Okay...this chapter really rambles on but at least I finally updated! Right? ...I'll do better next time.

"I can't believe Clay and Viv had their first date last night! Do you think they hit it off?" Kimiko gushed excitedly as she relaxed under the tree with Raimundo. Raimundo simply shrugged.

"Maybe, but Clay's never been the smoothest." Raimundo replied, grinning to himself. Kimiko punched him lightly, but couldn't help but smile.

"If they do become a couple, Omi will be the only one of us left single." Kimiko mused, laughing slightly.

"Yeah, but he's like, what? 8?" Raimundo joked.

"Seriously Raimundo, don't you think that-"


"…did you hear something just now?" Raimundo asked, looking around in search of the origin of the sound.

"Yeah…what was that?" Kimiko followed suite, she was just as curious as Raimundo was about the noise.

"Psst!" it came again, a little louder this time. This time, Raimundo and Kimiko jumped up, instinctively falling into their fighting stances, their eyes still darting about.

"Hey! Raimundo! Kimiko!" the voice called. Raimundo and Kimiko exchanged surprised looks, than stared up into the tree they were under. The voice was revealed, it was Jack Spicer…sitting in a tree…looking nervous…and trying to get their attention?

"Jack?" Raimundo thought aloud.

"What are you doing here?" Kimiko inquired, her voice wired with shock from seeing Jack Spicer at this particular moment.

"Uh, um, well-uh…actually, I…kind of need your help with something." Jack admitted, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence. Kimiko and Raimundo exchanged surprised faces before looking at Jack skeptically.

"Help with what?" Kimiko asked suspiciously.

"You guys are…sort of a couple, right?" Jack began slowly.

"…yeah." Kimiko replied, still confused as to where this was going.

"But what does that have to do with anything?" Raimundo asked.

"I…uh…um, well…it's kind of hard to explain…" Jack replied nervously.

"You know what else is hard to explain? Going to your dentist and explaining why you now need a set of denchers." Kimiko told him flatly.

"Hey now, don't get your panties in a knot!" Jack huffed, crossing his arms in an annoyed fashion.

"Just spit it out Jack!" Raimundo ordered. Jack rolled his eyes and tapped his foot on the ground, like a child trying to stall for a longer bedtime. But as Raimundo and Kimiko grew more and more annoyed, Jack slowly started to talk.

"There um…there's this-I feel really weird talking to you guys about this." He admitted, laughing awkwardly. But Raimundo and Kimiko where now glaring at him and where obviously imaging strangling him so he coughed and started again, "There's a girl that I've been…hanging out with for a while now and she seems kind of…well, she's…uh, she's mad at me." Jack finished.

"Wait a second…you're not talking about…Viv, are you?" Kimiko guessed, eyeing him suspiciously.

"No!" Jack exclaimed, a little too desperately. Raimundo and Kimiko stared at him skeptically, not buying Jack's denial for even half of a second.

"So…everything Viv told us about you being sweet on her and then trying to kill her when she came to visit was…what? Rumors?" Kimiko asked sarcastically, taking another menacing step towards Jack.

"I wasn't trying to kill her." Jack mumbled angrily, avoiding any eye contact with the monks. "I just…messed up a little." Jack sort-of admitted, shoving his hands into his pockets and hunching over. He stole a glance at Raimundo and Kimiko, who where still glaring at him and waiting for a real explanation. "Agh-man! Fine! I messed up big time! Okay?" Jack finally burst, throwing his hands in the air and pacing back and forth as he rambled, completely oblivious to Kimiko and Raimundo's stares of shock, "She just kept talking to me and I got really nervous! A-and then Wuya was all 'she's just using you' and then I got upset and I was all 'jackbots, go!' and then Viv was all 'how could you?' and then she kissed me and I got really confused and the whole Harvey kidnapping her thing! Ugh! And then we got into this big fight and after she had her date with Clay I yelled at her and said something like 'you should've known better than to be friends with me! I'm on the Heylin side! Grrr!' and then she was really mad at me, and then she got really quiet and she was like 'friends, Jack?' and then she left, and then I got confused and depressed and I didn't know where else to go! You can't talk to Wuya about this sort of thing!!" Jack finished, panting heavily and leaving Raimundo and Kimiko to exchange surprised looks.

"Hold on a second…" Kimiko began slowly; finally beginning to regain her composure, "Wuya told you to attack Viv?" she clarified.

"Well…uh…sort of…I mean, she told me that Viv was only interested in nabbing our Wu." Jack explained.

