Pairings: (one-sided) Sasusaku, SasuNaru, ItaKyuu, slight SaiNaru, some OOC characters and other pairings later on

Declaimer: I do not own Naruto characters

Warning: rape, Mpreg, and suicide attempts


-"Normal speaking"

Naruto slowly cracked open his eyes and yawned as he heard faint chatter in the room. He stared up to Sasuke who was standing on the side of his bed and then frowned slightly.

"Sasuke? What's wrong?" Naruto huffed but Sasuke didn't say a word, but kept his eyes forward. Naruto turned his head in the direction Sasuke was staring to see the back of another male.

"Kyuu?" Naruto slightly got up from bed. "Kyuubi!" Naruto shouted as he ran to him and hugged him tightly from behind. "Kyuu you're here!" Naruto said as he nuzzled into Kyuubi's back.

"N-Naruto." Kyuubi stuttered as he turned his head and stared down at the blonde who smiled up at him.

"Naruto, you should rest." Sasuke said with a hint of anger as he took a step forward.

"Sasuke, stop being such a jealous baby, we have a guest." Itachi said as he grabbed Kyuubi's right hand and kissed it sweetly. Kyuubi who was caught off guard blushed deeply and retracted his hand quickly. "Shy are we?" Itachi chuckled as he straightened himself up. Itachi smirked at Kyuubi who glared at him. "Aren't we the aggressive type?" Itachi smiled and snapped his finger. Three guards came in from the hallway and awaited their orders. "Bring him up to my room and make sure he stays there until further notice." Itachi said to the guards.

"Wait! No!" Naruto cried out as he pulled his brother away from the annoyed guards. "What are you gonna do to him?" Naruto asked an unfazed Itachi.

"I won't hurt him. I just wanna talk a little-get to know one another." Naruto was pulled away from his brother by one of the guard.

"Let go! Let me go!" Kyuubi's cries and curses were heard by half the castles guards and servants as he was dragged away followed by a smirking Itachi. Naruto was released by the guard when they couldn't hear Kyuubi's shouts and Naruto quickly turned to Sasuke.

"Who was that!? What is he gonna do to my brother!?" Naruto shouted as his eyes began to water.

"Calm down idiot. That was Itachi my older brother if you didn't notice the resemblance. He's harmless." Sasuke said as he looked out the window of the room. "You should worry about yourself."

Sasuke walked toward Naruto who frowned and looked away. Naruto felt a cool hand brush his hot cheeks and leaned into the coolness. Sasuke smiled at that and pulled away from the confused blonde.

"Rest. I have to meet my parents, but I'll come later to check up on you." Sasuke said as he walked to the doorway. Sasuke turned to Naruto who now sat on the bed with a pout. "Don't leave this room understood?" Sasuke waited for a reply. "Naruto." Sasuke said more sternly.

"Fine…" Naruto replied. Naruto waited when he couldn't hear the footsteps and hopped off the bed and ran out the door. What the hell am I doing…? I could get in serious trouble but I have to see if kyuu is really okay… Naruto thought as he quietly walked down the empty hallways. Naruto panicked when he heard two guards coming down the hall and quickly opened the closest door and shut it waiting quietly as the guard walked past. "That was close…" Naruto breathed out.

"Who are you?" a small voice spoke.

Naruto turned quickly to see a little girl with big black curls and chocolate brown eyes. She hugged a white cat close to her. She had a little crown sticking out from her curled head and she wore a blue frilled dress to her ankles with ribboned up shoes.

"You're not supposed to be in here." She said as she plopped down onto a cushion on the ground. Naruto stared at the cute little girl and walked toward her cautiously not to frighten her.

"What's your name princess?" Naruto said nicely as he sat in front of her.

"Mommy said to never talk to strangers." She huffed.

"But you already have." Naruto said with a smirk.

"I did, didn't I… my name is Kisa and this is Zoe." She said as she raised the cat up who meowed in response.

Naruto smiled and patted the cat on the head and looked over his shoulders and then back at the girl.

"You wouldn't happen to know Itachi wouldn't you?"

"That's my cousin!" she yelped out in laughter. "He's nice, he gave me Zoe!" she giggled as she snuggled the purring white cat.

