Title: Invasion

Author: regnerischhimmel

Pairings: House/Wilson, Cameron/Chase

Point of View: James Wilson (for the most part)

Summary: "I told him he was going to die and he just stared blankly back at me…there-there wasn't even a flicker of emotion in his eyes…he didn't even seem human."

Inspired by the black and white film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the 70's remake, Invasion, and the most recent remake, Invasion starring Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman.

You can still read this even if you haven't seen the movies and if you have, then you may know where I am going with this, but this is definitely not a parallel to the series. The plot idea was merely inspired by the movies.

Please read, review, and enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Patient

Life at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital is as usual...that is until House meets his newest patient.

"-but that's not even the best part!" House exclaimed excitedly. I couldn't help rolling my eyes. And House thinks that I gossip too much?

"It gets worse?" I asked in disbelief. Okay, maybe I do gossip too much. House smirked before continuing.


"Dr. House?" House turned his blue eyes away from me to the door of his office. I, of course, turned around to see the dead man walking. I can only imagine what House is going to say to him, let along do to him. Very few souls are stupid enough to barge into House's office. Only Cuddy and I can get away with that…and maybe the occasional underling.

Standing in the doorway was a thin, dark haired man with green eyes. He was in his thirties and was wearing a black suit. The strangest thing about him was the lack of expression in his eyes. Just looking at him forced shivers down my spine, but I couldn't be sure why. There's something about him.

"Well, that is what it says on the door…unless you're a lawyer. In that case, he's not here right now." House replied roughly, hoping the intruder would leave. The man ignored the rudeness and stepped forward.

"I am not a lawyer. I am sick and need medical treatment," he said casually as if he was commenting on the weather.

"That may explain why you're in a hospital." House said sarcastically, glancing over at me momentarily before continuing, "you better be dying of something really interesting." He stated bluntly. The man wasn't affected by his comments and House seemed surprised by this. I found it odd too. Any normal person would show at least some reaction. Maybe it's a symptom? Either that, or House has met a person who is not affected by anything he says? I had to hold a smile back at that thought.

After what seemed to be a staring contest, House spoke again. "So…what's up? Vomiting blood? Embarrassing rash? Don't worry, Jimmy here won't tell. I might, but-"

"Extreme abdominal pain." He interrupted calmly. House and I both raised our eyebrows skeptically before sharing another look.

"Oh really? If your 'abdominal pain' is so 'extreme' then you would be screaming on the floor right now." House frowned. He hates when people waste his time, especially when there is juicy gossip to be told. "If you want drugs, scam the clinic downstairs. Preferably when I'm not there." He added. Yet again, the man stared blankly at us without the slightest expression.House paused and just stared back at the man, slightly puzzled. House noticed it too. I'm not sure what we noticed, but there was definitely something wrong with the man.

"I do have abdominal pain and I am not on drugs." He stated in the same monotone voice. "Please give me an MRI." House just stared for a minute waiting for the man to break out laughing or something, but he didn't.

"Wow, you're like a robot!" House remarked with an amused grin. "If you want an MRI, go find a nurse and leave me be. Dr. Wilson and I need to finish our talk about who's cheating with which cross-dresser. Plus, you're obviously not in that much pain if you're standing up straight without so much as a grimace." The man's lack of emotion was interesting, but House's annoyance with the man superceded his curiosity. He turned back to me hoping the man would take the hint, but, of course, that would be too easy.

"I want someone experienced doing it and you are one of the best diagnosticians in the country." The man replied. "My name is Harris Grant. Where should I wait?"

"Fine, Terminator, you can sit and wait in the conference room until one of my ducklings finds you." House ordered with a final death glare. Harris finally left and took a seat at the table in the neighboring room. Before I could say anything about it, House started, "she turned out to be a lesbian who likes men in dresses, who knew? Do they have a name for that?"

"Wait, wouldn't that make her bisexual?" I asked as if the conversation had never been disrupted.

"No it means she likes cheating with men who wear women's clothes." House said with a childish smile. "And people think I'm screwed up?"

House gave me a look of pure innocence as he succeeded in stealing another French fry. "Seriously, if you want I can buy you something? I'd rather you eat off your own plate than mine." I argued with no hope of a straightforward answer.

"But I'm not hungry." He whined before stealing another fry. He always knows how to push my buttons. I sighed in defeat.

"So, how's your patient?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"We're about to find out." He replied, seeing Cameron and Chase walk into the cafeteria. They walked directly to our table and from the look on their faces the news wasn't good. "And?" House asked impatiently.

"He's dying." Cameron replied sadly.

"I already knew that, but how and why is he dying?" House asked rolling his eyes as if this was common knowledge.

"He's Wilson's patient now. He has severe pancreatic cancer. The tumors are inoperable." Chase declared with a similar tone of voice. House turned to me with interest.

"So I guess he wasn't lying about the pain…interesting." House said more to himself than me.

"Maybe he just wasn't in pain when he was admitted." I reasoned. It made perfect sense. As usual, House was looking too far into things.

"Either that or he is on drugs. That explains the strange behavior." House replied.

"What does it matter now?" Chase butted in. "He's going to die and there's nothing we can do about it." Great, another dying patient…

"I'll tell him." I sighed. Sometimes I wonder why I chose oncology.

"No, I'll tell him." House offered. Well less offered, more demanded. I normally would have asked why, but I didn't want to jeopardize the offer if it meant that I had one less patient to break the news to. I should've realized that Cameron wouldn't be able to hold back the question as easily.

"Why?" She asked quizzically.

"Curiosity," House stated simply as if it explained everything and with that he grabbed his cane and left the cafeteria.