"And you believed her?!" Kimiko burst, suddenly extremely angry, and ready to rip Jack's whiny little head off. Jack, completely out of habit, screamed, jumped back, and shielded his face from the enraged girl.

"I'm not attacking you Jack." Kimiko groaned, rolling her eyes but relaxing a little all the same.

"What's with the 'Grrr!' thing?" Raimundo inquired.

"Rai, I don't think that's really that important." Kimiko replied, slightly annoyed by her boyfriend. But he simply shrugged, not seeming to care about the answer that much anyhow.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever! Are you guys going to help me or not?" Jack fumed, already starting to regret coming to the temple.

"Well…it's hard to help considering we don't know exactly what you did." Kimiko replied.

"That, and we don't like you very much." Raimundo added. Kimiko nodded, and they both waited for a response from the red-headed boy genius (the word 'genius' used very lightly).

"Oh, but if you want Viv to forgive you or whatever just apologize and then nod your head for the next 5 minutes. Works every time." Raimundo informed him. Kimiko paused, then slowly turned to face Raimundo.

"Do you do that to me?" she asked slowly.

"Uh-um…w-well…no! I mean…sort of-this is about Jack! Remember?! Jack?!" Raimundo was now frantically waving his arms about, until finally he was able to compose himself enough to start pointing wildly at Jack.

"…right." She agreed, but she was still glaring at Raimundo. But of course, soon enough she had to redirect her attention back to the quivering mess of a boy before her. (Jack, not Rai)

"So, what exactly did you do?" Kimiko inquired. Jack paused, he seemed to be mulling something over.

"Actually, I was thinking about going with Raimundo's idea of-"

"What exactly did you do?!" Kimiko interrupted him menacingly.

"Okay…uh…there was the whole attacking her thing, oh! And then…uh…um…" Jack blushed, looking over at the two monks embarrassedly. Raimundo and Kimiko raised their eyebrows, awaiting the rest of his sentence.

"I-I sort of…followed her on her date with cowpoke and…and yelled at her for it. And then I blamed her for being friends with someone on the Heylin side." Jack admitted sheepishly.

"Okay…" Kimiko nodded slowly, "so…um, you didn't actually use the word 'friend', did you?" Jack flinched. Shrugging, he avoided her eye, but with Kimiko staring him down, eventually he had to respond…right?

"Technically…I used the word 'friends'."

"Jack!" Kimiko wailed, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Dude, even I know better than to do that." Raimundo chuckled. Jack simply groaned.

"Is it really that bad?" he whined. Kimiko and Raimundo nodded in disbelief at the stupidity level that they thought impossible for even Jack.

Now if possible, the situation got even worse. Not only where a very reluctant Kimiko and Raimundo attempting to help a miserable Jack, while doing this they where very aware of the fact that by helping Jack, they where basically screwing over Clay. Omi was pretty much the only one immune to the stress of the situation…you'd think it couldn't get much worse.

And that's when Viv stepped into view.

"Hey guys, Dojo's looking for y-" Viv froze, not even daring to move a single muscle as she stared straight ahead. While Kimiko and Raimundo shared her shocked feeling, Jack had turned a bright shade of red, and was fidgeting nervously.

"V-Vi-V-Vi-Vi-Viv!" he was finally able to spit out. This seemed to knock Viv out of her trance, and she blinked, stepping backwards slightly. She cleared her throat, and attempted to find something to do with her arms, finally settling on crossing them over her chest.

"What's he doing here?" Viv inquired in an obviously forced casual voice. Raimundo and Kimiko exchanged glances, then stepped a little closer towards their fellow monk.

"Well…it's sort of complicated and-uh, um…" Raimundo struggled for words; he couldn't seem to find a proper explanation. But to be fair, there really wasn't one. He was only saved when Kimiko decided to interject. She grabbed a surprised Jack's arm, and shoved him towards Viv.

"Viv! Jack has something to say to you!" she informed her. Viv looked at Jack skeptically, but didn't utter a word.

"Oh…uh…I just wanted to say…um…just wanted to say…" Kimiko and Raimundo groaned as jack continued to flounder about, making absolutely no progress, and perhaps in fact making the situation even worse. Viv sighed.

"If you're trying to apologize…it's not working." She informed him.

"Hey! You don't have to shoot me down so fast! I'm trying to be nice here!" Jack yelled, already impatient enough with the situation without some girl yelling at him.

"You're a little late for that!" Viv retorted. Raimundo and Kimiko sighed.

"Oh boy…" Kimiko muttered.

