Chapter 1: I'm Bored
Rosalie's POV:
I'm in the garage working on my car when Emmett announces "I'm bored! I can't think of anything I wanna do and Bella isn't here to make fun of, I don't know why Alice had to drag her and Edward shopping today! She just got here last night!"
Inwardly I groan. I hate it when Alice takes Bella shopping too, but for a different reason. When Bella is here she can usually keep Emmett occupied while I work on my car, I love my husband but sometimes he can just be a pain, like right now, he's probably hungry.
"I know, why don't we go hunting? It'll give us something to do and maybe when we get back, Bella will be back to", I suggest.
"Okay, but maybe we can do more than hunt, there's this new video game coming out and I reserved a couple copies." Emmett replies.
"Let me finish what I'm doing, then we can go. It shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes, ask if anyone else wants to come." I tell him.
Emmett nods, then runs towards the house yelling "Who wants to go hunting?"
I chuckle to myself thinking Man, my husband can be really weird sometimes!
Ten minutes later we are all in the living room trying to decide where to go hunting. Emmett thinks we should go to Northern Canada. Jasper suggests Alaska. While Esme suggests that we stay really close, like within a ten mile radius, in case Alice brings Bella& Edward back early.
"Why don't we vote on it?" Carlisle suggests. "Who thinks we go to Northern Canada? Only Emmett? Ok, then that is out. Alaska? Only Jasper? That ones out too. Nearby?" Esme, Carlisle, & I raise our hands. "Sorry boys but you are outvoted, we are staying nearby to hunt. Let's get going."