couldn't necessarily say she gave him CPR and ended up having withdrawal symptoms over Brendan's breath. How would she explain it?

"Magic." Brendan answered.

"Magic?" Everyone echoed, including May.

"That's right. It happened so suddenly, it was like magic. Right May?"

Even with his glasses, May could tell he was glancing at her. Looks like she was saved. "Uh…y-yeah, definitely magic." Truthfully, May didn't know what else to call it.

"Huh, speaking of magic…" Misty started, "That reminds me of my first kiss with Ash…"

'…Oh shoot…!' May slowly began to panic. She could tell where this was going.

"Really now? How did that occur?" Rui asked.

"Well, that was kinda how we got together."

"Oh no…" Ash placed his face into his hands, somehow hoping to hide the shame that was about to be released.

Misty continued, wrapping an arm around Ash's neck and brining him close. "Right after he won the championship tournament that day, in all of his excitement, and ran up to me and kissed me right there. He was so ecstatic that he didn't even realize what he did, and when he finally caught on, he tried to play it off." Everyone laughed at the story, noting Ash's misery.

"Why did you have to bring that up…?" Ash whined.

"Hahaha, that's just priceless!" Wes laughed.

"Wes, our first kiss wasn't exactly magical." Rui pointed out.

"Oh yes it was." Wes counted, snickering.

"What happened?" Misty asked.

Rui seemed annoyed, though tried to hide it. "It happened on a ship when we were traveling to Kanto. We were in the middle of a heated argument. Of course, just as I was about to lash at him, he kissed me in mid shout. Right after that, he had the nerve to say—"

"What, Wes got your tongue?" Wes finished, grinning victoriously.

"That's pretty awesome. I should try that some time." Ash contemplated.

"Do it and you will get malletized." Misty threatened. "But that aside, how about you, May? I can only imagine the kind of first kiss you had."

"Uh…" May did recall the time she gave Brendan CPR, but that wasn't exactly a kiss. Now that she thought about it, she never had a true first kiss before. The girls' impatient stares gave her a lot of pressure. But perhaps she could fib it and let sleeping dogs lie. "Actually—"

"We never had a first kiss, unless you wish to count her giving me CPR when we first met." Brendan answered.

'Brendan, you IDIOT!' May gaped, knowing what was going to happen. A dangerous glint appeared in Misty and Rui's eyes, causing shivers the run down May's spine.

This was not going to end well.

"So you two…never had a first kiss?" Misty asked, hoping that her ears were deceiving her.

"Um…not really…" May said timidly.

As if on cue, both Misty and Rui picked up May by her arms and dashed out of the lobby area. Brendan was about to go after her when a hand landed on his shoulder. His experience when it came to Wes has not faltered since the last time he had seen him. Therefore, he realized the danger he was in once he saw the estranged look in his eyes. "Bro…we're gonna have a nice long chat about this relationship you got going here…" Wes grinned maliciously, foretelling a horrible fate to the white haired young adult.

With May, she was dragged into Rui's room, which had been booked previously. The young coordinator was practically thrown onto the bed as Misty locked the door and stormed up to the startled May. At the moment, the skilled Water Pokémon gym leader wanted to strangle the young brunette. "May, I know we don't know each other very well, but I am sensing a dire crisis which I cannot stand for! How could you NOT have had your first kiss by now? I mean, you two have been together longer than me and Ash!"

"It's not like I didn't want to! It's just that…it's been a little awkward at times. Even last night in bed, I was hoping for something, but I just couldn't go through with it."

Rui took a moment to consider May's pressing situation. She never had her first kiss, but yet they slept in the same bed. Either those two had something very odd going on, or… "I know it's not really my business, but I have to ask. Have you two…had sex yet?"

May's face turned several shades of red. That was a little too direct for her. "W-w-what?"

Misty was also curious. "That's a good point. Have you, May?"

"Ah…um…" Twiddling her thumbs, May gave her hesitant answer. "N…no we haven't…"

"YOU HAVEN'T?" Wes's voice thundered, causing a lot of heads to turn and see the odd man shooting up from his seat.

"Stop making a spectacle and sit back down." Brendan chastised.

Wes calmed down slightly and sat back into his chair, still shocked with what he heard. "I can't believe you haven't done it with her yet. After so many years, you two should've been elite by now!"

