Sorry for such the long wait! But, here's the next and hopefully last part of the Final Chapter.

The next few days in camp were miserable for Nightsong. She didn't eat a single piece of fresh-kill the Clan brought for her. She waited to die in the nursery, but death wouldn't come until after she fufilled her duty.

Cloudstorm came up to her with another piece of fresh-kill. He dropped it at her paws and then took a seat next to her, while their kits lay sleeping beside them.

"Nightsong, I know you're upset. And I am, too. But not eating won't help anything... it won't get Echokit back, it won't help find her. And if you're going to find her, you need to eat something so you have some strength. And don't you even realize that not eating is hurting Stonekit and Lionkit? You're getting barely any milk, and look how skinny they are." His gentle tone turned to one of furious caring.

Nightsong was taken aback by his harsh voice. But then this got her thinking... he was right. She needed to find Echokit.

After a short pause, Nightsong finally spoke for the first time in a long while. "Send out a search party. I want to start looking for her tonight. Bring all the strongest warriors, if possible... this may turn into a battle." She then leaned down and ate the piece of fresh-kill: a plump rabbit, which weren't very common around BirdClan.

Cloudstorm nodded, satisfied with Nightsong's fierceness, then walked off to get a patrol.

Later that night, a patrol had been gathered with a few strong warriors and apprentices, as well as Rosestar. They all headed off to the MouseClan border.

Echokit's scent was faint, but still traceable. The patrol followed it, until it led them all the way to the MouseClan camp.

All of them crouched in a few tall bushes and waited for their chance to get in. They saw an apprentice there, a small and frantic looking one. He was heading straight for them, but had no idea they were hiding there.

Rosestar was the first to emerge from their spot. "You, MouseClan apprentice! Take us to the leader, please, we have a message." She meowed through gritted teeth.

Hesitantly, the apprentice led them into their camp, after seeing that he was greatly outnumbered.

Many MouseClan cats were staring at them, in anger and confusion. The apprentice that led them looked very ashamed as he walked to the leader's den.

Nightsong had almost forgotten that it was Spiritstorm in the den, instead of Bonestar. She was now a little reluctant to stand up to her.

"Oh, what do we have here? A BirdClan patrol? What can I do for you tonight?" She slyly meowed.

"I think you know what we want, Spiritstorm." Nightsong snapped.

Spiritstorm got up and put her face directly in front of Nightsong's. "That's Spiritstar, now. Our elders have realized that I am the rightful leader of MouseClan, after all." Her eyes were like daggers piercing Nightsong's stomach. How could StarClan make such a horrible mistake? Everything she believed in was crushed.

She forgot about that and returned to the issue of her daughter. "Where is Echokit?"

"I'm sorry... I don't know this 'Echokit'. We have no one of that name here." Spiritstar mewed in a mocking tone.

Nightsong felt a growl rumble in her throat. She let the fury rise over her fear and tackled into Spiritstar, claws unsheathed.

Before she could get a chance to attack her, she felt a pierce in her heart. Her breathing slowed and she felt blood rushing into her heart.

"Do you realy want to do this, Darkkit? I can crush you any time I like." Spiritstar teased.

Nightsong couldn't speak. Her eyes looked at her with pure horror.

The clenching lightened and Nightsong was left heaving. Suddenly she was alone with the leader. The patrol had left. Nightsong felt the fear and anxiety sinking in.

"During that time, time stood still. I had some of my warriors take your friends back to their camp." Spritistar whispered.

"I want to take you somewhere. Come with me." Spiritstorm meowed, getting up.

"I want to see Echokit." Nightsong whispered.

"We're getting to that, dear."

"Don't call me that." Nightsong growled.

She reluctantly followed Spiritstar to wherever she was taking her.

She saw Echokit. She also saw a few cats taking care of her. She didn't look hurt. Nightsong sighed with relief.

Spiritstorm stood next to her, gazing lovingly at Nightsong's daughter.

"I'm afraid that whoever told you about your mother had their story mixed up." Spiritstar said all of a sudden.

"Why should I believe you, out of all people?" Nightsong snapped.

"Because, Nightsong. I'm your real mother."

Nightsong glared at Spiritstar. "How dare you. My mother was a caring queen. You've been out to get me all along."

"Oh really? Then, why did your mother hate you all of those years? Because she was 'sick'? No, I'm afraid it's because I was your real mother. She wanted you to suffer because she lost the father of her unborn kits."

Nightsong stared blankly at her. She wasn't sure what to say. But, it all made sense. Her mother's always been mean to her, except when she needed her to do her dirtywork.

"Then, why have you always been there to hurt me?" Nightsong asked.

"Because you were a mistake. When I went down into the Dark Forest, I lost you. I wanted you with me, not that horrid Flametail. I at least didn't want you in the same Clan as her. And she treated you so badly. She deserved to die." Spiritstar said.

There was a long pause. Nightsong wasn't sure what to say anymore.

"You must believe me. I'm so sorry for everything that's happened in your life. All the confusion. But I truly do care for you."

Nightsong purred and nuzzled into Spiritstorm's flank. It all made sense now.

The two headed back. Nightsong was sure that Echokit was safe with MouseClan.

The next day, questions were answered at camp. The MouseClan warriors were approving of Nightsong's temporary stay. Meanwhile, she stayed in Spiritstorm's den.


It was the middle of the night. Nightsong was thirsty again. She found a small pond just outside camp, near where Echokit was being held. Grogginess made her clumsy, and the dark was making it hard to see.

She soon found herself in the middle of a field, far away. She heard rustling of bushes and a group of cats were walking toward her. At the back of them was Spiritstar.

"Oh, hi. I was just getting some water." Nightsong tiredly mewed.

Spiritstar and the others just looked at her. Something white was thrust her way. It smacked on the grass and landed limply in front of Nightsong. It was Echokit.

Nightsong started in distraught horror at her daughter. She saw a faint breathing and rushed over to her.

Blood was pouring out of her mouth. Her breathing was fast and shallow. Her eyes were wide with fear. "Mommy... I love you..." She mewed. She tried getting up and for a second Nightsong had hope.

She got up to pick her kit up when one of the big cats ran up and grabbed her in his teeth. He threw her on the ground in front of him and took his claws and dug them into her body. She went from a ball of white fluff to a limp mass of red.

Nightsong screamed and then felt herself go weak. A pulsing was inside of her. She felt the blood rush out of her body.

She then felt a power blast of energy. She yowled the most horrid yowl and felt the blood come back. The pulsing stopped, and now she saw a blackness on the grass.

Spiritstar was being sucked in, as well as her minions. It was the same hole that Spiritstorm used. Nightsong was sure this was the end, until something grabbed her leg. She was being pulled in!

There was the sharpest pain and Nightsong saw blood everywhere. She lastly saw Cloudstorm and numerous others rushing up to the pit.

"I love you Cloudstorm!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Her whole body was englufed in darkness and she could feel no pain anymore.

Nightsong was in the Dark Forest. It was where everyone went after they had been sucked down the pit, no matter if they were good or deserved to be in StarClan. She missed Cloudstorm and her kits constantly.

Every once in a while a messenger from StarClan would be sent down to report progress to Nightsong. She knew that Lionkit and Stonekit were now Lionpaw and Stonepaw. She knew that Graypaw was now Grayfeather. But all of these things just added to her sorrow, knowing she could never see these in person.


That's the end. Sorry about the wait and the depressing ending but those who read my stories know that I tend to write depressing endings. Since this was hard to find the patience for, I'm going to quit with fanfiction, unless they allow poems or things on here, because I just don't have the motivation to write anymore. Hope you enjoyed this story. Don't forget to review!