"Do you know where I could find his room?" Naruto asked as he stood up. She looked up at him wonderingly but smiled at the thought of seeing Itachi.

"This way!" she said as she grabbed a hold of Naruto's hand and dragged him out the second door in the room, followed closely by Zoe.

Kyuubi sat on the huge silk bed glaring at Itachi who sat in an arm chair smirking.

"Come on."


"It's not that bad."

"I refuse." Kyuubi said with an end-of-discussion attitude attached to it.

"All I ask is for you to be my personal assistant." Kyuubi turned his head away. "You can be here in the castle with Naruto…" Itachi added. "You'll be treated very well here, have a place to stay and plenty of food." Itachi said as he looked over to Kyuubi who seemed to be in deep thought but shook his head and glared at Itachi who had a smirk plastered on his face,

"I'll get out of here and Naruto too!" Kyuubi hissed. Itachi stood up and walked up to the end of the bed and stared at Kyuubi who backed up slightly.

"There's no way out. There are guards at every gate leading out of the castle, and my brother is way too attached to your brother so he won't let go so easily. But if you were to escape, we'd find you and bring you back and maybe chain you up for being a bad boy." Itachi said smoothly. "But I do wonder how you got in here the first place but I'll make sure you can't get out." Itachi said. Kyuubi lowered his head and gripped the silk sheets.

"Itachi!" Kisa shouted as she ran toward Itachi and hugged his legs. Naruto carefully slid in from behind the secret door of a tall bookshelf.

"Why, hello there Kisa." Itachi said as he lifted the giggling girl off the ground.

"You're supposed to be at the meeting!" Kisa said as she puffed out her cheeks.

"Sorry, but I had other business." Itachi said as he looked over to Kyuubi who was now next to Naruto.

"He's pretty Itachi." Kisa giggled as she looked over to Kyuubi.

"I agree." Itachi smirked. "I better go meet your mother now huh?" Itachi said as he put Kisa back on the ground. "Be good boys. Don't get into any trouble." Itachi said as he and Kisa walked out of the room followed by Zoe.

"Naruto, we have to get out of here." Kyuubi said as he got off the bed.

"But how? There are guards at every gat now… Sasuke told me." Naruto said as he sat, watching his brother pace around the room.

"We can't stay here!" Naruto frowned slightly and played with his fingers. "Naruto lets go." Kyuubi said as he pulled Naruto from the chair and headed for the secret door behind the bookshelf.

"Nice of you to show up." Sasuke scoffed at his brother who came through the door of the dinning room.

Itachi gracefully made his way across the marble floors and halted at Sasuke's side bowing toward his mother and father.

"Naruto and Kyuubi are currently in my chambers just to let you know." Itachi said as he looked over to the group of people chattering. Sasuke turned to Itachi and glared.

"Naruto snuck out? He's supposed to be resting…" Sasuke said more to himself then Itachi who smiled down at his little brothers blabbering.

"Itachi, Sasuke." their father said as he motioned them forward. "A neighboring kingdom will be coming here for the festival and you are to attend every dinner and meeting with them tomorrow." Fugaku said to his sons as he dismissed them with a wave of his hand. Itachi and Sasuke bowed their heads and strolled out of the room.

"I hate get togethers." Sasuke growled as he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt as he and Itachi walked down the hall.

"I think they're lost somewhere." Itachi snickered as he and Sasuke turned the corner. "They're probably trying to escape…" Itachi stopped and looked at Sasuke who had a frown on his face. "We'll find them." Itachi said as he ruffled Sasuke's hair. Sasuke slapped Itachi's hand away and continued to walk.

"We better." Itachi couldn't help but chuckle at Sasuke's seriousness and concern as they walked to find the two brothers.

"Graaaah! What the hell is this-a maze!?" Kyuubi panted as he leaned against the wall. Naruto came up from behind and sighed. He looked around and noticed that the hallway was dim. The curtains were drawn and it seemed empty.

"We should go back Kyuu…" Naruto said as he tugged at his older brother's shirt.

"No…. we have to get outta here Naruto…" Kyuubi said as he held Naruto's wrist gently and continued down the hallway. Both were very careful as to evade the guards. Most of the guards were outside which made it easier to move about the castle.