"There's no need to be that surprised. I mean, I kinda understand how he feels." Ash spoke in Brendan's defense. "But, I have to admit, it truly is a beautiful thing. It's pretty important when it comes to serious relationships. If what we've been through is similar, then he must've been getting an unexplainable feeling in his gut making him want to do things he didn't understand. Is that right, Brendan?"

Brendan had to stare at Ash for a moment. He was truly surprised with the accuracy of Ash's statement. At least that helped explain everything. "Yes it is."

"Alright bro, leave it to me! By the end of this visit, I will help get you laid!" Wes declared proudly.

"Please, Wes!" Brendan pleaded, apprehensive and embarrassed about this 'situation'.

"Relax, bro, we'll start with something basic and easy to start with to help expand your relationship with May. For the moment, we'll work with places to do it at."

Brendan gave a heavy sigh. There was no way he was going to listen to such embarrassing advice. "I don't need—"

"You know, the bedroom is always a good place to start. You don't want to go somewhere too complicated." Ash suggested.

Wes couldn't help but agree. "True, but that tends to be pretty cliché. You wanna start off wild, like a park."

"A park? No way! A pool would be a much better choice than that."

"Pools suck for that. I say be a rebel and sneak inside a mall dressing room."

Brendan couldn't but wonder how he got into this mess. All he knew was that he wanted out. "You two, please don't—"

"There isn't any place sexier than behind the hotel at night!" Ash yelled, battling with Wes.

"That fails for sexiness! Once you go beach, you'll never go back!"

"I've done that before, and there's nothing exciting about that. Hot springs all the way!"

"Forget the hot springs! A dark forest for some jungle lovin'!"

"That sucks! Brendan should do it somewhere really hot, like a sauna!"

"Pfft, that's nothing. Rui and I did it in the backseat once, and it was fantastic!"

"What are you talking about? Your car reeks!"

"Oh yeah? And how would you know about that, huh?"

"We broke in it last week!"

"WHAT? So YOU'RE the punk who broke inside my car! Why I—"


"Wes…!" Two voice growled from behind the bickering trainers.

Both Ash and Wes slowly glanced behind themselves to see what had to be the most frightening combination of mortification and sheer fury they had ever witnessed. "Uh…we were just talking about you…"


"I can't believe you would embarrass me like that, Ash!" Misty hissed, dragging a sore Ash by the collar to their room.

"Wes, you and I are going to have a long chat about modesty in our room!" Rui promised, taking Wes by the headlock.

"…Huh." Brendan didn't know whether to be thankful or frightened by these events. Friends can be very terrifying at times.

"Hey Brendan. Reservations are finished." May called from the front desk, waving at the white haired young adult.

"Good to hear." Standing up, Brendan made his way to meet her. From there, the two started walking towards their room.

The walk was in silence as the two began to ponder about their mental predicament, especially Brendan. He wasn't used to these thoughts or situations. His life was simple: Sleep, eat, sleep, be with May, sleep, train his Pokémon Gardevoir, sleep, be with May even more, and then more sleep. But now, his body was yearning to add another activity to his roster. Admittedly, it was very tempting. But how would he approach May about it? Was she also interested? Would he seem too forward asking about that?

Brendan was already missing the simpler days of his life.

Thinking about the problem won't solve anything, so the next best action was to act now and see where it went. "May?"

"Brendan?" May called simultaneously. There was a pause as they were both a little surprised. "Um…you first."

Brendan considered passing, but whatever she was going to ask was making her nervous. Besides, the quicker he got it off his chest, the better. "May, do you recall our conversation last night?"

"Yeah. You asked me if I felt something was missing."

"Correct. About that, I—"



Without warning, Wes soared across the air and dropped kick Brendan, flooring him. "Target capacitated. Time for capture."

"You got it!" Ash sped passed May and grabbed one of Brendan's arms while Wes hoisted the other, the two escaping with the dazed man.

"…Did Brendan just get kidnapped?" May had a bad feeling Ash and Wes were up to something strange. "I'm sure he'll catch up…I hope." Shrugging it off, May entered her room.

Wes and Ash, while still holding up an unconscious Brendan, fled into an empty room and locked the door. "Alright, I think we're at a safe distance." Wes said as he peered through the peephole for anyone nearby.

"Did you really have to jump kick him like that? I'm sure we could've just grabbed him and ran for it." Ash questioned as he laid Brendan on the bed.

"Yeah, we could've done it that way, but dramatic and ambiguous anime references are much funnier."

"Good point. Okay, let me wake him up."

