A Familiar Office (Finale)

Mulder and Scully both stood in the middle of a very familiar office. Scully watched as Mulder signed the last line in the document, handing the pen to her so she would do the same. She signed her name at the bottom of the page and with and air of triumph, and a smile, closed the file laying on the desk.

The Judge, George Millian, in front of them, gathered the papers and looked them over.

Millian: Very well. Shall we proceed?

Scully: Yes…

Scully smiled at Mulder as she turned around to face him.

Scully: You ready?

Mulder: Always…I've done this before, remember?

She laughed a bit as he took her hands in his.

Millian: Do you Fox Willi-

Scully: Mulder…just Mulder.

Millian: Alright, Do you Mulder take Dana Kath-

Mulder: Just Scully.

They both smiled as the judge peered at them awkwardly. He cleared his throat before he continued.

Millian: Do you Agent Mulder take Agent Scully to be your lawfully wedded wife?

They both smiled a bit at the way the judge had signaled them. It didn't bother them though, it seemed to suit them well.

Mulder: Yeah I do.

Millian: And do you, Agent Scully, take Agent Mulder to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Scully: Yes, I do.

Millian: Well then, by the power invested in me, and by the state of Washington D.C., I now pronounce you husband and wife, again…you may kiss the bride.

They laughed as they approached each other and locked their lips. Dana tried to double her height standing on the edge of her toes, while Mulder wrapped his arms around her waist, not once, lowering himself to her. It was priceless to see her struggle to his height.

Scully and Mulder turned to face the other side of the room, as euphoric clapping from one person in particular could be heard. Margaret, Dana's mother, sat in one of the front chairs, smiling from ear to ear as she watched them both walk up to her. They were semi formally dressed, nothing fancy. Mulder had worn one of his best black suits and Dana a small silk cream dress that hugged her curves and flowed a little above the knee and a suit jacket to go with.

Mulder walked toward his mother in law and removed a small, fussy, baby girl that had been cooing and protesting at her site in her grandmother's lap for a while now.

Mulder: Hey sweetie…

He smiled broadly, taking his 3 month old daughter in his arms. She had fuzzy brown hair, a small nose and huge hazel eyes. A perfect picture of her father in every aspect. He nuzzled her cheek and kissed her as she cooed in a small protest.

Margaret: Congratulations you two.

Scully: Yeah…again.

She smiled as she looked to Mulder and their baby.

Tara and Bill were in the room too. They walked up to them smiling.

Tara: Hey, congratulations.

Mulder: Thanks.

Bill looked at Mulder awkwardly . It hadn't been enough to see him make his sister suffer so much, and then have them divorce, so that now she would have taken her ex-husband back and had their child. But nevertheless, he understood it was his sister's life and if that's how she planned to be happy, so be it. She did look happy.

Bill walked over to Mulder and tried his best to smile before he began…

Bill: Congratulations Mulder, you have my sister…once again. Make her happy this time…

Mulder took a sharp breath as the baby began fussing in his arms. He couldn't blame the guy, he knew he was trying his best not to break his face.

Mulder: I will, don't worry…

Bill just patted his now, once again, brother in-law on the shoulder and looked at his niece, squirming in Mulder's arms.

Bill: Umm, I think the little tike is hungry.

He stated as he brushed his finger against the small girl's face, causing her to try and suckle at it meanwhile getting a smile from Bill.

Mulder: Yeah…we should go get mommy, shouldn't we?

Mulder walked to Dana as she was talking to her mother and Tara, both of them smiling as he approached.

Mulder: Umm, babe, sorry to bother you, but I think it's someone's lunch time.

Scully: That's odd, I already fed her an hour ago. She's probably just sleepy…aren't you Clarisse?

Scully smiled as the she softly stroke her daughter's hair to the side. She was now curled up in her father's arms and pressed against his chest with and escalating protest in discomfort, suddenly letting out a small cry.

Mulder: Shhh, shhh, shhhh…there, there….

