Disclaimer: I'm still not Stephenie Meyer...Twilight isn't mine...

Here we go, Part II of 2 parts :D Thankyou to all reviewers and favouriters and alerters, you guys are awesome! I will be replying to those reviews when I get home later, so don't think I'm snobbing you! Also, don't expect anything extremely graphic--I tried to capture the sweeter part of their relationship, for their first time...I think the graphic, raunchy stuff would be kept for later encounters ;)

You Could Be Mine – Part II

I had told Bella once, when she held my hand for the first time, that her warmth was amazingly pleasant.

What an extreme understatement on my part.

Those two words couldn't even begin to describe the way it felt. They were a pitiful, inaccurate representation of the sensations I felt when she put her hand in mine, when she curled up against me while she slept. And the warmth radiating from her fragile, little body was all the more precious because she gave it to me willingly.

But nothing—nothing—could have prepared me for this.

The heat, when I sank into it for the first time, was exquisite.

And it brought my thirst so very close to the edge.

I froze inside of her, snatching her hands from my body and pinning them above her head. She made a tiny noise of protest before going still, her body tensed, her face hidden under her arm. On some distant level, where the demon inside me wasn't so tempted by her body as well as her blood, I knew it was uncomfortable for her. But I had to take the time to bring myself back under complete control. Not breathing wouldn't help me. Her scent was embedded in my skin, permeating every fibre of my being. I would have to fight the overwhelming desire for her blood with nothing more than sheer will power.

Swallowing the venom, I took deep breaths until the demon retreated. It didn't go far, and I knew it was lurking in the background, waiting for the opportune moment, but it retreated far enough that I was able to move.

Gently, ever so softly, I flexed my hips, testing the limits of my self-control. Bella gasped—a sharp, painful sound. I froze again, fearing I had hurt her already, preparing to withdraw, before my mind cleared enough through my panic to remember that she was still a virgin. The resistance I was feeling was natural; the pain she was feeling was natural.

Of course, it didn't make it any easier, knowing I was hurting her, but the reason for it did stop me from pulling away completely. I hesitated though, watching her anxiously, reluctant to inflict anymore pain on her. After a moment, she turned her head to look at me and smiled gently. I flexed my hips again and her eyes closed in pain as she took a deep breath. I hated hurting her, even though I knew she had been expecting it. I wanted to pull away. I wanted to stop…and yet at the same time, I didn't. I wanted more, because I knew there was more. I wanted all of it.

So I flexed my hips again, and again, slowly building an increasing rhythm, until I felt her body's resistance give way and I entered her fully and completely. My breath stopped even as she gasped. I closed my eyes, the heat swamping me, the sensation making me feel almost dizzy, as I turned my attention inward, to fight off my demon.

My thirst raged; my venom flowed…but the demon made no approach. If anything, it retreated even that little bit further.

I didn't have time to dwell on it, though. Bella's voice was in my ear, her hands on my back, coaxing me to move. And my body was more than willing to respond. I kissed her languidly as I resumed my gentle flexing, concentrating on the feeling of her beneath my hands, the taste of her mouth, the sound of her moan, the sensations of her warm body rubbing against mine…

I still wanted more.

I shifted my weight to my arms, raising myself off her body, giving myself extra leverage as my flexing turned into gentle thrusts. I ducked my head down to kiss her again, relishing the moan she gave me, as she bucked her hips against mine. I voiced my pleasure with a soft growl and her already pounding heart pounded harder. I slid my hand down her body, resting it on her hip, following the movement as she thrust against me again, finding a rhythm to match mine until we moved in perfect synchronisation.

I growled her name this time, my hand sliding down her thigh to the curve of her knee before hitching her leg up and pressing it against my hip.

She lifted herself up, her hands flat against my back, pressing her forehead into the curve of my shoulder, her breath coming in breathy little pants accentuated with quiet moans—such a beautifully feminine noise, right in my ear.

And my body's reaction to it was beyond my control.

Every thrust went that little bit deeper, causing her quiet moans to blend with soft whimpers as her heartbeat continued to accelerate. And as her heartbeat continued to accelerate, her body temperature continued to climb. For once I was heedless of how cold my body was to her, pulling her as close as I could, trying to absorb as much of her heat as possible. Nothing in the world could have ever prepared me for the way this felt. To feel the real heat of her, to be immersed in it…

I could feel myself unravelling, loosing the control I so desperately needed to keep. But every little movement, every time she moaned my name, was drowning me in a new sensation so intense that not even my detached, analytical, vampiric mind was able to stay free of the haze engulfing my body.

I pressed my face into her neck, inhaling her luscious scent. The thirst burned painfully and the venom continued to flow.