"All these freakin windows are sealed shut!" Kyuubi complained as he tried to pry one of the towering windows open.

"Kyuu… I wanna go back…" Naruto whined. Kyuubi glared back at Naruto who pouted and crossed his arms. "You know we won't be able to leave! It may be easy to get in but not out!" Naruto complained. "Even if we get out… they'll find us for sure."

"Naruto…" Kyuubi gave a huff and then walked over to the blonde who sighed. "What do you want Naruto?" Kyuubi asked exhausted as he pushed back Naruto's hair and looked into his sky blue eyes.

"…I don't know…" Naruto replied as he looked down at his feet and shifted uncomfortably.

"Where the hell could they be!?" Sasuke growled as he opened another door. "The guards in the palace are so useless-there all outside for gods sake!"

"Calm down Sasuke… their probably trying to find their way back. There's no way they could get out, I made sure of that with the guards at the gates." Itachi said as he shut another empty room.


"Alastor…?" both Sasuke and Itachi followed the happy dog down the hallways and stopped at a door which was cracked open. Sasuke opened the door all the way and flicked on the lights to see Naruto and Kyuubi cuddled up on the couch. Naruto was curled up-head on Kyuubi's shoulders with a slight frown on his face as the lights lit the room and Kyuubi sat sleeping up with his head on top of Naruto's golden locks and legs rooted to the ground.

"What now?" Sasuke said as he leaned on the door frame with a small smile.

"We bring them back." Itachi said as he walked over to Kyuubi and Naruto. "Well?" Itachi said as he waited for Sasuke to walk over. Itachi lifted Kyuubi off the couch which made Kyuubi groan at the loss of warmth but then snuggle his head into the crook of Itachi's neck. Sasuke did the same and held Naruto close. Both brothers walked back to their individual rooms and laid them down on their beds.

Naruto let out a big yawn as he walked into the stables with Kiba by his side.

"Why so tired?" Kiba asked as he opened the gated to the field.

"Well… I had an unpleasant night…and morning…" Naruto said as he put ropes around the horses and led them out.


Last night…

Naruto awoke at the middle of the night to fell arms wrapped up around him.

"What the…?" Naruto tried to push the sleeping raven away but to no avail. "Sasuke." Naruto hissed. Sasuke's eyes slowly opened and he growled in annoyance.

"What?" he said angrily.

"Let go, that's what!" Naruto said as he pushed Sasuke back lightly but Sasuke just frowned and pulled Naruto even closer. "What the hell!"

"You're too loud idiot…" Sasuke said sleepily. Naruto frowned annoyed as he tried to get out of his hold but Sasuke refused to let go. Naruto laid there for a couple of minutes listening to Sasuke's breathing and let out a big groan.

"Fine…" Naruto mumbled as he tried his best to get into a comfortable position.

In the morning…

Naruto awoke trying to move his body but was pulled back against a firm body. Naruto looked down to see strong arms wrapped around his waist securely.

"What the?-" without thinking Naruto quickly swung his elbows back at the owner of the arms who flew off the bed and onto the wooden floors with a crash. Naruto blinked a couple of times before he got on all fours and crawled to the side of the bed. "Wha…" suddenly all of last night's events came crashing down on him. "Oh… shit…" Naruto quickly backed up as Sasuke got up off the ground. Sasuke's charcoal eyes twitched as a murderous smile appeared on his pale face.

"Do you care about your life at all Naruto?" Sasuke said angrily. "Well!?" Sasuke said as he grabbed Naruto's writs in a tight hold. Sasuke then stopped and looked at Naruto who had his eyes screwed shut with a tear escaping from the corner of his eyes as he gripped Sasuke's arm desperately.

"I'm sorry… I didn't-"

"Stop…" Sasuke interrupted as he let go of Naruto's wrist. "I'll send Kiba to fetch you in a few minutes so get dressed and there's breakfast on the table." Sasuke spoke as he put on a coat and proceeded out the door pinching the bridge of his nose mumbling under his breath.


Note to self… never piss Sasuke off in the morning. Naruto thought to himself as he brushed the horses.

"Naruto lets get some work done in the castle today since it's hot out here." Kiba said as he wiped his face. Naruto nodded in agreement as he opened the gates to set the horses loose to graze.

