In the Blink of an Eye
An Emergency Fan Fiction
By abfirechick
Research by Marion Welsh
Chapter 1
This was yet another beautiful day in sunny, southern California. The men at Station 51 were having a typical day, which for them meant a flurry of calls. Some were real emergencies, many were not. That was typical not just for LACoFD but any fire department. Well today had been one of those crap call marathons. The kind where they wanted to throttle some of the supposed victims, for tying them up on nonsense calls.
"Hey Johnny, are you going to the game on Saturday?" Roy asked because their team wasn't playing. It was going to be another team with in the department.
"Yeah, I have too! A.J. is playing, after the ragging I gave her about girls playing softball...well it would be in my best interest!" The infamous Gage grin followed his reply.
"You are a brave man, indeed! You do realize that if she were so inclined she could take you?!" The imagine had Roy in a fit of giggles.
"That's half the fun, my friend! One has to live dangerously!"
"You don't get your fill of that here?" Roy had never known his partner to be so happy in his personal life. It was a refreshing sight to see. To himself he thought, "Now taking care of him can be a part time job!" Partners share a bond, with these two paramedics it went way beyond that.
Further discussion of the weekend would have to wait as the familiar sound of the Klaxons sounded. "Station 51 for an industrial accident, with possible entrapment. Stevens and Industrial Way, time out, 17:53."
The men all ran to their respective apparatus. Captain Stanley first responded back to County that Station 51 would be responding.