A/N: Wow. You guys always seem to amaze me with your kind reviews. I really appreciate them. And now on to the last chapter of Welcoming Freedom. Please read the bottom of this when you are done. Thank you so much!
Disclaimer: Since it's my last chapter can I say it's mine? Just kidding, all characters and what not belong to Stephenie Meyer and her genius head.
Chapter 27
The lights of a small gazebo twinkled in the night. It was a picturesque seen: the moon shining above the roof, trees swaying in the light breeze. I followed Edward, my hand clasped in his, to the middle of the floor. We were the only ones outside.
"It's so beautiful tonight," I commented, staring out at the gym full of teenagers. Their bodies swayed with the beat of the music playing, sweat glistening off them.
Edward chuckled. "Not as beautiful as you are."
I looked up at him, staring straight into his eyes. They were wide and open, gazing deeply into my soul. I felt the love he had for me pour out of him.
"Thanks," I said. I watched a piece of his bronze hair flutter in the wind before smoothing it back down.
Edward pulled me closer to him and we began dancing to a slow song. It sounded like the night was beginning to slow down and that was just fine with me.
I felt safe in Edward's arms, his tight embrace keeping me to him. I felt like I would never have to worry about a thing with him always around.
It felt wonderful just to be alone. I couldn't get enough of his presence and now I could. I laid my head on his chest and soaked up the moment. His head rested on my as we danced.
"Bella?" Edward asked, shifting his head to speak in my ear.
"Hmm?" I mumbled, shivering at the closeness of him. His breath tickled my cheek and his hand wound in my hair.
"I have a question to ask you, but I'm not sure how you will take it."
I lifted my head to look at him. His eyes were wary and excited, a nervous smile slipping onto his face.
"I'll do my best to behave," I teased, giving him an encouraging smile. I was rewarded with his crooked smile. I knew the question couldn't be that bad, as Alice hadn't come running out of the gym screaming 'No! Don't ask it!'
Edward shifted slightly and I stepped back so he could reach in his pocket. He kept his hand there and watched me. I could see that he was clutching something, but I couldn't make out what it was.
"Bella, ever since that day I ran into you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I couldn't forget the way your eyes shined in the dim street lamp, the way your pale yet beautiful skin shimmered slightly. When you left," he cringed, as did I, "I would always remember your last words to me."
I looked at Edward, confused. I hadn't said anything to him before I left.
"Those three words kept me sane and living during my first few years as a newborn. They kept me from going mad when I saw every one else in the family find their other half. 'I love you' is what you whispered to me."
The flashback came rushing at me.
I watched him sleep for a few minutes. He looked peaceful and I was glad that he was able to be out of pain while he slept.
I leaned downy to kiss his head.
"I love you," I whispered, placing a gentle kiss right above his brows.
"I didn't know you heard that," I muttered, dropping my head a little. A long finger lifted my chin back up to look at him.
"I did, and it was the best words I had ever heard in my whole life."
I smiled, touched at what he was saying.
"But now that I have you here, with me, I hear those words all the time. It is better to be able to say those words back. And now, I would like to say them again, only, I want to add my question with it."
I began to feel a little jittery. My mind raced through all the questions that he could ask, but I couldn't seem to find the right one.
Edward leaned down onto one knee keeping his right leg up. He took his hand out of his pocket and held a black velvet box in his hands.
"Isabella Marie Swan. I love you; I always have and always will. I will make a promise to love you forever - every single day of forever. Will you marry me?"
The breath choked out of me and I stared at him. He was asking me to marry him! My mind raced, but nothing made sense.
I opened my mouth and breathed out, "Yes."
The smile that lit up Edward's face outshone the sun and every other star in the universe combined. He jumped to his feet and swung me around in a circle. I laughed and he joined in with me.
When he set me back on my feet, I kept my arms around his neck. "I love you, Edward, so, so much."
He rested his forehead on mine. "I love you, Isabella, so, so much."
I tried to keep my thoughts straight as he held the black box in his hands.
"Shall we put this on you now? Or wait until we—"
"Now, please." He grinned at my eagerness, and flipped open the box lid. I gasped.
"She would have wanted you to have it," Edward whispered, slipping it on to my ring finger. He kept my hand in his as I examined the ring.
It was Elizabeth Masen's engagement ring. I had seen it a few times on her finger, but never thought much about it. The brilliant diamond winked in the lights.
"Edward, I…I don't know what to say" I stuttered.
"You already said what I wanted you to say."
I beamed up at him. His eyes were soft, gazing into my own. I could see the love he had for me and I tried to convey that through mine.
"Oh, Edward." I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him to me.
We had come a long ways, Edward and I. From the twentieth century to twenty-first century, we had always been the same, but yet different. We knew more about the world and more about ourselves; what we could handle, what we couldn't. I knew in my heart that I had learned to never leave out of a rash decision. I always needed to hear the facts first and then make a decision.
My life was full and complete now that Edward would be with me forever. The ring on my finger proved that. My love for him would be unfailing, as I knew his would be for me.
I pulled myself closer to him, clutching him to me forever. The freedom to love and never have to be afraid of anything again was welcome in our lives, now. And I knew, that I would always love Edward Anthony Masen.
A/N: To all you readers and reviewers,
I would like to thank each and every one of you for sticking with me through this story. For all those times you waited for a chapter and for all those excuses you read through, I thank you bearing with me. This was the best experience I could ever have gotten. For now, I'll take a break on writing fanfiction and such, maybe just long stories, but I will always remember your kind and thoughtful words. Thank you again, for everything! I really hope you liked my story.
P:S: Sorry if I didn't really give out cookies to all you people who reviewed. You know how us writers try to bribe. :D
P:S:2: Bella's ring is going to be on my profile. It is different than the one in the actual book. I think I like this one better though.