A/N: I am back!! But not for long. This is, sadly, the last chapter. I have no idea where this story would go, so I decided to just wrap it up. I am starting a new story though. It will hopefully be up soon.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Zip, zero, zilch.


"Hmmm...?" She and Luna were in the library working on homework. Or at least trying.

"Do you like Draco Malfoy?" That caught her attention.

"What? Why would you think that?" The Gryffindor was getting slightly nervous. Okay, a whole lot nervous.

"Oh, no reason..." Luna trailed off, going back to her work.

"Luna," Ginny whined. When her friend didn't say anything, she sighed. "Fine, yes, I do like him. Remember on the train and you told me that I liked him? Well, that pretty much opened my eyes and I saw that I actually do like him. Happy?"

"Not quite," Luna said, adopting a very Slytherin-like smirk.

"What are you planning?"

"You need to tell him."

"What?! Are you crazy? He'd laugh in my face and then tease me about it relentlessly."

"No he wouldn't," Luna said calmly. "He likes you too. Like I said on the train: I was put into Ravenclaw for a reason. I may be strange and kinda out there, but I'm also very perseptive. I see things and these things have indicated he likes you."

"Um, okay then." Ginny was still unsure.

"Oh, come on. Please? Just tell him and I won't ask you for anything else ever again."

"Yeah, sure. But fine. I'll tell him."

"Good. Well, now's as good a time as ever."


"Yeah. He just walked in." Ginny turned and sure enough, Draco Malfoy was walking into the library with Blaise. "Now go!"

Ginny sighed. She had agreed. She got up and walked slowly over to the table where the two Slytherins were sitting. "Um, can I have a word with you?" she asked. Draco just looked up at her. "Privately."

Draco sighed and made a show of getting up, but followed her toward the back of the library nonetheless.

When they got there she didn't say anything.

"Well?" Draco asked, impatient.

"I...um, well, you see...I..."

"Spit it out!"

"I like you," she muttered.


"I said 'I like you!'" she said, louder this time. He just stared at her. "There, I said it. now go ahead, make fun of me. I really have no idea why I--" Her rant was cut short by a pair of lips crashing down onto hers. She tensed slightly but then relaxed and let him snog her senseless.

When they pulled away, he said, "I like you too." She smiled and they went back to their friends.

"So, what happened?" Luna asked when Ginny got back.

"He kissed me," she answered, a dazed smile on her face. Luna squealed in a very un-Luna-ish fashion and hugged her friend.

"I'm so happy for you!"

"Now it's your turn."


Ginny smirked. "I've seen the way you look at Blaise..."

There it is. The End. Thanks to all who reviewed and have stuck with me even though I am a horrible updater and this story definitely wasn't the best. I enoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