"Wait, Ash! Trust me, you DON'T want to wake him!" Wes's plea went unheard as Ash shook the man awake.

"Hey Brendan, wa—AH!" Ash gasped as Brendan's hand shot for his shirt, twisted the collar in his hand and pulled him close as he sat up in the bed. The glare Ash received from the open side of the glasses made his blood freeze.

"You have 3 seconds to give me a good reason not to break your neck for waking me up." Brendan growled uncharacteristically.


A hard object flew across the room and nailed Brendan on the head, causing him to fall back onto his bed and release Ash from the death grip. The said object just happened to be Wes's boot. "Phew! Barely made it. Are you alright Ash?"

Ash had to take a few deep breathes to regain his composure. "Sca…scary…!"

"Man…I guess he didn't like the way we kidnapped him…"

"Gee, ya think?"

"Alright, time for me to wake him up the right way. Let's see if this still works…ahem…" Wes took a deep breath as he prepared for Brendan's surprise. "Oh my god, May! Put some clothes on!"

Brendan suddenly shot up from the bed, glancing around the room. Though his face still looked sleepy and sore, his mind was awake and alert. One glance around the room and Brendan realized it was Wes who made the phony call. "Curse you, Wes."

"Trust me, you'll be thanking me later. But enough about that, we got a lot to cover right now!"

"I was doing fine moments ago until you bum rushed you."

"Hey, hey, hey! I saved you right there! What were you thinking?"

Brendan gave a tired stare at Wes. "Obviously, I was trying to get this issue off my chest."

"The only getting off you should be doing is on May!" Wes chastised.

Brendan seemed confused for a moment until he sighed irritably. "Though I have no clue what you meant by that, I'm going to assume that it was meant to be disgusting."

"Wes, I think we should start now. There a lot of preparations to be done." Ash suggested.

After yet another sigh, Brendan narrowed his eyes at Wes. "I somehow have a bad feeling about this plan you're developing."

Wes's smirk grew wide and insidious. "But only good things will come of it. We have a lot to do, so let's get going."

"As long as you don't kick me in the face again…" Reluctantly, Brendan followed Wes and Ash out the door, unsure of the treachery he would be put through.

The first place he was taken to was a mall that was nearby. Constructed out of glass and steel, the shopping city was huge as well as fancy. Ash and Wes dragged him to a placed known as Sexy Boutique. After plowing through several ideas and styles, one of which involved a speedo that Brendan quickly declined, the sleep-loving adult found an outfit that interested him and purchased it. Stepping out of the dressing room, he was wearing his new clothes. His long-sleeved fleece was exchanged for a red and black t-shirt and his pants were replaced with black and grey lengthy shorts. Tied to his forehead was May's bandanna which was given to him years ago.

"Not bad, I like it." Ash complimented.

"Looking good, bro! Now that's the lady killer I've known for 8 years!" Wes flashed his friend a thumb's up.

Brendan examined himself on the full-body mirror, nodding to himself. "I'll admit, this is very fitting. I wonder if she'll like this…"

"Don't worry, I know she's gonna love it. Okay, the sexy look is in place. Now, we gotta arm you with advice."

Brendan tossed Wes a stern look. "You already gave me plenty of advice earlier, for which you were reprimanded for."

Both Wes and Ash smiled nervously, recalling their girlfriend's brutality. "Well, I guess we did start out pretty strong…" Wes admitted.

"But that's a story for another day. These tips you will be using the next time you run into May." Ash began, "It took me awhile to figure out what worked with Misty, but I've learned a lot. One thing I learned is that girls love things like flower gifts and jewelry. Actually, Misty liked a lot of simple things too, like holding hands, kisses on the cheek and compliments."

The advice so far got Brendan's interest. "Sounds reasonable. I think I'll try it out."

"Yeah, that's good advice. However, I will give you real advice on things they like from a man."

"Hey!" Ash yelled.

Wes continued, ignoring Ash's banter. "You see, women like men who are aggressive. Not overly aggro, but bold and smooth about it. For example, Rui never gets tired of me embracing her from behind while whispering in her ear. You can't be afraid of your woman or act timid. Be bold and make moves that will sweep her off her feet. Also, when you two are in bed, you can give May a REAL jump start by—"

"I can see where you are going with that, thank you." Brendan interrupted flatly, his cheeks gaining red color.

"I think he's got the picture so far, Wes. Let's start with the next part of our plan." Ash recommended.

"You're right, Ash. Brendan, here's the plan for tonight and what I want you to do…" Bringing Brendan close, he began explaining the plan he had in mind.