He began gently swinging her in his arms, her cries softening…

Scully: Yup, she's sleepy…

Margaret smiled.

Margaret: Still getting to know her?

It was Scully's turn to smile.

Scully: Yeah, she's just full of surprises. I get a bit nervous with her sometime, I just don't know what to do…

Margaret: You'll do fine. All mothers go thought he same thing.

Tara: Did you give her a second name Dana?

Scully was a bit dragged out of her conversion with her mother.

Scully: Second name…? Oh, yes… Melissa, after my sister.

They all soften the mood. She had lost both her father and her sister years ago and she would have done anything to have them back with her this day, so when the time came to name their baby, Mulder and Scully had both chosen to at least give her the name of one of their beloved sisters. Mulder had already chosen the name Clarisse and the name Melissa came up this time, when they randomly picked it out of a hat. Mulder would later tell her: "Next girl will have the name Samantha." She took it as a joke at that instant, but she knew for sure he would want to name another of his daughter's in the same fashion….if they ever had another.

Scully sighed as her mother laid a hand on her shoulder.

Scully: I miss her; I miss dad. I wish they both were here.

Margaret: We all do, sweetheart. But they're somewhere watching us. They're probably really happy.

She smiled reassuring her daughter.

Margaret: Now, none of that! It's your wedding day. Let's go eat shall we?

Dana smiled being pulled by her mother out the office, Mulder following behind later, Clarisse in arms and Bill actually helped taking her bag with them…

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Later at night, Mulder and Scully arrived at their apartment. Clarisse had begun crying in frustration since she was pulled out of her car seat. Mulder held her against his chest and unsuccessfully rocked the small child up and down.

Mulder: Shh shh shh it's okay, we're home…

Her small chest now heaved franticly as her cries didn't cease. Scully then entered behind, watching her husband ineffectively trying to make the baby calm down, by softly humming and swinging. She laid the baby's things in the sofa and proceeded to walk up to them.

Scully: She's hungry, it's her time to eat. I'll take her…

Mulder then handed the whimpering child to Dana.

Mulder: Here you go mommy…

Scully walked into their bedroom, softly hushing crying Clarisse.

Mulder smiled as he watched them go, and then retreated to get himself more comfortable. He took his suit jacket off, rolling the ends of his long sleeves up to his shoulders, finally removing his tie and undoing the first few buttons.

He sighed in contentment as he looked around his surroundings. He was home. He was home, with his wonderful partner and, now, their child. He couldn't believe it.

After a short while, he decided to check on them both. Mulder walked in their bedroom, where he found Scully sitting in a rocking chair that had been recently put in the room, Clarisse softly feeding from her mother's chest, slowly drifting to sleep.

He leaned against the doorframe and smiled. Did she know how beautiful he found her? He didn't quite know if she did, but it didn't matter…he had all the time he needed now to tell her. He wasn't going to screw up this time.

He then proceeded to walk up to where their stereo was located, turning it on and looking for a right station. After a few seconds he stopped his scanning in an up beat but slow jazz. He smiled, and at that moment Scully walked out of their bedroom, also smiling.

Mulder: Hey, baby asleep?

Scully: Yeah…she was pretty hungry.

Mulder: She had been kinda fussy today.

Scully: Can't blame her though, it was a busy day.

He gazed at her.

Mulder: May I?

Scully grinned, as Mulder smiled pulling his wife by her hand to him and later shifting his hands down to her waist; her hands running up his broad chest up to his neck. He began to sway with her to and fro softly.

Mulder: We never had a first dance…ever, now that I think about it.

Scully: Well, we never did have a big social wedding.

Mulder: No we didn't, but we did have the honeymoon that came with that.

Scully: Muuuldeeer…

He smiled a cheeky smile, making her cheeks flush a scarlet red. He couldn't believe he still had that power over her.

Mulder: Can't wait till Wednesday

He smiled.

Mulder: Who would have thought those frequent flyer miles you gave me would actually pay our second honeymoon now?

