Be My Mate!
Pairings: SasuNaru and maybe otherz if I want to keep goin
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto in any way…
A/N: Okay peoplz! I'm back and I'd like to answer a few questions from reviewers! The first chapter plot was from the manga Love Snatcher! If you read it you'd know- if you haven't you should! I hope that help you remember know! Anywayz enjoy the story and think of suggestions you would like be in the story! I'm always up for some help!
"So, the humans all alone know…" a man spoke as he looked into the magical mirror which showed Naruto walking in the darkest part of the demon territory. "You know what happens next, bring him here to me. Make sure the Uchiha does not follow." He spoke once more as a dark figure growled out in response and left. "Naruto Uzumaki…" he said as he looked into the mirror at the blonde. "You will help me gain power over this pathetic kingdom."
.:With Naruto:.
Naruto slowly walked through the forest. He could hear his stomach growl and his feet ached in pain for the constant walking. 'What if I got pregnant? What should I do… I'm scared…' Naruto thought as he entered the darkest and abandoned part of the forest. Naruto stopped dead in his tracks as he heard crunches of leaves being stepped on and whispers all around him. 'Voices? …What should I do?'
"I-Iruka? K-Konohamuru…?" Naruto stuttered out in fear. Then a black figure appeared out of the shadows. "S-Sasuke??" Naruto spoke softly at the mysterious figure that slowly made his way to him.
"No… my name is Sai." Sai said as he stepped into the dim light that was allowed pass the leaves atop the trees.
Naruto's eyes widened. In front of him was a beautiful creature, black as night itself… just like Sasuke.
"Sai? What are you…?" Naruto spoke out as the large creature neared him.
"Why… I'm a panther." Sai purred as he circled around Naruto. "Haven't you ever seen one?" Sai said as he stopped dead in his tracks in front of Naruto. Naruto nodded at the question.
"I've…I've seen one at the zoo but not this up close." Naruto spoke softly.
'Zoo?' Sai thought and then chuckled. "What's your name?"
Naruto gazed at the large animal. 'He's almost as big as Sasuke…' Naruto thought as he looked over the panther demon. "It's… its Naruto." Naruto poke a he slowly took a step back. Sai quickly took notice and walked up to the blonde and rubbed hi head into Naruto's hand. Naruto stiffened at the touch but then started to slowly pet the Black Panther who purred out in pleasure.
"So, what brings you here in the demon world? Obviously your human and not demon." The panther spoke as he backed away and looked into the blondes blue eyes.
"I… I was summoned here I guess. I honestly don't know why or how I was summoned though." Naruto spoke as he watched Sai circle him again and made low rumbling sounds from his throat.
"Ah, so you're saying it was against your own will? You must be so lonely… don't you miss your family?" Sai said as he stopped in front of Naruto again.
"Yeah…I do. I miss all my friends." Naruto spoke as he stared at Sai.
"You know, I could help you." Sai said as he started to walk again.
"What do you mean?" Naruto said.
"Why… go back to your world of course. I know someone who could help, he is a wizard." Sai spoke calmly as he sat down and stared at the blonde.
"W-wizard? There are wizard here?"
"Of course! We demons aren't the only ones here; this is like a mythical place you can say."
"So… this wizard can get me back home?"
"Yes, of course. I'll even escort you to him if you'd like. So… shall we? It's quite a journey from here to there."
Naruto seemed to ponder on the idea. 'Should I trust this demon? He seems nice but kind of odd… but I have to try' "okay…I guess I could give it a shot. Anyway… you're a demon so you have a human form too right?"
"Ah, yes, indeed I do, but I haven't gained control of it. So I'm kind of stuck in my demon form." Sai lied as he gave a small grin at Naruto, and Naruto slowly and unsurely followed Sai. Naruto looked back at the direction he came from and thought about Iruka, Konohamuru, and mostly… Sasuke.
.:With Sasuke:.
Sasuke was beyond angry. Why?-his blonde is missing of course! All the demons gathered and tried the best they can to calm their king.
"I can't believe I just let him walk off!" Sasuke growled in frustration as he walked back and forth. Sasuke let him go so he can cool off but the blonde has been gone for hours with no sign. "I want every demon looking for him! No excuses!" Sasuke growled out. Sasuke strode off in search of his blonde.
"Sasuke Uchiha." A voice spoke out in amusement. "A mere human got you so worked up! How amusing." The voice chuckled as she strides out of the bushes. Standing there was a fox.
"Kyuubi… what's your business here? You don't usually show up unless there big gossip." Sasuke said in annoyance. The fox was a huge gossiper. She snitched on everyone.
"Why can't I come to just visit, my King…" She chuckled out and walked up to the much larger animal with no fear whatsoever. Sasuke eyed her suspiciously. "I heard many things ma' lord. And I've seen something that might spark your interest. About a certain blue eyed, blonde." She said as she stared at Sasuke expectantly. She found herself under the wolf demon in seconds and his paws crushing her lungs.
"What do you know about Naruto!?" He spat out in anger at the fox.
"Heheheh… well, well, I seem to have struck a nerve in the seemingly calm king." Sasuke bared his razor sharp fangs inches away from the taunting fox. Kyuubi just smiled and put her small paw on Sasuke's snout, and pushed him away slightly.
"I saw him with the panther demon- Sai. Sai said something about a wizard and they walked off." She spoke as she got off the ground when Sasuke was still in deep thought of what she said. "He wanted to go home." She said as she looked over her king.
"A… wizard?" Sasuke thought hard on that, there weren't many wizards. "I... won't allow it…" Sasuke said as he stared into nothingness. Kyuubi quirked an eyebrow and smirked at the possessiveness he had for a human.
"Well king… you should search for your 'wife' and bring him safely home before harm comes upon him." Kyuu said as she started to walk off.
"Wait! I know you Kyuubi… you know which wizard it is so spill it." Sasuke spoke as he watched the small creature turn and smile.
"You know me very well ma' lord. In fact I do. The wizard goes by the name Orochimaru."
Sw33testAgOny did not write this! She's on vacation and doesn't know about this. I'm one of her good friends and decided to help her update. If you did not like this story Sw33testAgOny will do a re-write! She will be gone for 2 weeks. Please review and leave suggestions for what you'd like to see happen in this story. Should there be a re-write or should it stay the way it is and the story will go on as it is. REVIEW and I will sort things out with her!