Wow...I totally wasn't planning on writing another Xiaolin Showdown fanfic, but I'm actually quite the Jack Spicer fan, so one day I just started thinking, "wouldn't it be funny if Jack Spicer had a girlfriend who was a Xiaolin Monk?" and eventually...I wrote a chapter! I am still going to work on my Teen Titans story though, and not only that, I'm still getting used to High School, but I will work on this story until I finish it!! And hopefully, have a lot of fun writing it!


"Hey, has anybody seen Kimiko today?" Clay inquired as he, Omi and Raimundo sat outside the temple.

"She has been locked in her room for hours and hours every day for weeks!" Omi exclaimed, waving his arms animatedly.

"Well, you're her boyfriend Raimundo, what has she been doing for the past couple of weeks?" Clay asked. Raimundo shrugged.

"Beats me man, lately, every time I try to talk to her she says she's busy, but she's doing something on her PDA." He replied.

"Perhaps we should simply ask her?" Omi suggested. Clay and Raimundo looked at each other and then nodded towards Omi. The three of them walked off to the room with dividers that they all shared and walked into Kimiko's 'room'. She was sitting on the ground, typing away like lightning at her PDA and not even noticing when the group filed in. They stood there for a minute, until the boys realized that she still didn't realize that they where there. Clay and Omi pushed Raimundo forward, silently urging him to get her attention. Raimundo sat down in front of Kimiko with his legs crossed and leaned forward so his face was close to her, he waited a minute, and when she still showed no change in her behavior, he bumped his forehead against hers. Kimiko finally stopped typing, her head snapped up.

"Hey Kim!" he greeted, leaning back and using his arms to support him.

"Oh…hey Rai, and Clay, Omi. I didn't see you guys there." She smiled, "so what's up?" she lowered her PDA. Raimundo turned and repositioned himself so he was sitting next to her, leaning over to see the screen on her PDA, Clay and Omi took his previous seat in front of her.

"We've barely seen you in weeks girl! What've you been doing in here with your PDA?" Raimundo asked her, raising his eyebrows.

"Huh? Oh! My new pen pal! She's from France! Her name's Vivian Courtow and she's so cool! Plus, her parents said she could come stay at the temple for a while! I've been meaning to ask Master Fung if it was okay." Kimiko grinned.

"Cool! Is she cute?" Raimundo inquired. Clay and Omi immediately took a protective step back as Kimiko's death glare bore into Raimundo, he seemed to realize what he had done but wasn't quite sure what to say.

"I don't know," Kimiko said through gritted teeth, "why don't you tell me."

"B-but, you know, she could never be half as cute as you!" Raimundo told her defensively, Kimiko looked at him with an unconvinced look, but let it go.

"Nice save Rai." She murmured under her breath. Raimundo immediately relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. Clay and Omi allowed themselves to step closer.

"Anyway," Kimiko continued, "This is a picture of herself that she sent me." She quickly opened up the picture on her PDA, the others leaned in to see it. The girl was about Rai, Kim and Clay's age, she had short hair that went just past her chin and long bangs. Her eyes were brown and she was wearing a black tank top with jean shorts that went to her knees and socks and green tennis shoes. Oh yeah, and her hair was purple.

"Oh! She is very pretty, Kimiko! I cannot wait to meet her!" Omi gushed, waving his arms excitedly.

"She certainly is a looker!" Clay agreed, adjusting his hat. Kimiko smiled at them and then turned to Raimundo.

"Rai, what do you think of her?" she asked, her eyes silently warning him to answer carefully. Raimundo paused a moment, then gave her a grin.

"She could never compare to you 'hon." He replied. Kimiko rolled her eyes but smiled slightly before turning off her PDA.

"Kimiko, how did you ever get this 'pen pal' anyway?" Omi inquired.

"Hm? Oh…you know, actually, I started talking to Master Fung about it and he just set me up with Viv." Kimiko replied, suddenly realizing how strange it was.