A half hour later, May was outside the Kumquat hotel, searching for the missing albino and his captors. "Where did they take him anyway? Ugh, what a pain." She had a training regime planned with Brendan since he offered to help her train for the contest. Also, she was curious on what Brendan was talking to her about. Guessing wouldn't do much good. Her best bet would be to confront him about it the next time she saw him.

Which would be sooner than she expected.

May was about to return to her room when felt someone embrace her from behind. Startled, she released a sharp gasp. "Who the…?" The coordinator was about to retaliate against the aggressor when he whispered into her ear.

"Did you miss me?" Brendan whispered with a small grin.

"Brendan?" May was even more surprised, glancing at her boyfriend wide eyed. Brendan never did that to her before, not that she minded. It just seemed uncharacteristic for the calm and quiet albino. "What's gotten into you?"

'Well, she was surprised.' Brendan thought, hoping for a more positive response. He released May, who continued to give him a look of shock. "I thought I would surprise you."

"You certainly accomplished that. Huh…" May took a moment to analyze Brendan's new clothes. Honestly, she liked the new look. It was a great change from the clothes he had on for a long time. "Looking good Brendan!"

'Her smile seems brighter…' Wes did tell him May would be pleasantly surprised, which she seemed to be. The new clothes also seemed to put her in a good mood. Now it was time to try Ash's suggestion. "These clothes are decent, but nothing compared to your radiance." Brendan added a soft smile for effect.

Judging from May's red face, the strategy worked.

"Stop it Brendan. You're embarrassing me…" May felt very giddy from the compliment. It was a rare moment for Brendan to show such forwardness.

Brendan also felt satisfied from May's response. Perhaps he should start using these tips more often. Now it was for the next phase of the plan. "Are you ready for some training? I did promise to help you train."

"Yes, I'm ready. Let's go." Grabbing his hand, May excitedly rushed towards the Kumquat Park's training grounds with Brendan, who smiled victoriously. He was enjoying himself immensely.

A few hours passed and the training was beginning to climax. Brendan, with his Gardevoir, was facing off with May's Blaziken, who was finely trained and rivaled Ash's Charizard in sheer power. During the sparring match, Brendan was having great trouble battling May. However, the reason wasn't just because of her Blaziken.

'You naughty little human! Such perverted thoughts in that fragile little head of yours.' The Gardevoir teased telepathically.

'I'd rather not talk about that at the moment.' Brendan growled back.

'Nonsense. It's the perfect time to talk about procreation of your species. You know you want to have a litter of mini albinos and twits running around.'

'For the last time, May is NOT a twit!' The Gardevoir was starting to get on Brendan's nerves.

Gardevoir grunted as he barely dodged a Blaze Kick from Blaziken. 'As you humans say, get your mind out of the gutter and back into the battle! I'm in poor form because of you!'

'First off, I'm not thinking about things of that nature…'

'True, but you just did after I said it.'

Brendan blushed at the comment, suddenly fantasizing about May. '…Shut up, Gardevoir.'

'Tsk, tsk, human. If only the girl can hear all of these elaborate themes you got in your head. I'm sure she would be most interested.' Gardevoir jumped to the side, avoiding Blaziken's Fire Punch and countered with an Ice Punch, which struck Blaziken's arm.

'You're starting to be irritating, Gardevoir.' Brendan was very close to locking his obnoxious Pokémon in his ball and throwing it somewhere far away.

'What's annoying is how slow you and that girl are. I would've claimed her long ago if I was in your place. I swear, humans these days…'

"Gardevoir, Reflect!" Brendan called, having his Pokémon set up a defensive barrier.

"Not this time! Blaziken, Brick Break!" May commanded. Her Blaziken unleashed a powerful punch, which broke through the Reflect barrier and struck Gardevoir's face, sending him flying and sliding across the grassy earth.

Gardevoir wasn't pleased, but for another reason. '…You made me do that on purpose, didn't you?'

'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' Brendan smirked victoriously. Looking at his watch, it was close to the time agreed upon with Wes and Ash. "Alright May, let's end it here today." With a sigh, the albino took out his Pokéball to recall Gardevoir.

'Hmph, don't think you can hide the truth forever, human. She's bound to grow more curious about your so-called empathic breath.'

'No one asked you.' Brendan recalled his Gardevoir, groaning inwardly. That Pokémon never ceased in giving him a headache. "You did great May. With this training, you'll be ready for tomorrow's contest."