"Here we go…" Raimundo groaned. And of course they where right, Viv and Jack began screaming at each other with such force, it was amazing that they still somehow managed to breathe. After watching the argument go on for a couple of minutes, Raimundo and Kimiko both came to the same conclusion. They had to figure out some way to break this up, or wait until Jack and Viv starved to death…which would take a really long time so they decided on the breaking up plan.

"How exactly are we supposed to stop this?" Kimiko wondered allowed, crossing her arms, still unable to tear her eyes away from the spat. Raimundo thought a moment before his face broke out into a wide grin.

"Got it!" he announced, and before Kimiko had a chance to ask what exactly he was planning, Raimundo rushed forward and leapt into the air, kicking Jack in the side of the head and knocking him to the ground. Kimiko stared in shock, but Viv looked almost happy to see him go down.

"Well…I suppose that works." Kimiko muttered, and she approached her friends with a mix of pity for Jack, exhaustion over this entire situation, and a strong urge to burst into laughter.

"What was THAT for?!" Jack screeched, sitting up and holding onto his sore head. Raimundo shrugged.

"Well…I had to get you guys to stop somehow." Raimundo didn't seem sorry at all, but Jack was too busy grumbling about his eye (which was now turning black) to argue about it.

"Listen you guys, we'll just have to find some way to sort this out without any more screaming, or kicking Jack in the head." Kimiko told them slowly.

"Especially the 'kicking Jack in the head' part!" Jack immediately agreed.

"Actually, I think that was my favorite part." Viv retorted, glaring at him.

"Okay! I'll start!" Kimiko announced, stepping in-between them to prevent the breakout of yet another fight, "Um…oh! Jack, why don't you tell Viv about how Wuya was the one who told you to attack her." Viv perked up slightly, immediately interested in the comment.

"Wuya told you to set the trap?" she repeated slowly. Jack rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Uh…well…sort of…"

But isn't it obvious? Circumstances are never in favor of a calm rational solution. Apparently, the universe finds it too boring. And this particular fact was once again brought to light when Viv's eyes dulled, and she adapted a glazed look. She slowly began to sway back and forth, loosing her balance and clutching her head in an attempt to stay conscious.

"Viv?" Kimiko stepped forward nervously, reaching out slightly in case her friend where to fall.

"I'm…I'm fine…I'm f-" but she collapsed before she could finish, her weak wavering voice cutting off just as she fell forward. All three of her friends immediately lurched forward to catch her, but it was Jack who reached her first. Kimiko and Raimundo crouched beside Jack and Viv, and they all stared down in wonder at their violet-haired friend.

"Why'd she faint?! She was fine just a second ago and now she's passed out!!!" Jack was beginning to panic, and it barely even took a second before he was hyperventilating.

"I don't think she just 'passed out'." Raimundo thought aloud.

"Yeah…it's just kind of weird," Kimiko agreed, "do you think this has anything to do with the Heylin side?" she wondered. As Kimiko voiced her thoughts, she and Raimundo instinctively looked over at Jack, who immediately stopped in the middle of his freak-out-session to glare at them with an offended expression.

"Well don't look at me, I didn't do it!" Jack immediately defended.

"Then who did?" Kimiko inquired, she and Raimundo still staring him down. Jack anxiously considered her question, unable to come up with an answer. After all, they where the only ones with Viv, and Raimundo and Kimiko wouldn't have done anything like this to their friend, and Jack knew that he himself hadn't done anything…so…what exactly just happened?


"This is taking forever!" Wuya screamed, pacing (well, 'floating') back and forth. Harvey was dead silent, sitting on the ground with his eyes closed and his legs crossed, deep in a meditative trance. He paid no mind to the frustrated ghost, completely focused on the annoying presence that he could still feel. It would be any moment now…any moment now, he just had to wait. And as Wuya let out another angry scream, it clicked, the presence faded and a smirk tugged at Harvey's lips. With this knowledge, he no longer needed to stay in his trance, and his eyes snapped open. This immediately alerted Wuya, who floated over with a hopeful grin plastered across her painted face.

"Well…?" she asked expectantly. Harvey slowly stood up, confidently dusting himself off and adjusting his posture before finally turning his attention towards the anxious ghost. And then he grinned, he grinned the sick sort of smile that only means good news if you happen to have a past of mental instability. But it reassured Wuya anyway, and he gave a slight nod towards her, and told her exactly what she wanted to hear.

"She's ready."

I love writing for Jack, he's just such a spaz. (I mean that in an endearing sort of way)