Beta: Nagini Potter you are so awesome!


Draco watched Potter intently it wasn't every day that one heard The-boy-who-lived happiest memory. It almost seemed less selfish then he thought it would be he had gotten slightly attached to the younger boy sense they espionage they went on together over the last weekend when Severus had gotten called. He closed his eyes trying to feel the warmth of the fire over the memories that washed over him. He opened his eyes to find his godfather staring at him intently urging him with his eyes to tell his memory. He winced; that was never good. Taking a deep breath and watching the stars he began his tale,

"I had to have been around five or six when this happened. It was spontaneous really on my fathers part but now that I think about it, it could have been just because he finally realized that the 'dark lord' was gone for good. It was late spring so it was warm out even if it was bit brisk. My father and mother took me to a grassy hill top I have no clue ware it was only that there were many different types of trees in bloom, and petals were falling every ware like snow it was so beautiful!"

Draco had shining lights in his eyes,

"Mother spread out a blanket and we had a picnic it was so surreal, I played the whole day and father and mother talked. It was the first and only time I could remember us being together was a family like for real with out having to pretend or try and guess. It was so wonderful."

Draco looked over at his god father and the older man nodded in agreement that it was a good memory to share. As the potions master got up and started to head towards the fire to put it out.

"Wait sir what about you?"

Severus froze for a moment and lifted one eye brow.

"Its true sir it wouldn't be fair to us that we had to tell a story and you didn't!" Harry said with a bit of a glare,

Severus backed down easily not wanting to hurt the trust that he had gained with the boys.

A/N: so yes another chapter of Story of a boy should be up soon I am just having issues re-writing it because its not turning out in a happy way for me sorry about that but I hoped you like this chapter and please review!