"Phew! That Gardevoir seems to get tougher everyday!" May recalled her Blaziken and stretched out her limbs in relief. "Come to think of it, you never really talk about your Gardevoir much."

"There's nothing really interesting about Gardevoir. He's reliable, but a pest. Anyway, let us start heading back."

"Okay!" With that, the two started for the Kumquat Hotel.

As the two began to walk back from the training ground of the park, Brendan recalled the directions he had to take to reach their real destination. Only a few minutes passed when he saw the path, which was enveloped in trees. Since they would have to get around it to get to the hotel, it was the perfect plan…or so he hoped. "Let's cut through the forest. It should be quicker that way." Brendan suggested. May complied without argument.

Sometime into the forest, May was met with a surprising sight. On top of a red and white checkered quilt was a large hand basket of food, complimented with two large canteens of drinks, plates, plastic cups, and utensils.

It was a picnic setting.

May gasped with delight. "So THIS is why you wanted to cut through the forest, not to mention getting new clothes. That is incredibly sweet of you to set up a picnic for us."

'That's half right.' Considering Brendan wasn't the one to set it up, but gave the green light for the idea. "I'm guessing you like it?"

"I love it, but what's the occasion?"

'Occasion?' Truthfully, he only did this because it sounded like a good idea to get closer to May. But as he thought about it, he didn't exactly have a real reason to have a picnic. "I felt like surprising you with a picnic to help lift your spirits for tomorrow."

'But he never did this all the other times I went through contests. I wonder if there's more to it…' Though May questioned if Brendan's reason was legitimate, she didn't want to be rude about and let good food go to waste. "Thank you very much then, Brendan. Well, let's eat!" The two began to take out the wide variety of foods inside the basket and eat.

'I have to admit, Wes and Ash have done a good job with this. But what am I supposed to do now?' Brendan was confused and curious when they said the rest will come naturally. So far, he had no ideas on what to do next. On the bright side, the mood was perfect for conversation. But where would he start? With such a delicate subject, he didn't want to be too bold about it. The only thing he could do was watch May eat her rice ball contently while thinking up ways to start off their soon-to-be in-depth conversation. He couldn't help feeling anxious. But there was another thought that bothered him.

Was this right?

As he was told, sex was an important part of a serious relationship as adults. Being that he and May were adults, it was only fitting. However, should he have to coax her into it? The idea of sex did pull at his desire, but what about May? Was it something she really wanted? Were they ready for such a thing when they haven't even kissed yet? There were so many questions, which left Brendan with doubts. But with every relationship, the best start was always conversation. May seemed relax enough to talk. Might as well begin with something.

"Say Brendan…"

So much for him starting. "Yes May?"

"I don't know if I say this often, but I wanted to say…thank you."

"For what?"

"Since day one, even though I was a complete stranger, you have been helping me out and always been there for me. Even now, you've set up this picnic just for us. I just feel that you've been doing so much for me that I could never do enough to show how much I appreciate you."

"Not necessarily." With his cheeks dark red, Brendan focused on the tree ahead, as to avert his gaze from May. "I've burdened you often with my odd nature and 'empathetic breath', to which you have to receive everyday. From the start, though you were reasonably cautious, you never shunned me or treated me differently because of the strangeness that is me. I do such things because you are the person closest to me, and your happiness is more than just reward."

"But I still want to do something for you." May placed a gentle hand on Brendan's shoulder, giving him an earnest stare. "There's nothing I won't do for you, because you deserve everything, Brendan. So if there's anything you want me to do, anything at all, please let me know, okay?"

Brendan placed a hand over May's. "I…I'll keep that in mind. The same goes for you as well. I won't hesitate if it's a favor from you." he smiled shyly, staring at May at the corner of his eye.

"Yeah…" The two stayed in their position for a good minute, their eyes locking. Gently, their hands tightened as their cheeks grew a darker blush.

"May…I…" Brendan could feel this was the perfect moment to come out with it.

"Yes, Brendan…?"

'That face…!' The man's heart was racing rapidly. May's face was far too cute and innocent. "I…need a quick drink."

…Not the words he was hoping for.

Meanwhile, not too far from Brendan and May's location…

"What is that idiot doing? That was the perfect moment to go for it! I'm going to kill that guy…!" Wes hissed angrily, hiding within some brush.

Ash had to hold onto Wes to prevent him from ruining the moment. "Don't do it, Wes! We have to see this through!"

