Summary: Murder, a message from Artemis and unrest in Haven City. Something's up and this time the Lower Elements Police can't solve this as soon as they like. Can they get to the ones responsible for this before Haven descends into total chaos and takes everyone along with it? [Takes place after The Time Paradox]

Title taken from the first chapter of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - but this story doesn't reference the book, so never fear if you haven't read it. I chose the title because most of the story will take place below ground. (Not a good reason, but ah well.) First chaptered fic - so please leave your thoughts and criticism in reviews!


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The small figure with the headscarf stood at the edge of the Klang River, head bowed as he or she watched the brown water rushing past. Seen from a distance, it resembled a young child standing beside the river, out alone past her bedtime. Street lights from the roads above threw the concrete banks and the walls into a dim orange light, producing shadows that looked longer and deeper than they should. The noises of the city could be heard in the distance – motorcycles, cars, and voices – the river wound through the heart of the city. It was night, late too, but this was the city, and there were many who did not sleep.

One of the shadows detached itself from the darkness under a bridge and approached the figure by the river.

'The plan will proceed soon, like you said,' said the shadow. It was a male voice, although this person was less than four feet tall.

The figure in the headscarf nodded and said nothing, face still turned to the swollen river.

'I'll keep in contact,' the male voice continued.

'Thank you,' the first figure replied, the voice soft and decidedly feminine. But it was colder too.

The male figure headed back under the bridge where he had emerged, melting into the shadows.

The child in the headscarf nodded and walked away.

A/N: Why Malaysia? It's my home country, for one. XD