Disclaimer: All the characters and places belong to Squaresoft Enix. But the continued story is mine.

A/N: Hello again! Sorry for the very late chapter update! Well its time to move on with the story, but I wonder has anyone guessed what is going to happen yet? Drop me line if you think you do…I hope you are enjoying the story so far…. Jessies Dream

Lemon warning !!!


Love Forever – Chapter Fourteen – At the Palace

As they walked the short distance from the landing platform and through the doorway of the palace itself. In the very centre of the hallway was a steel spiral staircase that looked to be wrapped around a pure glass pillar. As Ellone approached it, she placed a hand on the glass from the depths below a blue disc appeared and a hidden door opened.

Ellone said, "we need to go down to the next floor, so you can either use the stairs or ride the new hydra lift we have installed. It's a lot smoother and not as stomach jerking as the previous ones, so the choice is yours."

Needless to say that the luggage they were carrying made then choose the lift on this occasion. After riding the lift down, they started to walk along a glass tunnel, which gave them a bird's eye view of the whole palace grounds and gardens. Looking across they could see four other towers, like points to a compass and all connected by a glass tunnel to the main tower they had just come from. There also seemed to be a further circular tunnel being installed to the outer towers.

"Were currently installing a walkway that will circle the whole palace which will either give you a view of the gardens or the city. It should be completed during your stay here," stated Ellone.

"It's beautiful," said Rinoa as she looked down towards the palace gardens.

They followed Ellone into the next tower and found themselves in a room similar to a hotel lobby. Potted plants were strategically placed around the room in the hope that it would break up the clinical look that the white walls were emitting. This time there was no central pillar and staircase in the centre of the room. Instead three light coloured wooden doors, similar to that of pine awaited them. One to the left was labelled 'Lounge', one to the right was labelled 'Bedroom Suites' and one straight ahead simply had 'Hydra Lift'.

A plaque on the wall directly in front of them stated:-

Welcome to the West Tower

Up 1 Level – Roof

This Level – Left Lounge Area, Right Bedroom Suites.

Down 1 Level – Dining room, Ballroom, Swimming Pool, Games Room, Library and Music Room.

Down 2 Levels – Kitchens, Gardens, Garages and City Entrance

Taking the door on the right towards the bedroom suites, they were greeted with a short corridor containing seven dark wooden doors. Three on the left side were marked 'Toilets', 'Suite 2 and Suite 3'. Three doors on the right side were marked 'Suite 4', 'Suite 5' and 'Suite 6'. Finally the last door at the very top of the corridor was marked 'Suite 1'.

Ellone turned to face them and said

"Quisty, I've put you in 'Suite 3' and Zell in '4'."

A frown started to appear on Squalls face. He didn't relish the idea of being in a room on his own anymore, not after everything he had been through in the last twelve months. His life had literally been turned upside down. It had gone from isolation to the complete opposite, where it was now filled with friends, the return of his lost sister and of course Rinoa. He couldn't help but glance in her direction. He didn't realize that Ellone had seen him frown, but when she saw him looking in Rinoa's direction, she smiled.

"Selphie and Irvine, I've put you both in 'Suite 5'.

While Irvine and Selphie just glared at each other. Obviously Selphie was still sulking about the 'Torama" incident.

"Now Squall I've put you in 'Suite 1' and Rinoa I've put you in 'Suite 6'". Said Ellone.

"What?" Asked Squall, as a shocked look appeared on his face.

Ellone couldn't help but let out a laugh before she said

"Oh Squall, you are so easy to wind up. Don't worry Rinoa rang me this morning and told me the good news, so your both in 'Suite 1'. Congratulations to both of you!"

Ellone walked to Rinoa first and hugged her then she repeated the action by hugging Squall.

"Well if everyone want's to unpack and freshen up. We can all meet in the Lounge down the hallway and go for dinner at six. Then were off to 'The Byte Club' for drinking and dancing." Stated Ellone.

"That sounds great," said Selphie.

"I'm up for it!" Replied Irvine as he received a cross look from Selphie.

"Wonderful idea," replied Quistis.

"Oh Yeah! I can't wait to hit that dance floor,'' replied Zell.

As Rinoa clapped her hands and grinned with delight, she caught sight of Squall and saw the frown that had appeared on his face and so she said

"Thanks Ellone, that sounds like a really good idea… Squall shall we go and get unpacked?"

"Hmm…. Yes sure," he replied.

"Well see you all later then," stated Rinoa.

Making their way down the corridor, Rinoa stopped outside the door to suite 1 and used the electronic swipe card that Ellone had passed them. The door opened with a click and so pushing it fully open Rinoa stepped inside closely followed by Squall.

Despite all the electronic modern technology of Esthar the room had been decorated similar to that of a grand hotel. In the middle of the room was a large king size bed that had been bolted to the floor. The pale blue and the dark blue of the bedding suited the silver metal bedknobs and blended in perfectly with the navy blue carpet. A circular touch globe light was fixed into the two silver cabinets that were placed on either side of the bed. The wall opposite the bed was covered by a continuous mirror, which disguised a wardrobe the same length. One door on the other side of the room led to a large bath sunk into the light wooden floor and a double shower unit had been placed at the far side. The other door simply housed the toilet and sink. Opposite was a simple but elegant dressing table and chair. But what seemed to make this room special was the view from the wall length window behind the bed, as you could see the palace garden and other towers.

"Wow! I wonder if the others have a view like this from their window?" Asked Rinoa.