Back with the couple, May gave Brendan a confused look at first, but then laughed it off. "Is that all? You don't have to look so serious about it." Grabbing a plastic cup, May poured some of the canteen juice inside and passed it to Brendan.

'She's far too innocent to make such a bold push. I can't get myself to ask her about such a thing.' Besides, Brendan's throat was pretty dry. Taking the cup, Brendan drank it in one shot.

Suddenly, Brendan began to feel oddly hot.

He had a slight headache and his vision was slightly fuzzy. But strangely enough, he felt…good. Really good. Staring at May, he noticed a piece of rice stuck on her cheek. His body felt compelled by it. 'I wonder if she would mind…' It began to move on its own, drawing closer to May.

"B-Brendan…?" May drew back slightly, noting Brendan estrange look and behavior. She was surprised when he cupped her cheek gently.

"You have something on your cheek, May…" Brendan spoke with a seductive tone.

Something told May there was more to this situation than Brendan was hinting. "Ah…I-I can get it…" Before she could move her hand, Brendan leaned forward and licked the rice off her cheek. Her face fired up with bright red colors.

"Mmm…delicious…" Brendan whispered into her ear.

This was starting to freak her out a bit, but strangely enough, she was feeling aroused by this. Whatever got into Brendan was making him extremely bold…she was starting to like it. "W-w-w-what's gotten into you?"

Moving to meet her face, Brendan took off his shades and grinned. "That's about to be my line…"

Her blushed gained several deeper colors of red, realizing the implications of that statement. Brendan was beginning to overwhelm her rather quickly. As he spoke, however, she could feel his breath entering her body. At that moment, she felt a high level of lust and dizziness, which lead to a startling realization.

Brendan was drunk.

'But how did he…when did…just what is going on?' She considered pushing him back, spooked by this new side of Brendan. But something inside her wanted him to continue advancing.

After all, drunk men tell no tales. Brendan most likely wanted this.

Perhaps this was something he wanted as well, but his shy nature prevented that from surfacing. What a coincidence. 'What should I do? Should I push him off or go for it? It feels right, but so wrong at the same time. I just…I just don't know…' May shut her eyes as Brendan started closing in, his body towering over hers.


"What the heck?" May jumped away from Brendan, who dropped on the ground. Was that…a fart? "Who's there?" Staring closely at the bushes nearby, she could faintly see two pairs of eyes staring back wide eyed. Anger erupted within her. "Ash and Wes! Step out NOW!"

"Whoops! Busted…" Wes confessed, stepping into the opening with Ash. Wes was smiling sheepishly while Ash was irritated.

"I can't believe you blew our cover like that, Wes."

"I couldn't help it! Just when we were getting to the good part too!"

"EXCUSE ME?" May roared, frightening the duo.

Ash shriveled back, fearing for his life. "Uh…so May…how's the food?"

"Ash…Wes…!" May crackled her knuckles, glaring dangerously at her victims. "This stunt of yours is unforgivable! When I'm done, you'll never be able to—AH!" May's knees buckled, which caused her to fall when she felt someone embrace her waist and lean against her, the woman landing on the grass. She found Brendan snuggling up against her, apparently sleeping very comfortably.

"I love sleep…but I love May too…zzzzzz…" The man murmured, already in a deep sleep.

Embarrassed and flattered, May grown inwardly. With Brendan's low blood pressure, there was no surprise that he blacked out so quickly after drinking. Now that she thought about it, she was feeling tired herself, considering she also drank what Brendan had. There was no point in fighting Brendan's cuteness. "Ash? Wes?" The respective boys jumped at their names being called, still on high alert, "Get a blanket from the Kumquat Hotel for me."

Wes gave May a shocked expression. "From way over at the hotel? But May, that's—"

The look May gave the two clearly showed it was not up for debate. "Get. Me. A. Blanket. Now." She hissed through her teeth.

Driven by fear, the two sprinted to the hotel as ordered. After all, they did value their lives.

After receiving their blankets, and even a pillow for May, the coordinator ran her hands softly through Brendan's hair as she rested underneath the covers. As night began to fall, she was staring at the sky as Brendan snored peacefully. Something new was starting to happen with their relationship. She didn't know what would happen, but what she did know was that she was going to see it through to the end with Brendan.

This is part one of 3 chapters for this fiction. I hope you enjoyed this entry, because there are more great scenes to come. Please drop a review and let me know how i'm doing. Until next time!