"Weird." Raimundo commented. Kimiko shrugged.

"I don't know, I guess I really didn't think about it too much, I mean, it's just a pen pal."

"Yeah, well, with her around you won't be the only girl any more Kimiko." Raimundo observed, leaning against the wall. Kimiko grinned.

"Come on," Kimiko began, "Let's go find Master Fung."


"Stupid Jack! Why don't you try preparing for the next Shen Gong Wu instead of messing with your idiotic robots!" Wuya yelled angrily. Jack looked up from his work and shook his wrench at her.

"Hey! My robots are state of the art!" Jack replied, offended by her comment. Wuya groaned and floated through Jack's stomach, causing him to scream girlishly and fall over, dropping the wrench on the ground.

"Don't do that!" Jack shouted at her. Wuya just groaned and started to float away from Jack, but suddenly she stopped, her eyes bulged and glowed, and she screamed the same way she did when a Shen Gong Wu reveals itself.

"Ah!! They're coming!!" Wuya screeched, sending chills down Jack's spine.

"Who's coming?" Jack asked, curious despite being completely creeped-out by Wuya.

"The new Xiaolin monk! This monk could make the other four increasingly more powerful! We can't let this new monk train at the temple!!" Wuya told Jack hysterically.

"Uh…okay, no big deal, I'll just send over some of the Jackbots to get rid of the new guy!" Jack reassured.

"Don't be foolish Jack! Your stupid machines won't be of any use!" Wuya scolded, "Those monks will be guarding their new arrival with their lives!! No…we'll have to wait for this new Dragon to come to us." She hissed.

"Yeah…okay, but they already have wind, water, fire and earth, what else could there be?" Jack wondered aloud. Wuya scowled.

"Stupid Jack. They are the Dragon of Spirit."


"Master Fung!" Kimiko called out, rushing over towards him with the other 3 monks in tow.

"Oh look, the gang's all here!" Dojo noted.

"Ah! You're all here, that saves me the trouble of sending Dojo out to find all of you." Master Fung smiled, "we have a guest joining us today." He stepped aside, revealing Viv, already comfortable in the temple robes. Although her robes had some slight differences from Kimiko's, such as looser sleeves and no tights/socks, instead she wore black stretch-pants that ended slightly above her knees. She waved at the monks and picked up her suitcase, walking closer to them, as she did they noticed her eyes where clouded and she seemed to be in a dreamlike state.

"Kimiko!" she greeted, her voice as dreamy as the rest of her.

"Viv!" Kimiko exclaimed, rushing over to give her new friend a hug, "Guys! This is Viv! Viv, these are my friends Clay and Omi, and this is my boyfriend Raimundo." Kimiko introduced.

"I've heard a lot about you guys." Viv nodded politely.

"I can't believe you're here!" Kimiko gushed.

"Yes, I've been meaning to tell you. I set Vivian up as your pen pal Kimiko so that she would have a friend when I decided she was ready to join us at the temple, however, I wanted to keep it a surprise. She is a new Dragon." He explained.

"My goodness! Another chosen one! Master Fung! These chosen ones are just leaping from the crafting of wood!" Omi shouted, utterly taken by surprise.

"Uh…I'm going with, 'falling out of the woodwork'." Raimundo guessed.

"But Omi, Vivian is a very special, very different kind of chosen one." Master Fung began, "Her talents lie not in fighting, but in increasing the talents of others."

"I'm not quite sure we understand what you mean Master Fung." Clay replied, using his thumb to tip the front of his hat upwards.

