

By AceRaptor123

Warning: I don't own Maximum Ride.ect.ect.ect Jimmy Pat does

"But when a young lady is to be a heroine, the perverseness of forty surrounding families cannot prevent her. Something must and will happen to throw a hero in her way."

-Jane Austen (1775 - 1817), Northanger Abbey

"I think of a hero as someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his/her freedom."

Bob Dylan(1941 - )

"The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he/she dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else."

Umberto Eco (1932 - ), Travels in Hyperreality

"Everyone is necessarily the hero of his/her own life story."

John Barth (1930 - )

Chapter 1: The Anti-Flock

So it turns out the coordinates the voices gave us, lead us to a bank in New York, a really big domed one, and with big marble pillars every where.

Fang shuffled his feet right next to me and I sighed, that's right, me again. Max, Maximum Ride. My little angel, Angel, next to me was holding my hand.

She whispered, "Are you sure Max?"

Iggy spoke up, "Yeah, I thought that we were, you know; done with New York. I didn't realize you loved the place that much."

I turned and looked at him indignantly, "I do hate this God awful city, and yes this is where the voice told me to go!"

For those of you new to the Maximum Ride train, Get with the Freakin Program already! I am Max, me and my Flock of 6 have been genetically messed with to have wings, and Blah Blah, Blah, Blah Voice in my head, Blah Blah. Last we talked I was on the edge of giving up my edge, and going to school. Thank goodness my voice rescued me.

I was surprised Nudge hadn't thrown in her own 2 cents yet. Surprised but Thankful, Gazzy was on Fang's other side.

Its safe Max, go ahead in.

What then, I thought back to my voice.

Just wait, and be… well heroic.

"Alright, guys and gals. Let's go." I said, as if leading the charge into battle

You can never tell, you may just be…have fun.

They walked into the giant building, and gasped. It was huge on the inside, big enough for them all to fly laps around the whole building.

"Wow." Whispered Gazzy.

"What?" asked Mr. Blind, Iggy.

"Well, it really… you know what, just yell really loudly." Said Fang

This was about 9 more words than he had said all day. Iggy took in a deep breath and yelled,

"THE VOICES!!" really loudly, which echoed for the next, two minutes. Some people looked at him, but most of them just stayed with their business. He laughed

"I get it, it's really big, and stuff." He said, as I felt myself become more and more mortified, not just because Iggy was yelling in a Bank, but because he was making fun of me at the same time. Just then, six people entered the room. I, being so paranoid immediately looked over. They were six kids… In fact they looked like they were the same ages as my flock; one was a tall fifteen year old boy, flanked by two fourteen year old girls, an eleven-ish looking boy, an 8 or 9-ish looking girl, and a little 6 year old boy. I took a double take, that was the tiniest little Goth, I had ever seen. The six year old boy looked like he had been ripped straight out of a Marilyn Manson Music Video. They were all wearing; jackets just like my own flock was, then they passed the metal detector. They all had their hands in their pockets.


Yes, Sweetie? She thought to Angel, oh yeah she's a mind reader.

Those kids over there, they keep thinking weird things.

Like what?

Like, "we need the money." "We need to." "We need to Survive" "We need the money." "Not going back."

Oh, yeah and they have Win

BEEP BEEP BEEP, went the metal detector, a security guard approached them and said,

"Ok kids, we're going to need you to remove any-"

They had all walked forward and their jackets were pushed off as all of them revealed huge wing spans. WOOSH! All six of them revealed wing spans… stunning everyone, including her own flocks.

The boy in front, who looked like her, was in charge pointed at the wall,

He said, "Ni, go set them up over there!" one of the fourteen year old girls ran off and put up some blocks of plastic on the wall.

He continued barking orders, "Bank! Halt the silent alarm!"

The eleven-ish boy ran off to a computer, putting some gadget into it.

The boy then pulled a revolver out of his coat, BANG!

"Alright everyone, I'm sure you've all seen this on TV! You know the Drill!"

The other kids spread out, covering all the other users.

"If you try and resist, we'll blow the place to kingdom come."

Iggy whispered to Gazzy, "What does it look like?"

Gazzy whispered back, "Uhh… like blocks of plastic… with wires."

Iggy whispered, "C4, plastic explosive… probably military grade."

