Disclaimer: If I owned NCIS, Tony would be feeding me grapes while I laid on the beach. As there is no Tony and no grapes and I'm sitting in my kitchen in northern Canada, I can only conclude that I do NOT own NCIS. More's the pity.

It's been a busy day.

She attended a funeral, was terminated from her position at NCIS, cleared out her desk, and planned a dinner party, all before lunch. She got engaged, purchased rings, obtained a marriage license, got married, and cooked a meal for seven people, all before dinner.

It's been a busy day.

He's pretty sure that Abby was only half-serious when she suggested that someone should marry Ziva. He's sure that he imagined the looks everyone gave him when she said it. But he's also sure that Ziva wouldn't look at anyone as she stated that it was a ridiculous idea.

Maybe that's why he's standing in her kitchen a married man.

They make the announcement over drinks. They've been seeing each other for two years. They got married this afternoon. Tony will be tendering his resignation in the morning, and he'll be actively seeking a new position. He jokingly adds that it'll be nice to be a "real" cop again. Ziva will be taking a leave of absence from Mossad. She mentions that taking care of Tony will be a full time job.

If they didn't know Tony and Ziva as well as they do, nothing would seem out of place, but it does. Nobody mentions that the timing is off, that last year he was with someone else. Nobody mentions that the pieces just don't fit.

They all hope that one day they will understand the false start.