Game Plan

Game Plan

Chapter 5

A cloud thick with brown chocking dust drifted upwards from where the old building had stood. All that had once endured was now flattened and destroyed. From several points a beam of steel jutted from the crushed remains, but that was all. The roof lay upon the shattered vestiges of civilization, what was left of the glass was completely broken and blown out as the roof came down. Thin corrugated metal was arranged in heaps bent and forever useless except as scrap all that had once been a man made structure was now a pile of ruin that nature would shortly consume.

Animals that had once hunted and eaten here had scurried away, hiding at the first rumblings so only the grasses drifted about on the melody stirred up by the annihilation. Yet if one looked closely enough and squinting through half closed eyes one could see a single tiny creature standing in the center of this mess. It was an odd shaped little pink rodent with a long skinny tail covered in dust. He had emerged from the devastation and crawled out for a little look see. Having seen nothing of any value he coughed up the vestiges of grit and let out a shrill whistle signaling some unseen persons that the coast was clear.

Gradually, painfully several heavy bits of roofing lifted slowly upward before crashing back down a scant distance from where they had originally fallen. Out from the tomb crawled two unlikely figures, one male the other female. Both looked the worse for wear, dirty and disheveled as if they had battled some demon and not so much rained victorious but survived, barely.

"Well luckily that thing was standing below the roof, saved us from getting crushed." Stated the male with a properly positive outlook and said without the hint of sarcasm.

"That was pretty much my plan." She smiled moving in closer to her lover expecting a hung. But that didn't happen; instead he backed away from her his hands up in a defensive manner.

"No offence KP but you are one slimy mess." And indeed she was a fright. Her entire body was covered from head to toe in the glop designed to destroy her valuable super suit. It had accomplished that job with gusto and left her in quite a state. The stuff still dripped from her very being, rivulets dribbled down, hair plastered to her head, face and back. Small leathery wings shone from between her arms and legs, everywhere across her entire body was slippery with the matter. But worse still the coating acted like an adhesive for the dirt. Excess filth and rust coated every square inch of her unheroic feeling body turning her an odd reddish brown colour. It would have to come off before they went home.

Dejected Kim Possible began walking away from the crash site hoping to find something that could be used to clean her off and make her feel like a attractive young woman again.


Kim winced and stumbled backwards slightly as a blast of high pressure water crashed against her diminutive frame. She was clearly demoralized at the present chain of events, the suit was ruined and she was unclear as to whether her super genius partner could repair it. She wasn't enough of a techno geek to know what was wrong with the thing or how to fix it. Dementor had escaped but the plus side was he hadn't gotten his hand on her costume and the thing her created was destroyed, flattened by a falling beam.

Shoulders drooping, her whole body seemed to buckle under the weight of her woes. As the water leak down the length of her body and pooled onto the floor, only to drain down into the floor near her feet. Sniffling slightly trying to blow away some of the hair that had matted to her face but she only succeeded in spitting water from slightly bluish lips. She really, really needed a cuddle or at the very least a hug.

Rufus seemed to be enjoying himself as he worked the trigger end of the pressure washer sending another blast of water her way. She stumbled back again under the torrent of water, the last of the slim had been washed away but it seemed that Rufus was ensuring the job was done fully and completely.

It had been a very long very quiet walk as the little group had made its way down the winding tree lined road to their present destination, an all night gas station with car wash. Ron had used all the coins in his pocket to ensure there was enough water and soap to thoroughly clean his despondent girlfriend. Ron had used the soap brush to scrub her down, while Rufus power soaked her. She hadn't seen her lover in a while; he had entered the attached convenience store and hopefully was looking for something she could wear instead of the drenched mess she presently wore.

The water stopped as the meter on the wall read zero and Rufus was forced to drop the long water hose with a bitter grumble. But through the lifeless bangs of her hair her boyfriend came into view, exiting the store with what some would say was clothing. He stopped by the edge of the bay and hung up what she would be forced to wear home and moved towards her unfolding a very large fluffy, nauseating coloured beach towel.

Extending it as far as his arms would reach he held it up covering as much of her frame as he could, blocking all from viewing her. Quickly peeling the remains of the destroyed suit she let the sopping mess drop into a pile on the cold wet concrete floor near the drain and felt the most wondrous relief and she became cocooned like a mummy in the blanket, his arms pinning her to his body.

Kim could not help herself as a low whimper like moan broke through her smiling lips; oh she had waited so long to be held within his arms cuddling his body to her own. She could not reply with her own arms as they were pinned to the side of her body ensnarled in the wrapping. But she let herself be held and laid her head upon his shoulder feeling the dampness of her hair soak into the fabric of his mission tunic. Kim Possible was in her most happy of places, the arms of her lover.

