Disclaimer: South Park is not mine. Until I earn enough money to buy it

Author's Note: This is a pretty fluffy chapter, in my opinion. Just trying to fill in some background information. I expect nothing good for the first three chapters. Don't worry, I'm a quick updater unless I get my computer taken away from me. Feel free to review with any and all comments.

Chapter 1: Locker Notes

Sixteen year old Kyle Broflovski was running through the snowy white forest at twilight. He could just see the tail of the mountain lion he was chasing beyond a fallen tree, and he headed towards it as fast as he could. He was unable to remember why he was looking for the lion in the first place, but he knew it was dreadfully important. Just a bit closer…

He awoke with fright. He was blind, he was deaf, he couldn't breathe…there was a pillow being held over his face. With some effort, he threw it off to look into the smiling face of his best friend. "Jesus Christ! Stan, what are you doing here?" Stan Marsh had been his best friend since kindergarten, and his super best friend since fourth grade. "Just bringing you some homework," he replied cheerfully. Kyle had been home sick for two days now. "Still pretty crappy. But hopefully with the weekend over, I'll be better in time for school Monday." "I hope so, dude. It's been boring without you. Hey, guess what?" Stan asked suddenly, his blue eyes alight with the fire of his soul. "What?" asked Kyle, even though he had a feeling he already knew. "I got another note today! It's the second one this week, this is amazing!" Kyle turned his head to hide his smile. He loved seeing Stan so happy. "And..?" he asked in reply. "And what? Dude, it's a note! Want to read it?" his eyes glowed in eager anticipation for the answer. Kyle sighed. "Sure, dude." Stand dug into his backpack, and a second later found what he was looking for. "Here," he said, and handed it over to Kyle. "Tell me what you think."

Kyle stretched out his hand and took the paper from Stan He unfolded it and looked down at the words that he himself had only written a few days ago.

Dear Stan,
I wish you only knew how much you mean to me. You are my whole world, and the only star in my sky. My heart is forever yours…

"So?" Stan's voice interrupted his thoughts. "What do you think?" "I'm not sure, dude." Kyle replied. "Do you have any idea who wrote it?" He hoped his voice and his eyes didn't reflect the worry he felt inside. He couldn't even begin to imagine how much their friendship would suffer if Stan was aware of the fact that his best friend, Kyle, was completely head-over-heels in love with him. "No, no idea," Stan finally replied. "Wish I did know, though." Kyle stared at him. He only said that now…if he really knew, he would wish he didn't. "Why's that?" Kyle decided to ask him. Stan fidgeted a bit before answering. "Well…this is going to sound kind of stupid…but I guess I can tell you. Promise you won't laugh?" Kyle nodded with utmost sincerity. "Okay…well…I've always wanted to be someone's whole world, and now I am. Sometimes I would feel unimportant, you know? But that feeling has pretty much vanished thanks to these notes, and I really want to know who's been writing them." Stan glanced up to see Kyle's reaction. "That's really nice, dude," he replied, smiling. "I'm glad you think so." Stan sighed with relief. "Listen, I need to go home for a bit, but I'll check back later, okay?" "Okay dude, see you later," Kyle said as Stan walked out the door.

Kyle was finally able to breathe normally once Stan left the room. Luckily, he hadn't figured out who had left the notes, and it didn't sound like he had any clues either. Only with Craig's assistance had Kyle been able to leave the notes during his absence. A few weeks ago, he had heard him complaining about a recently failed math test. Kyle had offered to tutor him, the price being his help and his silence. At first Craig refused, but another fail had made up his mind for him. And so it was because of this arrangement that Craig took all the notes and put them into Stan's locker when he wasn't looking. Kyle never had to worry about the notes being traced to him, now, even if Stan did find out who was putting them in his locker.

It wasn't that Kyle didn't want to tell Stan how he felt about him, just that he was sure Stan didn't feel the same way. The best way to express his feelings, he decided, was to tell Stan anonymously. So far, it was working well. Stan seemed more cheerful than he had for a while, and he was always happy when he was talking about the notes. But there was one drawback. Stan was never one to really share his emotions all that much, and sure enough Kyle had to drag his feelings out of him on occasion. It would be easier if only Stan could write notes back…wait! That was it! He could tell Stan to drop notes in someone's locker! Only…whose locker?

"No way, man," Craig said when he arrived fifteen minutes later. "I don't mind dropping notes in his locker, but I am not picking up return notes in mine!" "But please?" Kyle begged. "No! No notes in my locker. No way in hell, man. Why don't you ask Butters? I don't think he would care much." He replied before walking away. Kyle didn't really want to involve more people than was necessary…but Butters wouldn't say anything…right..?

So it was the next day when Kyle was on the phone to Butters, trying to explain what he wanted. "Well, you see, Butters, I need to use your locker to get notes from Stan." "Well…well that's all fine…but Kyle you're best friends! Why do you need my locker?" Kyle inwardly sighed. "It's kind of a game, Butters. He doesn't know I wrote them, so we have to use your locker." And so a reluctant Butters had agreed not to tell Stan, and had also promised any notes would be passed along during their seventh period biology class. "Oh, hamburgers," muttered Butters as he hung up the phone.

Dear Stan,
I understand if you don't want to write me back, but if you do, just drop notes in locker number 109, near the gymnasium. I love you…

Kyle grinned as he typed the note on his computer. Now he felt ready for school on Monday.

Author's Note: I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the dream Kyle woke up from was not really of major importance. Most people begin with dreams revealing feelings...well this one did not do so. It relates and explains the title. In South Park, mountain lions are used for a symbol of purity, noted in Woodland Critter Christmas. Twilight, for many, represents the end. But, even more so, it represents the beginning of the end. So from there, I derived the title: A Pure Beginning. Once again, any and all comments are appreciated.