What ever it was I didn't care, I was supposed to be heroic. The moment the other girl, that didn't use the explosives walked by I launched myself at her. She reacted so quickly, grabbing my body swinging me around with my own momentum, and like a one of the wrestlers you see on TV. She brought me up like a rag doll and smashed me against the ground… Ow…. Fang had launched himself at the boy with the revolver. I leapt back to my feet and launched a snap kick to the girls face. She blocked it…


Iggy's POV

I focused in on everything going around me, so many noises. I heard Max attack someone and heard and Ouff! Then the flock was in full on fight mode, he was standing still not quite knowing where to go, and unfamiliar presence went by, Iggy launched his arms out and grabbed the boy's shirt bringing all the way above his head; momentarily blinding him. Iggy grabbed his body wrapping his arms around his chest and…

OHMYGOD!! It was a chick, he leapt back embarrassed. And was greeted back a sharp kick to the face, he heard a faint crack and fell to the floor losing consciousness.


Angel's POV

I walked around the chaotic seen, rather calmly surveying the carnage. Until I walked into the 6 year old boy, I was about to attack him, but then… He turned at looked at me, calmly. And I froze up… I wanted turn around and never let this boy look at me again.

What is with me he's not scary… he's… he's… he's cute. I admitted to herself.

Then the boy looked her straight in the eye, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I felt like her was staring into my very soul. A strange feeling over taking me… The boy's beautiful eyes seemed to fill with blood, as his eyes became a dark horrible red… Then I felt the most horrible agonizing pain… It was awful… It was hell…. If hell was real this would be it… MAKE IT STOP!

It stopped; the last thing she thought was that I had momentarily read his mind… his name, was Pain.


Pain's POV

The cute little girl fell to he knees in pain. She slumped up against the side of the pillar, and I walked on. Looking around, Bank and a black girl were fighting over by the computer. I had been a little surprised when the girl who had attacked Talon, revealed her wings. But there must be some people like us… I looked up and sighed, up high above Talon and The girl were in pitched combat fighting in the air, and Adam and a boy with dark hair, and matching wings were punching and kicking. Ni was flying up to help out Talon. I sighed again, and walked over to Bank's fight. I taped the girl he was fighting with on the shoulder and she rounded on me and looked me in the eye. Bad mistake, Then I broke into her, my vision became very red, and the girl screamed and fell to the floor screaming in agony.

Bank looked up and stared at me, the two boys exchanged a look, then

Banks said, "Man, your scary… a lot… useful but scary.

Up above the fighter seemed to have changed.

Adam was now fighting the girl who had attacked Talon. And talon was attacking the boy with black wings. Ni was on the ground, bringing explosives to the vault. I sat down and watched the fight above. Adam had gotten the girl in a choke hold, and now… O no…I thought vaguely. Adam was going to use his signature move, I never like it, it always made an awful noise. Adam was holding the girl's wings behind her and folded his own; the two of them dove towards the ground, spiraling at such an incredible speed; I honestly thought they must be getting sick. Normally what happened was Adam and his victim spiraled towards the ground at like 40MPH, and Adam would swerve up in time and smash his victim's head against the ground… usually killing them. But he seemed to have mercy for her, he smashed her against the ground body first, they heard the cracking of several ribs, and maybe an arm.

"NO!! MAX!!" screamed the dark winged boy. He was pinned between Talon and the wall.

Talon had enough sense to smash his head against the wall, hard. And the dark winged boy lost consciousness, The boy fell to the ground.

Adam and Talon landed, Adam walked up to a woman hiding on the ground.

"Can I barrow you cell phone?"

The woman just whimpered, "Too Bad." He said

He gestured for me to come to him; I walked over and looked at the woman.

"No you can't deny this sweet little boy, can you?" asked Adam

She made the mistake, of looking into my eyes. I broke into her, and she fell to the flow screaming. Talon bent over and picked up the phone.

Adam dialed 911, on the phone.

"Yeah, operator. We have a bank robbery here… I don't know what bank… yeah; send several ambulances and a police crew… probably going to need the bomb squad here too. Some kids here need desperate medical attention, yep. Ok." He hung up

"Nymphadora, did you get the money?"

"I'm Ny. Remember, I hate that name. And yes I got it… what now?" asked Ny, who was blind.

"Up and Away…" said, Adam… they took flight!

Smash!! Through the sky light… They waited for a little bit, and fallowed the Ambulances. They weren't about to abandon, kids just like themselves.

I always liked to watch the sunset from the air…