I barely noticed it. Every other part of my being was focused on her and her alone—the way she moved her hips against mine, the way her hands clutched at my arms, the way her lips brushed along the line of my jaw.

But I did open my mouth and press it to her neck. I had enough sense, still, to ensure my teeth stayed behind my lips as I tasted her with my tongue. Her body bucked in response, pushing me deeper, even as I moved into her. One of her hands tightened on my bicep, the other fisting in my hair as she put her head back, exposing more of her neck. I snarled instinctively, my hand sliding up to cup the back of her neck, supporting her, restraining her, as I moved my body in and out of hers in an ever-increasing rhythm. Her body had begun to shake; her heart beat pounding loudly. I tasted her again, this time sucking, gently.

Her body came undone beneath me, tightening around me, as she arched her back against me, a moan sounding from the very depths of her throat. Blood rushed through her body, pulsing strongly through her jugular vein—beneath my lips, beneath my tongue…beneath my teeth.

I tore my mouth away, snarling as my thirst suddenly made itself so very prominent in my consciousness, the demon in me suddenly screaming for release, for a taste of that sweet, sweet nectar we knew flowed beneath that translucent skin—even as pleasure tore through me, my own body coming undone. I was suddenly so intensely aware of everything about her—her soft, feminine body beneath mine; the intense heat she gave off as she wrapped her body around me, pulling herself closer, her legs locked around my waist, her hands clutching at my arms, crushing her chest to mine; her ragged breathing matching mine as she moaned in my ear, her head thrown back. Every beautiful pound of her heart, the sound of her rushing blood.

For a moment, I was in a suspended reality, part of me wanting to do nothing more than collapse on top of her and stay there until my unnecessary breathing returned to normal, before doing it all over again.

The other part of me, currently the more dominant part, wanted to sink my teeth in while the blood was still pumping fast and hot, and drink to my demon's content. I could feel the heat pulse with every heartbeat. It sang to me, calling me in, telling me to drink—begging me to drink.

And how I wanted to drink.


She continued to hold herself against my body, even as hers began to relax, her limbs loosing their tenacity, her voice an exhausted, tender whisper. I averted my face, holding myself completely still, utterly ashamed of how badly I wanted her blood, that I had wanted to take it when she was most vulnerable.

It wasn't until I could trust myself to move without attacking her that I lowered us back onto the bed, taking extra care to be gentle. She still didn't let me go, forcing me to reposition myself within the embrace of her body, making sure I was ever-mindful of her fragility. I pressed my ear to her heart, focusing on the rapid beating as a reminder of her life, trying not to think of the fresh, hot liquid it was pumping around her body. Her breathing was heavy as she fought to oxygenate her body.

"You're shaking," she whispered, her hands gliding down my back.

And I was, I realised. My entire being was shaking with the effort not to take what I wanted so badly.

"Edward." Her voice was soft in the dark, her words tinged with hurt. I still hadn't said a word to her.

I rose to my elbows, reaching forward to kiss her as gently as I could. I traced the column of her throat again, inhaling deeply as I did. The thirst burned, but I ruthlessly pushed it back. I would not let myself lose control—not now.

Her hand was on my throat. She felt it when I forced myself to swallow the relentless flow of venom pooling in my mouth.

I saw her reaching for the light. I knew what she was going to do. I didn't help her as she fumbled in the dark before finding the lamp. With a gentle click, she turned it on. I kept my face away from her, tracing my nose along her collarbone. I knew what she would see, what she wanted to see, and it shamed me. But she put a tiny hand on my jaw. Reluctantly, I let her lift my face to the light.

My eyes were onyx black, quiet possibly the blackest they'd ever been. And I knew she could see the thirst that still scorched my throat reflected in them.

I knew she could see the demon.

And as usual, her natural reaction was unnatural.

There was no fear in her eyes, even though the evidence of how close she had come to death was right in front of her. She looked at me carefully, completely unfazed by the colour of my eyes, reaching up with one of her small hands to stroke my face. Her wedding band glinted in the soft light as her fingers lightly traced the shadows under my eyes. I closed my eyes and instinctively turned my head to inhale the scent at her wrist, unable to stop my low growl. And although her heart beat increased, it wasn't in fear.

"Thankyou," she whispered.

I opened my eyes to stare at her, the look in her eyes finally taming the bloodthirsty monster.

How had I ended up with such a creature? That she could look at me like that, that she would thank me for such an experience, probably knowing full well that I had had to fight hard not to kill her. That she would thank me when she had willingly exposed herself to such a danger…

It didn't matter how many centuries we lived to be—I knew I would never find words that would accurately convey what she meant to me.

But for now, I had three little words that I knew would, at least, mean something to her.

"I love you."