Title: Burning
Author: CosmicalMadison
Summary: Donna knows something is wrong, even if no one will tell her what. Post-JE.
Rating: K
Genre: Angst
AN: Yup, it's another Donna remembers fic. I know it's not nearly as good as some others I've read, but it's my two cents. Hope you enjoy it.

Donna knows that something is wrong, even if no one will tell her what. She can remember hardly anything from the past year of her life, where before her memory had been nearly perfect. Her parents tell her that it's stress from her job and nothing more, but she can't believe them. She's been stressed before, and nothing like this has happened.

Then there are the dreams. Visions of a strange man and a blue box. Images of distant planets and alien races. She knows it's all made up, only in her head, but sometimes she wonders. It's all so vivid…

One day she can stand it no longer and goes to her grandfather while her mother is away. "Grandad," she begs him, "tell me the truth. What's happened to me?"

As usual, he avoids her eyes and answers, "Nothing, dear. You're fine."

"Please," she implores, tears coming into her eyes. "I know something's up. What is it? Tell me."

His eyes are suddenly full of fear and pain, and this surprises her. "I c-can't," he whisper, still unable to look at her. "He said-"

"Who? Who said what?" she demands. She is more ravenous than ever, feeling that she is close to an answer.

"He said you would die if you remember. The Doctor-"

"Doctor?" Something breaks in her mind, and the memories come rushing back. The smile is huge on her face as she remembers meeting him on her wedding day, traveling through time and space in the TARDIS, her experiences as the DoctorDonna, saving the world. The grin disappears quickly as a lance of pain fills her mind along with the crushing memories, her suppressed Time Lord mind.

She is burning.