I tapped my foot anxiously on the floor of the plane

Everyone wishes for Silver and Gold

Chapter 1- New School

Disclaimer- I only wish that I was amazing enough to own twilight

I tapped my foot anxiously on the floor of the plane. We were making our descent into Seattle. I couldn't help the small grin that came onto my face. I couldn't wait to get to the new school. This was new for me but – in my defense – it was an art school. I was going for my dancing. For all of my general clumsiness I could actually dance. Mind you, it was only ballet, jazz, tap, and similar that I could dance. I couldn't do any 'party' dance and my partner dancing was…well, let's not go there. Besides, if I wasn't dancing, I was likely to trip over my own two feet.

As the plain landed I was the first in coach to get out. That was another reason I didn't go to parties. The claustrophobia usually got to me.

I was in baggage claim with one of those convenient trolleys. My pair of suitcases were not hard to find. The lime and bright purple plaid stood out against the blacks and blues of the other passengers' baggage. Right as I was getting the second bag off of the conveyer belt I heard my name called. I saw my father, Charlie, waving to me enthusiastically. I grinned and headed toward him. He and my mother, Renee, had divorced when I was just an infant. She had remarried just the year before. Phil, my step-father, was a minor league baseball player. I had decided to move to Washington to allow her to move around with him.

I arrived in front of Charlie and hugged him, making us both blush. "Hi Ch-Dad." I greeted, catching my slip of the tongue. I never called my dad Charlie to his face. "How are you?"

"Can't complain, Bells." Charlie told me. I winced at the nickname from my younger years but he didn't notice. "Are you ready for school?"

I nodded but as I did the nerves set in. What if I wasn't good enough for this school?

The hour-long drive in Charlie's police cruiser was silent. I was thankful all my bags had fit in the car. I self-consciously wondered if I had over-packed. The school was half-an-hour out of inner-city Seattle and just over two hours from Charlie's house in Forks.

I gasped as we pulled into the campus. The pictures had done nothing to prepare me for this. There were ten total buildings scattered around a small park, a creek, some fountains, and I could even see a lake! It was so beautiful. Charlie followed the elegant signage to the smallest building. It was labeled 'administration'. We climbed out of the car and went through the doors into a small, warm reception area.

There was a blond receptionist at the desk. Her hair was twisted up into a ballerina bun and decorated with red ribbon. She wore a red silk blouse and had matching lip stick on. "Hello." She greeted pleasantly. "Can I help you?" She asked.

Charlie appeared to be slightly flustered so I stepped forward. "Um…hi, I'm Isabella Swan-"

"Of course!" The woman cut me off with a pleased grin. "You're the new dance student!" She paused and a guilty smile slid onto her face. "I watched your video, it was fantastic.

I blushed at the praise. "Um, thank you." I said uncomfortably.

"I'm Miss. Murray." The receptionist said as she searched through a file cabinet. She found what she was looking for and came back to me. It was a thick packet that she set on the desk. I picked it up as she spoke. "In that packet are your dorm, room, roommate bio, schedule, map, and list of extra-curricular activities." She told me. "Classes end in about fifteen minutes but your roommate has a pass so she will be waiting for you, Miss Cullen is quite excited about getting a roommate. Since today is Friday you have two days until classes. However, you may choose to take advantage of the fitness building and studios." She smiled. " I just need your father to sign you over to us and then you're set."

It appeared as though Charlie hadn't heard so I gave him a nudge. "What-oh!" He stepped forward and signed the paper.

I thanked Miss. Murray before Charlie led me out of the office. The dorm was not hard to find. Charlie pulled up next to a yellow Porsche and I sighed as we unloaded. Of course, this place would be full of snobbish rich people. Rich was something my family had never been. The only reason I was able to attend here for the next few years was because of the money my grandmother left me.

Together, Charlie and I went up to the dorm with my bags. We took an elevator to the fourth floor and down a hallway. I was startled as the door was thrown open just before I could knock. "You must be Isabella!" The girl squealed, throwing her arms around me.

"Just Bella." I requested around my laughter. The girl's joy was contagious.

The girl grabbed my had and I was startled by how freezing it was. She tugged me into the room and dropped my hand abruptly. "I'm Alice. That bed is yours." She told me pointing to the bed closest to the windows and mirror. I was momentarily startled by her beauty. Her features were delicate and perfectly symmetrical. Her pixy cut was spiked every which way and she had stunning golden eyes. I don't think that I've ever seen that color on a person.

Charlie and I put my bags onto my bed while Alice sat on hers. Charlie pulled me into a hug but released me quickly. "Remember, if you need anything, just go ahead and give me a call."

"I know Dad." I told him with an easy smile. "Thank you." He gave me a final hug before leaving the dorm room.

I flopped on my bed with a sigh as I heard Alice chuckle. We both sat their silently for a moment before I stood and opened my first suitcase.

"Want help?" Alice asked as she perched her head on her hand.

I hesitated before nodding. "If you want to." I said slowly. Alice jumped up and I was immediately jealous of her grace. She was clearly meant to be a dancer, I only wished I could walk that gracefully.