Squall had placed their case down on the floor and took the few short steps to look out of the window. Placing his arms gently around her waist as she leant against him she asked

"I saw you frowning at the idea of going to the nightclub Ellone suggested. I wondered if you were okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just I'm not sure I like the idea that's all," he replied.

Rinoa asked " And why is that?

"Well for starters I've never been to one before," he stated.

"Oh that's hardly a reason and besides," she said as she turned round to face him.

"You told me that all SeeD's had to learn how to dance as part of their training."

"They do, but it doesn't mean that I have actually put it into practice," he replied.

She placed her hands on his chest and said

"You'll be fine…and I seem to recall that you managed to dance well enough at the celebration party last night."

He naturally placed his arms around her hips and replied

"That was different."

Rinoa tilted her head to one side and asked "What do you mean different?"

He looked straight into her dark brown eyes before replying

"I was dancing with you."

Before she could say anything else, Squall bent his head down and gently kissed her on the lips. She couldn't help but respond, as she leaned her whole body against him. She closed her eyes as she moved her hands up, so that she could then place her arms around the back of his neck. Ruffling his hair with her hands as this seemed to intensify the kiss between them. While he too was lost in the moment, his eyes closed as he relaxed until their actions hungered for something more. While his lips remained in contact with hers, he moved one hand slowly up her back and under the top she wore. As his touch ignited the passion between them, she couldn't help but issue a pleasurable sigh in response. He moved his head back, releasing her lips only for a moment as they both filled their lungs with some much needed air. Glancing quickly at the bed and then at a small control panel on his right. Touching the screen where the word 'slanted' appeared. As the hidden blinds moved across the window to allow them some privacy.

She understood perfectly, as they made their way back to the bed and resumed their fiery kissing. Pushing her shoes off with her feet as she trailed her hands slowly down the front of his chest. As her eyes twinkled with a hint of what was to come. Her hands only stopped travelling downwards, when they reached the button of his jeans. Pulling away from his lips, as she eased the button open. Squall only raised an eyebrow in response, before he casually mimicked her actions and opened her own jean button.

Like a pair of synchronised swimmers, they both undressed until only their underwear remained. As she beckoned him to follow her with a simple waggle of her finger, while she made her way backwards on the bed, as if she was trying to escape his advances. While he almost cat like, mounted the bed and stalked towards her on his hands and knees. When he reached her, He ran his hands slowly along her sides as his lips started to trail kisses up from her stomach. As her breathing increased along with her heart rate, she was about to reach behind her back to undo her bra, but his hands beat her to their destination. His kisses continued up along her collarbone and neck, as her head moved automatically in reaction to his kisses. When he reached her lips, she returned his kisses with a hunger as the now newly removed underwear found it's way to the floor.

He traced his kisses once again down the other side of her neck, while his hands gently caressed her skin, lightly touching her breast as she moaned his name in response. He whispered her name near her ear, while she couldn't help but run her fingers through his hair as she sighed his name. He stopped to look at her. Her eyes reflected back the love and desire she felt for him.


Saying his name as she gently stroked the side of his face. He blinked slowly as he relished her touch and then smiling he said

"Rinoa, I love you so much."

She couldn't help but smile back at him as she said

"I know, because I feel the same way about you."

Kissing her lips gently at first, until the passion they both felt for each other could be held back no more. Her breath only hitched in reaction to Squalls fingers lightly brushing past the sensitive skin around one of he nipples. As he once again started to trace kisses this time down her neck, collarbone and only stopping to tease a nipple with the circular motion of his tongue. She gasped for air when he started to suck on it and teased the other with the brushing of his thumb.

Each time he touched a sensitive zone, her body responded. Her hips arched upwards when his fingers started to explore the inside of her final piece of underwear. Her cheeks began to flush as she released an involuntary moan of pleasure in response to his fingers finding their way inside of her. His thumb teased and stimulated her most sensitive spot until she could hold back no more. Her body arching and her head thrown back as she climaxed. Her reaction to his touch and the subtle scent filled his senses. His need now to be inside of her was great, as his erection hardened further in anticipation. He couldn't hold back any longer and so quickly removed his boxer shorts before he removed her last item of clothing. As he slid his length into her he lovingly said her name. Their bodies met together, each with the need to satisfy the other completely.

Wrapping her legs around him, so that she could raise her hips to meet with his every thrust. Each time making it more penetrable than the last. He knew from her expression that he had once again found that hidden euphoria's spot within her. As the tantalizing movement tipped her once again over the edge, taking Squall with her as he released too. He remained locked in an embrace with her, as their bodies glistened with the afterglow of their lovemaking. He guided her body with his own as her turned them both to their sides. Gently placing a kiss to her face, only a beeping sound broke the moment, as Squall's watch announced its hourly chime. Turning to retrieve it from the cabinet beside him, he looked at the time 16:00 and then showed it to Rinoa and said

"Much as I hate to say this, we had better get ourselves showered and ready for dinner before the others come looking for us."

"Mood killer! And I was so looking forward to an encore," she replied smiling.

Having raised an eyebrow and with a slight smile on his face he said

"Well there is always tonight, but if your quick you can join me in the shower."

With a glint in her eye she said

"Okay, but lets make it interesting. Last one in has to show how good they are on the dance floor tonight and has to lather the winner in the shower."

Now he wasn't sure if he wanted to win or lose. In that moment of hesitation, Rinoa had leapt off the bed and headed straight for the bathroom

"Hey that's cheating!"

Is all he said as he chased after her.