They both giggled a bit at the irony.

Scully: I know…

He finally dipped his head onto the crook of her warm neck, covering it in slow passionate kisses. She smiled and moaned softly…

Scully: I'm going to miss Clair so much…

Mulder: mmm…me too…

Scully: You think it's right to leave her? I mean, she's so small to be left alone…maybe we should wait out a couple of months for the trip…

Mulder, began, meanwhile muffled by her neck.

Mulder: Babe, it's not like she's alone, she'll be with your mom. She'll be fine.

Scully moaned a bit in worry. Mulder lifted his head from his place at her neck.

Mulder: It's just a week. We can call your mom from the hotel whenever you want.

He gave a reassuring smile. It was contagious.

Scully: She's growing so much…She looks so much like you.

Mulder: Yeah, she's beautiful…just like her mother…

Scully tightened her grip around him. She felt at bliss. It was amazing. She hadn't felt like this for a long time…

Mulder: Did you ever think we'd end up like this?

She lifted her head from his chest.

Scully: What do you mean?

Mulder: That we'd go through all of this…and yet, here we are.

Scully: Quite frankly, I had lost all hope when we had split….No, I would have never thought we'd end up like this…

Mulder: I always loved you…I had no doubt in that.

Scully: I loved you too…I just doubted you.

She giggled lightly. They heard a soft whimper emitting from their bedroom. From where they stood, they looked in, as they saw Clarisse fumbling a bit in her crib and fell right back to sleep.

They gave a little sigh of contempt. Mulder looked at their clock: 12:21 am.

Mulder: It gives us time.

She giggled softly as she felt her jacket slip of her shoulders slowly thanks to his hands, his lips once again taking their place at her neck. She sighed and whispered…

Scully: I love you, Fox…

She felt him smile against her skin as a small thud if the jacket reaching the floor was heard. He replied in the same manner…

Mulder: I love you to, Dana…

She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling his lips to a full passionate kiss, as he descended her onto their living room floor, softly leaning himself atop her as they touched the hard surface.

The sounds of light moans and rustling of clothes slipping of their eager skin were somewhat muffled by the constant gurgling of water in the fish tank that provided the warm glow of light that enveloped the apartment and the two lovers…

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ...


I sit alone and watch the clock
Trying to collect my thoughts
All I think about is you
And so I cry myself to sleep
And hope the devil I don't meet
In the dreams that I live through

Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams

All the smiles you had to fake
And all the shit you had to take
Just to lead us here again
I never have the things to say
To make it all just go away
To make it all just disappear

Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams

Its my life
Its my choice
Hear my words
Hear my voice
And just believe

I sit alone and watch the clock
Trying to collect my thoughts
And all I think about is you

If you believe in me
Life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams

Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

A/N: Here's the final chapter 8! SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!! I had to study so much for college these past weeks I had no time,(that's what happens when you watch to much of The X-Files and you decide you want to be a doctor! LOL) and when I did write it up I kept erasing it cause I wanted it to be perfect! (I'm a perfectionist! LOL) I would really apreciate reviews on this one. I want to know what you guys think about the ending. I'd like to thank 'My Mulder', 'Piper' (I put 12:21 as an hour in the story in honor of her birthday ;D), Bri, and Egiptian P. for helping me with this story. I would also like to thank all or you reviewers! As I said, your reviews were what kept me writting, you guys are awsome! I would like to dedicate this story to, non other than, to Mulder's fish...if it weren't for them this story wouldn't be possible. LOL

I know, I made Bill somewhat human. It wasn't me, it was the characters in my head!

I added a song at the end I thought was perfect for this story! I heard it on the radio and LOVED IT! Download it if you can, its amazing and I can totally picture Mulder and Scully in this song! lol

Well hope you guys enjoyed! THankx for reading!

Have a nice one,

Dana M.

P.S. Anyone see that new MulderScully kissing scene from FTF?!?!!? AHHHH I LOVED IT!!!!!