"Lets go!" Naruto shouted as he slung an arm around Kiba's shoulders and walked back to the castle.

"Stupid Itachi…" Kyuubi scowled as he sat in the warm tub full of white bubbles.

"That's not polite to say to someone who's taking care of you." Itachi said as he came in with a towel. Kyuubi glared at him and looked away with a pout. Itachi smirked and sat on the rim of the big tub behind Kyuubi.

"What are you doing?" Kyuubi hissed as he turned his head and gave him a suspicious look.

"I thought I'd wash your hair for you." Itachi said as he rolled up his pant legs and put his legs on either side of Kyuubi.

"I-I could do it myself!" Kyuubi cried out as he pushed Itachi's legs away.

"Calm down." Itachi sighed as he squeezed shampoo in his hands and started to wash an annoyed Kyuubi. Kyuubi huffed and sat still between Itachi's legs but soon started to relax. Kyuubi's eyes rolled back in pleasure as Itachi started to rub circles on his scalp.

"Mmmm…" Kyuubi moaned out as he leaned his head back. Itachi smiled down at the now relaxed male. He leaned down to Kyuubi who still had his eyes closed and lifted Kyuubi's chin up more. Kyuubi opened his eyes to see obsidian eyes with a hint of red in them staring back at him affectionately. "Wha-" Kyuubi's words were cut short as Itachi closed the distance. Kyuubi's ruby eyes widened in surprise as he shifted uncomfortably into the backward kiss with Itachi. "Mmmmf!" Kyuubi whined as he pushed Itachi away due to lack of air but only gave Itachi a chance to stick his tongue in and exploring his mouth. Kyuubi kicked his legs up and water poured out of the tub. Itachi then separated their lips and gave Kyuubi's one last lick before letting go of his chin. Kyuubi inhaled deeply trying to calm his breaths as Itachi just smirked. "What was that for!?" Kyuubi yelled as he wiped his mouth with his hands trying to act disgusted.

"Your too cute." Itachi said seeing through his act. He then quickly leaned down to give Kyuubi a peck on the lips.

"Will you quit it!" Kyuubi shouted as his face turned red. Itachi just chuckled as he poured warm water over Kyuubi's head. "Jerk…" Kyuubi mumbled as water slid down his lean body.

Sasuke sat in the huge library with books scattered all over, looking over some books his father has given him to read. He sat back in his chair and put the book down and looked out the towering window. Slowly Sasuke's eyes started to droop and darkness came soon after…


Wha… someone's humming…? Sasuke thought as he tilted his head with his still closed eyes. Sasuke's onyx eyes slowly began to open catching a glimpse of a blonde blur. Naruto? Sasuke shifted up tiredly and opened his eyes to see a blanket draped over him.

Naruto-not noticing Sasuke awaking kept humming his song and moving his body as he picked up books and set them on the table and some on the shelves. Sasuke watched in slight amusement as the blonde swayed his hips.

Naruto them glimpsed back and he gave a yelp and dropped all the books he was carrying.

"Sasuke-did I wake you?" shit Naruto thought as a flashback of that morning flashed through his head. Naruto bent down and picked up the books embarrassedly. Oh my god! Was he awake this whole time? How embarrassing! Naruto stood up and put the books on a nearby table and then stood there awkwardly.

"Naruto, come here." Sasuke said as he motioned him over with a finger. Naruto took a step forward looking at Sasuke strangely. Sasuke smirked and pulled the shocked blonde forward while throwing the blanket around him and wrapping him close. Naruto's wide eyes lowered as he tilted his head back allowing Sasuke to deepen the kiss loosing all his will. Sasuke ran his hand under Naruto's shirt and up his back causing Naruto to shudder and lean his body in, sculpting it with Sasuke's body.

Suddenly a crash of glass sounded from the door and a gasp.

"Sasuke!?" the voice screamed in terror and in complete anger.

Well I'm pretty tired and schools tomorrow so I'll update as soon as I can. Lol, I made Kyuubi like a kid and Naruto seems to be giving in, so much for not giving in. next chapter you guys might hate me…maybe-I'll think about it. Hope you liked, oh yeah-review!