This was one of my creative Language Arts assignments during our To Kill a Mockingbird unit.

We were supposed to write a missing scene, twist the plot, or write a scene from another character's point of view. I decided to write the rabid dog scene from Boo's perspective, but in third person.

It's short; my teacher didn't want to read fifty random, handwritten novels.

Here goes nothing! Read and review, please.

Disclaimer: I do not own To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee does because she is an incredible writer.

Dedicated to: My amazing Language Arts teacher whose hero is Atticus Finch.


The View of a Mockingbird

The Rabid Dog

Slowly reaching with a pale hand, Boo cracked open a shutter. Door slams that seemed to be with fear had pieced the chirping of birds.

Just outside, on the road, was a staggering dog. On the other side, a man walked out onto the street, gun in hand. Boo watched, waiting for the man to shoot this mad dog. Unknown to him was the fact that his children down the road were thinking the same thoughts.

Boo watched the dog, wondering if it was right to shoot it. It had not done anything to anyone – so far. The poor creature hadn't half a mind to decide anything. Boo pitied it, although he knew this man was protecting his children – Boo's children.

Boo watched as the man's glasses hit the ground, breaking loudly in the silence. The dog at the gate froze and a loud crack pierced the quiet. The dog crumbled into a heap.

As the sheriff approached, Boo slid the shutter closed. Slowly stumbling out of the front room, he felt both sadness and relief.

The man had killed the dog before it had done any known harm, but for the protection of his children.

And Boo was thankful for that.

I am going to be writing other scenes from the book from Boo's perspective but in third person, but only upon request. So if you have a particular scene you want me to type up, send it to me, please.

Fully aware it is short!!