This is my third fanfic story. Crossover between Lost and Harry Potter. I do not own Harry Potter or Lost, so don't sue me! Oh and this takes place during season 3 of Lost and during Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were sitting around the Gryffindor common room one rainy, stormy day. Hermione was, like always, buried in a book and Harry and Ron were playing Wizards Chess.

" Hm that's interesting" said Hermione all of a sudden.

" What's interesting?" asked Ron, not taking his eyes of the game board.

" It says in this book that a group of Witches and Wizards who lived on this Island in the South Pacific got together one day and called themselves the Dharma Intiative." said Hermione.

" I still don't get how that's interesting" said Ron.

" It's interesting" began Hermione in an annoyed voice " because they hired a bunch of muggles to come and work for them. They were studying the unique properties of this Island. Then According to this book, one of the people they hired found out that they were Wizards and he demanded that they share their powers with him. Then when they didn't, explaining that he was a muggle and couldn't do magic, he got all mad and stormed off into the jungle. He came back the next day with a bunch of other people who had been on the Island for a long time and released a toxic gas and wiped out the whole Dharma Intiative."

" Does it say who the other people were who were living on the Island a really long time?" asked Harry.

" It only says that they were there before the Witches and Wizards came to the Island and that they were frightened of the Wizards magic and stayed away from them. It also says that they secretly wanted revenge upon the Wizards for taking control of their Island, that's why they helped that muggle kill them." Hermione explained.

"I'm sorry, but what unique properties does this Island have?" asked Ron. " It's a bloody Island."

" It doesn't really say here. It just says that the Dharma Intiative had various stations set up in different places on the Island. All stations were working on something different."

" What a bunch of gits!" Ron said, laughing. " Why would they hire a bunch of muggles to come and work for them? Why not hire more Wizards?"

" I don't know it doesn't say in here. Besides Ronald it's not funny! Those people died, show some respect! Hermione said in a bossy voice.

" What book is that, Hermione?" asked Harry.

" It's called Mysterious Wizard Happening's . I found it in the Library while looking for a book for my Ancient Runes essay and thought it looked interesting." Hermione said, turning the book over in her hands.

Harry and Ron lost interest and went back to their game, while Hermione set the book down and started her Ancient Runes essay.

I hope you liked it so far! I'm writing more chapters. Please Review!