"Let me explain this one!" Dojo volunteered, "You see, there are 5 elements altogether, but only 4 'main' elements. The 5 elements are fire, water, earth, wind, and sky, or 'spirit' (it's true, I looked it up…somewhere). The 4 'main' elements-that'd be you guys-focus on fighting, and defeating the Heylin side, however, the 5th element, spirit, is a much more peaceful element, which is probably why it's not as well known. Anyway, the 5th element focuses on increasing the spirit of other living things, giving them more power, now…this can range from something as small as making a seed grow faster…or increasing a splash made by Omi into something as big as a tsunami." Omi's eyes lit up, but Dojo continued, "Keep in mind, that's at her full potential, at this point, she's still in training, just like you guys. Don't get me wrong though, her element may be more peaceful, but she's just as good at martial arts than any of you." Dojo crossed his arms and nodded proudly, finally finished.

"Fantastic! Now Kimiko finally has someone to spar with who's talents are at her level!" Omi exclaimed. Kimiko glared at him, but Viv seemed oblivious.

"Uh…if she's moving in, does this mean our rooms are going to get smaller?" Raimundo asked. They all stared at him. Raimundo simply shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"But Master Fung, if all that's true then why hasn't Viv been training with us all this time?" Kimiko inquired.

"Well you had to learn at least a little of your own power before we brought her in, it becomes increasingly easier once she's channeled energy to you, and you have to know how to fight on your own if one day she isn't available to you." Master Fung told her coolly.

"Uh…'channeled energy'?" Raimundo repeated.

"Yeah, she can't just pull energy out of thin air!" Dojo exclaimed, "She's basically one big energy bomb, she channels her own energy into you guys, or anything else that needs it."

"Mmm…it's like I'm not even here…" Viv observed, smiling with the same dreamlike expression she'd had since she first arrived.

"Oh! Sorry Viv, guess we where kind of ignoring you." Kimiko apologized sheepishly. Viv simply shrugged and began to scan the room, taking in the new surroundings.

"Well, let's let Vivian settle in and make herself comfortable tonight, and tomorrow morning she'll begin training with you four." Master Fung told them. The monks nodded, and they all quickly gathered around Viv and began to lead her to their room while Dojo got another divider for the room. The monks spent the rest of the day getting to know the new arrival until they had to go to bed. But at night, when everyone was silent, Viv got up from bed, and she tiptoed carefully out of the room and out the door. She stood on the temple grounds, where Master Fung was waiting for her.

"Be careful Vivian, the Heylin side is not to be underestimated." Master Fung warned. Viv nodded.

"I'll be back before morning." Viv assured him, and she bowed to Master Fung before running off, leaving the temple. Master Fung watched carefully as she jumped and leaped on the roofs of the temple buildings to leave the temple grounds, he watched until he was out of sight, and then he walked back into the temple.


"Let's see…" Viv sighed to herself, "I believe Jack Spicer and Wuya would be safest." She was holding a piece of paper with some information on the Heylin side, and she had of course, decided that the disembodied floating head and resident Heylin misfit would bet the easiest to talk to. She folded up the paper and stuck it in her waistband before going off to Jack Spicer's house. Once she located it, breaking in was no problem. What she found inside the basement was a snoozing lump under the bed covers, and a pacing purple ghost.

"You must be Wuya." She smiled, her hazy eyes opening slightly wider.

"THE DRAGON OF SPIRIT!!" Wuya hissed, floating closer to Viv, and inspecting her.

"And the one under the bed covers must be Jack Spicer." Viv continued, ignoring Wuya to point at Jack. Wuya quickly flew over to Jack.

"JACK!!" she screeched, attempting to wake him up. Jack-dressed in his pajamas and matching hat-quickly sat up, screaming and clutching his teddy bear (which had goggles just like his).

"Why do you keep waking me up like that?!" Jack demanded, his voice cracking.

"Shut up Jack! We have company." Wuya cooed, floating calmly away from Jack and over to Viv. Jack's eyes quickly found their way over to the monk examining his lab/basement. He jumped up immediately and shoved his teddy bear and goofy pajama hat under the bed covers. Then he stepped forward carefully and looked the new visitor up and down.