She didn't understand why this was but when things were freely flowing southward she was happiest cuddled up in his arms. It made no sense; she was the mightier of the two so why did she feel a certain safety inside his arms. Even wrapped in nothing more than a towel sopping wet in the center of a car port; that said she snuggled in a little closer.

Glancing over his shoulder she viewed the garment he had picked out for her from the gas station gift shop. It seemed that every little location had some form of trinket to offer the casual tourist. The shirt was a hideous multicoloured button down monstrosity with flowers and fish festooned about in random patterns. At least the shorts, however small they looked were of a kaki style with pockets in the front and back. To complete the ensemble a pair of cheep sandals that most likely were going to stain her feet an ugly brown colour. Kim had seen flip flops but Ron hated those. He stated they were tacky, this coming from Ron, annoyingly noisy and detracted from her beauty. She was a lady and shouldn't wear hideous things like that. Turning away she lay her head back upon his shoulder.

Regardless of how ridiculous she thought cuddling might be she enjoyed it and so they stayed like that for a time. Kim ignoring the cool dampness of the floor on her bare feet, the nippy night air drying her hair and naked legs. For his part Ron ignored the fact that the dampness was soaking through the towel and into his pants, shirt and onto his skin. A slight whimper emerged from her lips brought about by the warmth of his breath upon the nape of her neck. This was fallowed soon after by the softest feathery kisses as they slowly worked there way down from behind her ear and along the length on her shoulder. "I think we should head home now." She whispered.

"Kimberly Ann Possible" his use of her full name shocked her slightly "I did not come all this way…" his voice trailed off "…that's not true. I did come all this way to save you. But…" his voice raised in defiant tone. "I am not ready to go home just yet."

"It's a beautiful day…" both looked out at the very dark night sky. "Or at least it will be a beautiful day. We are in one of the most beautiful places in the country. I am with the most beautiful girl in the world." Kim opened her mouth to say something but he shut her up quick enough with a glair "I am with the most beautiful girl in the world!" In this statement he would harbour no argument. "And I would like to enjoy myself. Plus I have no homework. At least I don't think I do." The last was said in a more absent minded tone to nobody in particular.

Her eyebrow rose "What do you have in mind?" she asked inquisitively.

His own eyebrows rose in a suggestive manor and his grin was positively huge.

"It had better have more than one piece." His whole face lit up in anticipation "No.! No!" she stated quickly realizing the error of her words. "It had better be less than one!" Some how his face grew even brighter in anticipation of the day's events spent entirely with his beloved. "Aaarrggg you know what I mean." She stabbed at him in the gut with her finger. "You know what I mean!"


Balanced precariously on a thin plank of wood and fibreglass her body hunched slightly over, arms faintly out from her side Kim Possible rode a massive wall of water. The roar was deafening as it surged over her head and crashed around her. Feeling exhilarated and a trifle awe inspired as her insignificantly tiny form rode through the eye of the storm, the wall of water curling above blocking out the rays of the sun. Only the blue green and black of the water was reflected in her jubilant eyes as she succeeded at something she had never attempted before. The exhilaration brought forth a scream of joyous rapture as the board slew about under her control.

Kim had wake boarded, snow boarded and road the waves on a wind surfer but never had she surfed. And today in the morning sun there was no evil villains and no unruly henchmen to disrupt her joy. Several hours set aside in a hectic life for pure pleasure, she was glad Ron had become stubborn and hungered to stay. She had expected other things were on his mind when he wanted to remain but they could still do those more passionate things later. For now they would just ride the waves until they tired or got hungry but she though that would not be for a while.

Smiling more to herself knowing that her boyfriend knew her more modest nature, had not picked out the tinny itsy bitsy bikinis that would barely cover her attributes but had chosen a swim costume Kim would wear in public. It was two pieces; it would have surprised her if he had gotten her something in a real swimsuit. But was designed for diving in a warmer climate, bottoms were larger and more than covered her backside the top had a zipper from neck to just below her breasts which could be open or closed as much as she wished. Her arms and shoulders were bear to the open water.

With the wave petering out she took the chance to glance behind to ensure her most wondrous of boyfriends was still in view. Kim hadn't heard the scream but the board he was or had been riding was veering upward at a rather poor angle for surfing and a slight splash had disrupted the flow of water where he might have been. If she squinted just slightly she might of seen a naked mole rat pinching his nose and bracing himself as he sailed through the air for an instant only to land with a plop into the raging torrent of water. She'd save them in a moment.