She looked over my shoulder into my suitcase and immediately stifled a giggle. I turned to look at her curiously. She continued to laugh quietly as she pointed at my shorts. They were my comfiest exercise pair. Mostly black but on the back the words 'Bite Me' were spelled out with tiny pink plastic gems. It wasn't hard to see that it was the phrase making her laugh so I opened the other bag and threw my book tote at her. Her laughter doubled and it took her a moment to calm herself. "I love you Bella!" She exclaimed as she continued laughing. "We are definitely going to be best friends."

I let Alice with my clothes suitcase while I went to the one with my school supplies. I pulled out my leotards and tights. I gasped softly, my favorite purple one was not in here. "Hey Alice, is there a dark purple, velvet leotard in there?"

"No, Are you missing one?" Alice said softly. I could here excitement building in her voice and decided that I didn't like it.

I sighed. "Yes." I told her. "That one was my favorite too."

I saw Alice carry my clothes into what I assumed was a small walk-in closet. I followed her and gasped. It was huge. On either side of the door, clothing racks stretched out and went halfway up the side walls where they were replaced by shelves and a few drawers. On the back wall there was a pair of gorgeous vanities. The wood stain in the room was very dark and matched the headboards of the beds. There were brass framed mirrors and an assortment of brushes and make-up laid out on both vanities.

I looked at Alice's side of the room and had to hold back a gasp. All sorts of designer clothes with tags I wouldn't even try to read. The space was nearly bursting. I looked back at Alice who was hanging my clothes on their hangers. I took the things that didn't need to be hung and put them onto shelves. My under things found their way into the drawers.

Just as we finished my stomach groaned, loudly. I realized that I hadn't eaten since the night before, I was too nervous this morning. Alice looked at the clock, having probably heard my stomach. "I'm sorry, Bella," She said. "I wasn't paying attention to the clock. Dinner started fifteen minutes ago."

Right as she finished speaking we heard a knock. Alice ran to the door and threw it open. I followed nervously and my eyes widened as I saw the boy there. He was huge! His muscles rippled on his arms up to where his t-shirt began. He had dark curling hair and the same color eyes as Alice. "Jasper sent me to see if you were coming to dinner." The teen announced with a booming voice. His eyes moved from Alice to me.

"Emmett, this is Bella." She told him. She turned to me with a grin. "Bella, this is my brother, Emmett."

"Hi." I said softly, taking a few steps forward.

Emmett's face split into a huge grin. "Good to meet you, Bella. I think you're right Alice."

Alice flicked her head as if she was flicking her hair over her shoulder but her short cut didn't allow it. "I'm always right, Emmett." I was confused, what was Alice right about?

"Yeah, yeah." Emmett scoffed, grabbing Alice's wrist. "Let's go." Alice beckoned for me to follow and I did. The cafeteria was the building right next to the dorm. There was a sign outside posted as 'Dining Hall.' Alice pulled out a plastic card and swiped it at the door before handing a similar one to me. I looked at the card. It read Swan, Isabella: Room 406. I followed Alice's lead and swiped my card as I entered. Emmett followed us and we went into the line.

Fully loaded trays were handed to each of us and Emmett led Alice and I into the seating. It was very elegant as cafeteria's went. Each of the table cloths were either silver or gold, the same color scheme as the dorm rooms. It was very mellow. There were lamps on each of the round tables that looked to seat nine or ten people. When I saw where Emmett was headed I had to contain another gasp. Every single person at the table was gorgeous. There was a blonde boy beside the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen. She looked like a super model and could've been the boy's twin. Alice sat beside the blonde boy and Emmett beside the super model girl. Alice gestured for me to sit by her and that's when I noticed him.

It was an Adonis sitting there, staring at me with an irritated expression. He had perfectly symmetrical features that were far more boyish than the other two teens at the table. He had the most gorgeous colored hair, it was bronze, the color you never saw unless you watched movies set at the turn of the century. His amber eyes seemed to pierce my soul, like he could read me. I felt blood fill my cheeks and his eyes suddenly darkened-was that even possible?

"Bella!" Alice wined, breaking me from my analysis of the boy. "Sit down!" She glared briefly at Edward as I sat down nervously. I pushed my food around my plate as Alice spoke. "So, Bella, I think I should introduce you to the rest of my family. This is Jasper, my boyfriend." The blond boy nodded to me but didn't say anything. "Next to Jasper is my sister, Rosalie, she's Jasper's twin and she's dating Emmett who you know." Again, Rosalie nodded without speaking to me. "And last, there beside you, is Edward."

I turned my head to the boy – to Edward – as he spoke to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella." He said formally.

"Yeah." I said softly. "You too." My eyes focused on my plate as the other members at the table began to converse quietly. I had only eaten half of my spaghetti when I stood with my tray and addressed my Roommate. "Hey Alice, I'm not feeling so well, I'm going to go back up to the room."

"Oh!" Alice gasped. "Bella, do you want me to come with you?" She looked upset about something.

"No, it's ok Alice." I said. "I'll probably go right to bed anyways." I looked at the others at the table. "It was nice to meet you all." I said nervously.

So, what do you all think, I'm really hoping this fic is received well, it's a take on the boarding school fic except with vampires instead of all human. I would really appreciate some reviews. Give me some events you'd like to see. Maybe a party or a study session or another love interest, I'll try to get your ideas worked in!