
This is the sequel to Journey and what happened with Jacob. I don't really know where this is going to go (which only shows that it might not be too good), so I can't tell you. Just read. I got some of my inspiration from The Covenant, and I was trying not to rip them off. No copyright infringement intended. This is in the point of view from Edward.

Chapter 1

First Meeting

I sat at the bar with Jasper and Emmett. Why was I even here? I really didn't want to be here. For one, we were lying to Bella. I was supposed to be hunting. Instead we sat at the bar. Why would I even do this? What's the point? I already have my true love. No one else can even meet her level. I can't drink. I'm just here for the sake of my brother's really. Boy, do they love to people watch.

Jesus was this bar cliché. Drunken fat guys danced horribly against pretty girls whoring themselves. It was a disgrace. People half asleep and depressed sat on a barstool, beer in hand. People ate bar food and yelled loudly over the terrible music. Of course, the place was disgusting, but whatever. I still was bored as hell. If only alcohol would work on me and I wouldn't throw it up afterwards like pretty much everyone else.

I tried not to listen to the people's minds, but it was really hard. I heard random things like, Man, is that girl hot; I hope I didn't get something from that whore; Man, I would go gay for that guy. And then there were random girls and guys completely naked. People are disgusting and really perverse.

Jasper pointed and said, "Holy crap, look at that guy. He's about to fall over, he's so drunk."

"Ha-ha, yeah," Emmett agreed. "Wait for it, wait for it…" The man fell down with a loud thud.

"Yes!" They both silently cheered. They gave each other a high five and continued to watch. It made me feel conceited any time I laughed at someone while people watching. If I knew them, it would be a different story. But I didn't. So I decided not to join.

Emmett said, "Awww, look at the horny couple."

"Where?" Jasper asked.

"Around the middle, near the foosball table," Emmett answered. I wondered what Bella was doing with Alice now.

"Edward, look," Emmett said. I decided this one time. There on the dance floor was a guy and a girl dancing to terrible music. It looked like they had never met before and were just trying to have fun. The girl looked like one of your typical blonde bimbos who would whore themselves because of their past. Although I was just guessing, I knew nothing about her. She wore spaghetti straps with her tight shirt and tight jeans. She danced by placing her round ass near his crotch and slowly moving it around while the guy put his arms around her.

The guy looked oddly familiar, and was incredibly sexy. He wore a way too tight white beater that greatly showed his body. You could see his well-built chest. It stuck out of his shirt, and you could even see the color of his silky dark skin. The shirt hugged his body nicely. You could even vaguely see his nipples. You could see his amazing abs, so incredibly ideal. His shoulder popped out of his shirt and were covered with muscle and looked so masculine. On his forearm, the sexy bump that were his biceps pushed his amazing chest to pop out even more. I couldn't see his face, because it seemed to always be turned away. But I swear I had seen him before. It's like I knew him so well. It was the best body ever.

And then I suddenly heard his voice inside me head. Oh God Edward Cullen, please come here and save me. Oh no wait! Don't hear me! Just leave, please. I suddenly figured out who it was. Jacob Black. The situation just got so much worse. I couldn't believe it. Why would Jacob be here? How could I not smell him? How much soap did he use?I started to tighten up. I noticed him look over at me and moan as he noticed my bulging muscles. I tried to keep my body from either mounting Jacob or running out of here as soon as possible.

Jasper noticed my hostility and tried to calm me. But that didn't really work. This situation really could not be calmed. It was Jacob Black for crying out loud. The one that Bella and I both loved, but it never worked out. "All right, I think we should be leaving now," I said.

"What?" Emmett asked. "We just got here! I'm not ready to go."

"I'm getting really thirsty," I said, "and all of these humans are not helping whatsoever."

"All right," Emmett complained. He started walking towards the crowd where Jacob was, but I stopped him.

"Let's go this way. There'll be less people," I suggested. He shrugged and started walking in my direction until he stopped.

He turned around and asked, "Is that Jacob?"

Oh fuck. "I think," I said. "Let's just go."

"Are you kidding me?" Emmett asked. Stupid Emmett. "Jacob has been gone since Victoria had come back and you want to forget about it?" He started walking towards him again, but I stopped him.

"Let me go talk to him," I said.

"OK," Emmett shrugged. Naïve Emmett. I walked over to Jacob, and he started panicking. I told you to leave, he thought.

"Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" I asked. The girl looked utterly confused.

"OK," Jacob responded through his teeth. Although Jacob looked happy. He also looked worried, sad, depressed, hopeful, and slightly happy. Crazy werewolves. He followed me outside into an alley so no one could hear us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to have fun," he answered.

"Fun?" I asked, slightly ticked.


"There are so many reasons that was a bad idea. One, it's a bar. Don't ever try to meet strangers at a bar. Two, you're underage! Three, intoxication is stupid and you could have accidentally told your secret. And four, you're so close to Forks! I know this sounds weird, but if you run away, it's not a smart idea to try to stay near the place you are running from!"

"Why would you care?" he asked.

"Because you left me!"

"You left me!"

"Well, I'm steal healing!"

"God, you're sexy when you're emotional and angry." He slammed me into the side of the wall and held me there by my wrists. His hard torso pushed me against the bricks. He started to kiss me and I could feel his cock start to get hard.

I couldn't think for a moment. Jacob had taken over my mind for a second. He overwhelmed me and I kissed him back. The feeling and taste of his tongue whammed my senses.

He let go and pushed his hands under my shirt and he felt my body. His burning hands felt my ice cold chest. His touch was so miraculous, it made me kiss harder. I tried to put my hand up his shirt. It was too tight; it would bunch up so that I couldn't go farther. I ripped it off in a rage of passion. I held him closer to me and I could feel myself getting an erection. God damn it Jacob, this was not why I came to talk to you. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to do this again.

He grabbed my crotch, and I forgot everything again. He slowly rubbed my penis through my jeans. I moaned a little bit. I touched his unbelievably large chest. I massaged his abs. I almost put my hand down his pants to pleasure him before I stopped myself.

I started to think clearly. I was out in the open in a filthy alley. I was about to have sex. With Jacob Black nonetheless. I had to stop this. I couldn't fall in love with him again.

I hated to do this, but I had to. I kicked him in the shin. He howled in pain. "We can't do this!" I yelled.

"Why not?" he asked.

"You left and you made your choice that you're not coming back. I'm here on a bachelor party. I'm getting married to Bella! I can't get obsessed with you again. I can't just have a fling with you!"

He touched my chest, but I hit him away. "I'm sorry, but no," I said. "You've already made up your mind, and I have respected that. Now I made up my mind, so do as I did."

I walked away from him, trying not to tear up. He yelled to me, "I love you!"

I yelled back, "And I used to! It could never work out, like you said! And please, try to leave town, because I can't play these games anymore."

"You owe me a shirt!" he tried to joke, but I didn't want to laugh. I wanted to get away.

I continued to walk away as I heard him scream in his mind, I made a huge mistake! Please come back! I walked back to Emmett and Jasper and made up a lie about he's not going to be coming back.

Well now we know how Edward feels about this situation. And Jacob? Well, he's a werewolf, so his mind constantly changes. Please review, and tell me if you like the way this story is heading. New chapters will most likely involve what Jacob had done before the bar and from Jacob's view to try to explain better. And then of course the story goes on after that with the alternate version of the wedding Bella Jacob scene. So, please review. I hoped you liked it. Sorry it's not like my usual raunchy stories. And that it's kind of rough. And FYI, Edward is going to make a really stupid decision very soon.