"Hey baby!" Jack grinned, leaning back in what he supposed was a cool manner, but he misjudged how close he was to the wall, and let out a girlish shriek as he dropped to the ground. Viv and Wuya watched silently as he tried to regain his dignity by jumping back up and dusting himself off.

"So…what are you doing here?" Wuya cooed as she circled the girl once before stopping in front of her. Viv's eyes made a quick wave around the room, checking for any traps. She seemed to decide the room was safe and she gave Wuya a smile.

"I'm delivering a message." She told the ghost. Wuya waited for Viv to continue as Jack walked up to stand beside his phantom partner.

"Why do you Xiaolin monks always have to be so 'mystical' with those long pauses in between sentences? If you have a message just spit it out!" Jack complained. Wuya groaned, but Viv stared the goggled kid for a moment, and then she grinned and gave a short laugh. Jack stiffened, wondering if he had just been made fun of.

"Alright, straight to the point then. There's someone on the Heylin side named Harvey, tell him he has one more chance, otherwise it's all over."

"That's the same mysterious thing you guys always do!" Jack protested. Viv shrugged, she didn't seem to care.

"Anyway, I'll see you guys later." And she quickly left the house without a trace. Wuya's face, of course, was unable to show any emotions, but she was obviously pleased.

"What an interesting girl." She hissed, and she floated away from Jack Spicer and cackled quietly to herself as she flew around the room. Jack Spicer yawned and started back towards the bed.

"Whatever, I'm going back to bed."


"Hey, the new girl's pretty good." Raimundo observed, pausing for a split second to watch her before he dodged a blade in the obstacle course. Kimiko didn't bother to scold him as she, Clay and Omi and also noticed her skill was up to par with theirs.

"I agree, in spite of her lack of training she seemed to be just as good as you three! And almost as good as me!" Omi (sort of) complimented. The other three monks glared at Omi, but didn't bother to reply before jumping up to continue the obstacle course. The monks quickly finished the obstacle course, and since that had been the last part of their morning training, Master Fung left them to their own devices.

"Hey Viv, you did pretty good, did you train all that time on your own?" Kimiko asked her. The five monks where sitting under the shade of a tree in the courtyard, cooling down after their work out.

"Thanks." Viv smiled, her careless demeanor returning, even though she seemed to have had more drive during the morning training, "But no, I had a special trainer sent to me by Master Fung."

"Even so, that was pretty darn impressive." Clay complimented.

"Don't flatter me, I was no better than any of you." Viv replied, though she seemed pleased by their compliments.

"Well, you were certainly not up to my skill level, but you are just as good a fighter as Kimiko and Clay! And better than Raimundo!" Omi grinned. Clay and Kimiko rolled their eyes as Raimundo steamed, but Viv gave an amused sort of smile towards her new friends.

"You could most defiantly defeat the weakling Jack Spicer!" Omi exclaimed. Viv suddenly perked up.

"I thought it may have been the late hour…but he's always that odd then? Jack Spicer that is…" Viv replied.

"Huh? You've met Jack already?" Raimundo inquired, all of the monks staring at her in surprise.

"Yes…you see, last night I had some personal business with the Heylin side. Not to worry though, I only delivered a message to Wuya and Jack Spicer, with Master Fung's permission of course." Viv assured them. The other monks still seemed surprised, but they simply gave each other some questioning looks before they accepted her explanation, deciding not to ask what her personal business had been about. The monks chatted for a good period of time before Dojo came slithering up to them.

"Hey guys! A Shen Gong Wu just revealed itself! We'd better get moving!" Dojo announced.

"Well look at this, looks like you're going to get a chance to fight right off the bat Miss Courtow!" Clay observed. The monks quickly stood up and raced over to a growing Dojo, jumping up onto his back while Viv commented in a surprised tone on the little dragon's increased size.


Please review! And give me your opinions on the first chapter so I can make the story better! Any suggestions are welcome! (if they don't include yelling at me of course) After all, the story's no fun to write if nobody's enjoying it!