The Royal Riddle

The Royal Riddle

DISCLAMER: We, the dark lord's keepers, do not own Harry Potter or any thing associated with it. Thanks you and please enjoy...


Tom Riddle (AKA Lord Voldemort) (AKA the dark lord) growled as he made his way down to the dungeons. He cursed every single one of his followers as he passed. Needless to say, the Dark lord was pissed. He growled again as he cast yet another Crutiatus on one of his fallers just a bit longer than he normally would. He hated very few things in this world. One of the things he hated most was being woken up at this, unholy, hour. By one of his own minions nonetheless. He growled again, staled down the stairs to the dungeons slightingly, and walked. His black hair moving a little at the slight breeze produced when descending the stairs. In fact, Voldemort still look very human the only inhuman thing about him was his snake eyes. Some other people argue his mind is inhuman as well.

When he turned the corner, one of his more faithful followers, Lucius Malfoy, greeted him. Before he made his presence known he looked in to the cell and he could see Narcissa Malfoy hiding protecting a bundle of some thing; at the moment that bundle did not hold his attention, he was still currently pissed that Lucius felt the need to awaken him. When Lucius saw him he ran over, bowed before Lord Voldemort, and kissed the hem of his robs. Voldemort glared at the young man before him. The dark lord chose that moment to cast the Crutiatus Curse on him for a minute before he released the man from the painfully unbearable curse and was slightly proud when his follower only needed a second before he was back before him bowing his muscles twitching, a mere after effect of the curse. The dark lord heard Nagini slither behind him and in to the cell that held Narcissa and he knew that if she saw any thing out of the ordinary.

"What were you thinking when you thought it would be a good idea to wake me up!" Voldemort yelled before casting another Crutiatus Curse at Lucius. Once again, Lucius' screams cutting through the still air of the morning. The dark lord released the cruse before to long he still needed Lucius in his right mind.

Lucius knelt once again before the dark lord shaking from the curse as well as pain and presented the dark lord with a letter. The dark lord read his name on the envelope in deep slivery ink neatly scrawled calligraphy. The dark lord took the letter and examined it while he dismissed Lucius. The death eater moved out of the dark lord's sight and over to out side of the cell his wife was in. Voldemort looked the letter over and flipped it to see the seal and saw that it was one of the Grave families. However, it was not the stamp that bothered him; it was the color of the wax that had been used. Instead of the wax being its normal silver color it was black. That always symbolized a death. This would not be good. The Grave family was a very powerful wizarding family that supported him in this time of war. If this death was some how considering their support that they had of him it would not be good.

The dark lord broke the seal and sneered slightly at the first three words on the page. However, he could not be completely mad because the Grave family was the closet thing the wizarding world had of a royal family. He took a deep breath before staring to read the letter again.

Dear Mr. Riddle,

I am sorry to inform you that there has been a loss in the family. The young miss Ruby Grave will be deeply missed. The cause of the soul heir to the Grave fortune could determined as ill effects from her ailments that she has suffered sense giving birth four years ago. However, due to the birth of her child the Grave family still has and Heir. We would also like to tell you that before the young mistress passed on to the other side of the veil she entrusted to us the name of her child's father. You Mr. Riddle are the legal guardian of the heir to both the Grave and Riddle families. Due to the fact that the child is yours, take care of her and should you have any questions please contact Master Grave.


Michael Haley

P.S. Her grandparents also request that you bring the child down for a visit occasionally.

Voldemort first glared at the paper then at Narcissa. She must have felt his eyes pressing in to her back with death glares because she flinched and pulled the buddle closer to her.

"Naigini what is she hiding?" The dark lord asked his familiar who was so close to Narcissa and examining what she held.

"It's a child!" The large snake cried to her master her voice full of hunger.

"You will not eat the child…" Voldemort said in English that time and Narcissa flinched and moved her body between her and the child. Voldemort knew that all mothers had instinct like that and it was only worse when the mother had a child of the same age as Narcissa did.

"Bring me the child." Voldemort commanded his voice dark and cold.

Narcissa complied with the dark lord's orders, a plan forming in her mind if the dark lord chose to hurt the girl. She walked over and stopped in front of the dark lord. Voldemort reached his long fingers over the bundle of blankets and pulled them away to revile a small girl. Smaller then a child her age should be. She had stunning blonde hair like that of the Veela creatures that curled in light ringlets once it was a little past her shoulders. She was sleeping but Voldemort could see that she had the same nose and lips of his own mother he had seen in pictures before. He examined the child a bit more before placing the covers back over the sleeping child.

"Come…" He ordered Narcissa and he walked back up stairs to the main from. He knew the woman was following him along with Lucius. He let them up stairs to one of the bedrooms. "Narcissa, you will take care of the child for a few hours. Lucius go home!" With that, the dark lord turned on his heals and left them as he climbed the stairs to the third floor and his own bedroom.