A/N: This was just made for fun, don't expect feedback but if you like I'd appreciate reviews. I was so bored and all of a sudden this idea popped out of nowhere. Read and Enjoy! Also this idea was inspired by Fictionnaire's very funny story X Files Online. Check that story out!
Welcome to the FBI Chat room! This was made for all the workers out there who are sometimes, like Mulder, bored to death! Starring...
Fox Mulder: As... SpookyMulder42
Dana Scully: As... MzScully226
A.D Walter Skinner: As... SexyIsBack58
Monica Reyes: As... MonicaR68
And last but not least...
John Doggett: As... DoggMan727
Monday Morning (7:51 AM)
SpookyMulder42 has signed in
MzScully226 has signed in
SpookyMulder42: Hello? Anyone in here?
MzScully226: Hey Mulder, good idea to make a FBI Chat room, although were the only ones part of it...
SpookyMulder42: Hey Scully! And who said we were the only ones?
SexyIsBack58 has signed in
SexyIsBack58: Are you in here Mulder? Scully? Anyone?
MzScully226: Who's this?
SpookyMulder42: Hey Skinner, I see you've joined our chat...
SexyIsBack58: Yes I have, where the heck are you? And Scully I believe I told you to send out those reports you wrote this morning...Have you done it yet?
MzScully226: Skinner? Walter Skinner? Are you drunk or something?
SpookyMulder42: He's perfectly fine Scully, although the user name does scare me...
SexyIsBack58: What? What's wrong with my user name? Don't you like it?
MzScully226: LMAO! WTF is SexyIsBack58?? With all due respect sir, I can't believe you actually put that! ROFLMAO!
SpookyMulder42: Okay...So Skinner, to answer your previous question I'm in my office and obviously Scully is in her new office, laughing her ass off.
SexyIsBack58: Well what's so funny? I don't get it.
MzScully226: (Still laughing) this is just too good. Why on earth would someone use that as a user name? Especially if they're a director and have no hair! Lmao, your killing me here!
SpookyMulder42: Um, don't mind her sir. She's having an alcohol rush. I put Vodka in her coffee (Smiling).
SexyIsBack58: LOL.
MzScully226: You did WHAT! Mulder your ass is so mine once I sign off this chat!
SpookyMulder42: I was joking. I just said that so you can shut up (Smiles again).
SexyIsBack58: LMAO.
MzScully226: w/e Mulder (Frowns). I'm gonna go "Send out" those reports now. Bye sir. I'll be back soon...
SpookyMulder42: What, you don't say bye to me? How nice.
MzScully226 has signed off
SexyIsBack58: I have to say Mulder that was quite a stunt. It actually made me laugh.
SpookyMulder42: Thanks Skinner. But you won't be laughing once I clog up floor 2's bathroom. Enjoy your turkey sandwich!
SexyIsBack58: MULDER!
SpookyMulder42 has signed off
SexyIsBack58: That idiot.
SexyIsBack58 has signed off
A/N: lol, as you can tell I was very bored. The other characters will surely join the next chat, that's if I feel like continuing. Hope you like it!