It is me, Tigerlilyfirefly, and this series is so damn worth it, cause I hate Richelle Mead for what she has done to me. She alone has made me wanna write a fanfic worth a million reviews(hint hint) or something like that. This is after shadow kiss so be wary of SPOILERS!!!!!!!

DIsclaimer: I no own the Vampire Academy Series. You no sue, or I send fluffy bunnies after you! FEAR THE BUNNIES!!!(I hope you won't have nightmares lol)

"I can't do it, I can't do it" I screamed holding the stake in one hand and my Lover, my Dimitri, under my heel. Even with the Strigoi eyes and the pale, chalky skin, even though he is Strigoi. I can't do it, it is as simple as that. Every time I looked down at him, I did not see a Strigoi, I saw the man who held me in his arms and told me he loved me. That hesitation was all he needed, all he needed to turn the tables on me.

He had pinned me to the ground and kicked the stake out of my hand, his mouth now lay inches away from my neck, his breath was of that of hunger. He froze an inch away from drinking my blood and paused, I saw a mental fight going on in his eyes. What was left of his humanity and his Strigoi fighting for control.

"Well, in light of things, at least I die in your arms, Dimitri." I whispered before relaxing my body. His fangs gently grazed my skin and had it been a different situation, I would have thought it pleasurable.


Hello, My name is Rose Hathaway, and I am on the search to kill my mentor and my lover, the same man. It is the last parting gift I owe him, the one speck of peace I can give him in his undead life.

The woman who I had hitched a ride to the closest airport was going on and on about how many men had wronged her and such. Soon enough, I had tuned out her useless chatter and started to get some well-needed sleep, being as I would be on the hunt for awhile. I had started to fear my dreams because all my dreams, always ended up replaying when I had questioned Mason about Dimitri. He shook his head no in response to the first question, "Mason, is Dimitri dead?" again he shook his head no after the second question, "Mason, is he alive?" but my last and most dreaded question was answered with a confirming headshake, "Mason, is Dimitri Strigoi." When that question had been answered my emotions died and I felt nothing for nobody but me and Dimitri, this crazed idea to hunt him down had first entered my mind then.

A violent shaking on my shoulder woke me up as the lady who had driven me pointed to the Airport on the right, "And the bank is a couple of miles down sweety." she said with a familiar tone. I thanked her and got out of her car, I walked to the bank and withdrew enough for the flight, as I handed my plane ticket to the flight attendant, a young woman with short blonde hair pulled back in a tight bun, she reminded me of Lissa. I tried to shove all remorsefull thoughts of leaving Lissa alone out of my head with minor sucess and slumped down in my plane seat, right next to the window and curled up into a ball.

I found even though I was a great amount of distance away from Lissa, I could still feel her emotions and that lowered the guilty feeling at the pit of my heart, by a little bit. She was upset that I had left her, hurt, anger, that I would not stay nor take her along with me. Her emotions were enough to give a minor tug at me, trying to make me slip into her head. She sent hurtful physic messages to me, knowing I could hear them, and it took all the restraint Dimitri had taught me not to go rushing off the plane and to comfort her.

The plane flight to Russia seemed to be much shorted then I would of thought it would be. It was unreasonable cold as I stepped off the plane and the cold slapped me in the face. At that time I realized I never packed a coat sturdy enough fo Russia. Nasea hit me like a bomb as well and little shadows danced infront of my face. I shooed the spirits away and let my senses focus on my built-in Strigoi detector, this stupid thing only told me when Strigoi where near, not were they were. The stars were amazingly beautiful as they sparkled in the sky and I wondered if Dimitri could look at the stars in the same way the living could, I wondered if, if he still thought of me. "Stop it!" I warned myself mentally. I could no longer think of him like that if I wished to complete my mission for mine and his sake.

I had not been paying attention to were I was walking till then and I realized I was wandering around aimlessly in some secluded neighborhood. I reached into my light jacket and brushed my fingers across the design engraved on the stake. The surface was suprisingly warm and heated my hand, I guess elemental magic would never make since to me.

The nausea grew stronger all the sudden and I froze, what if it were Dimitri. Should I stay and possible meet him or be pulverized by much stronger strigoi. I decided I could probally take just about anything that came my way, badass strigoi or not. A familiar chuckle reached my ears and I became stone....


Hiya, so tell me how I did. I won't publish the next chapter till I get atleast 5 reviews........

So If you liked the story or hated it just tell me and I'll fix any bad, horrible mistakes and make it better.
