Story Disclaimer:I do not own Skip-Beat! or any of the characters from the Skip-Beat manga belong to Yoshiki Nakamura. Die with the Dragon manga, the mangaka, Umi Ishibashi, Ishibashi's parents, Dream Together Studios and YumiIssho magazine are all my own creations for this fic. And most likely any other characters you haven't met in the manga series are made up as well.

This story starts off just after Vol. 9 and before Vol. 10. for my purposes.

Love Me Days

-chapter 1-

"Konichiwa Moko!" Kyoko shouted down the hall after her friend. She had just stepped out of the elevator and her attention was grabbed instantly by the shocking pink uniform that matched her own. Kanae stopped mid-step and turned around greeting Kyoko's smile with one of her own.

"Good Morning Kyoko, what are you doing here?" she asked knowing that Bridge Rock did their taping later in the day.

"Oh, Mr. Matsushima called and asked for me to come in early this morning," Kyoko replied.

"Must be Love Me work then right?" Kanae responded thinking it over.

"Probably," Kyoko beamed at her friend.

Kanae couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto her own face, Kyoko looked so happy it was contagious.

"Well I have to go, I need to pick up some scripts and then I have to head over to the drama studio. I'll talk to you later." Kanae said waving as she slowly ran off in the direction she was headed before.

"Okay Moko! Bye! Have a fun day!" Kyoko shouted after her. She didn't notice the people who stopped and stared at her oddly in the hall around her. She watched Kanae run away then shrugged and turned to head up to the office of Mr. Matsushima, the supervisor of Actors at LME.

"Big Sis!" Kyoko heard shouted from behind her and quickly turned to see little Maria racing toward her, eyes wide and arms outstretched. Kyoko bent down and caught Maria in her arms.

"Hello Maria, what are you up to?" she asked out of curiosity.

"I wanted to see you!"


"Uh-huh. I'm so excited!"

"Wh-why?" Kyoko asked but Maria was already speaking again.

"I saw your wonderful portrayal of that angel in the Sho Fuwa video! It was so beautiful I clapped real hard and was so happy at the end of it!" Maria explained swirling around in circles, hands clasped together, stars in her eyes.

Kyoko's face was expressionless – her demons wanted to pop out at the very mention of Sho's name, but Maria's expression and excitement of Kyoko's acting neutralized them while she thought about Maria's comments.

"I keep getting comments about that video. Stupid Sho- why did it have to be his video?! – I wouldn't' mind all the comments if I didn't have to always be reminded about Sho, or working with him, or how he made Ren mad at me, or how he distracted and insulted me!"

Her demons started to pop out making the innocent passer-byes victims of their power, sending shivers down their spines.

"Though it's not like the comments are bad. With the Currea commercial I heard nice comments from my friends and the people who know me, but the people on the street, and the comments behind my back weren't flattering at all. With my role as the angel everyone seems to like it, like me. I don't know how to react properly. I was only able to portray the role in the end on my own after talking it over with Moko, cuz I figured out how the angel felt, and I still feel good about that, but… I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say-"

"Big Sis?" Maria's worried voice broke Kyoko's trailing thoughts, startling her back into reality. Her demons retreated back inside a little depressed.

"Oh, Sorry. My thoughts carried me away."

"Something wrong?" Maria asked remembering the vibes she felt during Kyoko's silence.

"Huh? No! No, nothing like that." Kyoko replied lifting a hand behind her head, "I've just got a lot on my mind right now."

"Yes I know."

"You do?" Kyoko asked, question marks practically popping out of her head.

"That's the other reason why I wanted to come and see you! I heard that you got a part in the new Tsukigomori that Ren's staring in! I wanted to congratulate you, it must be so exciting for you, your first role in a drama and you get to act along side the lovely Ren!"

"Oh, yes…" Kyoko's voice failed. She had completely forgotten.

"You're so lucky!" Maria continued – she was no longer paying attention to Kyoko, her thoughts were preoccupied with images of Ren.

"Maria," Kyoko interrupted the girls train of thoughts. Maria turned and stared up at Kyoko.

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go see Mr. Matsushima. We can talk later okay." Kyoko smiled brightly and adjusted her bag resting on her shoulder. Maria seemed like she was going to pout but then she returned Kyoko's smile.

"I understand. Do a good job at work today!" she said encouragingly then ran off waving to Kyoko behind her.

Kyoko stood smiling and watched her leave, laughing inside to herself.

"Maria seems a lot happier these days, I guess she and her father are doing better now that they are talking. I'm glad."

"Find something enjoyable about standing in the hall?" A voice spoke into her left ear.

Kyoko jumped and turned around, she recognized the voice and teasing tone immediately.

"Konichiwa Tsuruga-sensei," she said with a bow.

"Why does he always come out of no where and startle me like this?"

"Good Morning," he said with a plain smile.

"Why were you just standing in the hall just now?"

"Oh, Maria was here, she wanted to tell me…" Kyoko trailed off.

"Heh, should I tell him- I wonder if he's seen my MV yet, he hasn't brought it up since I apologized and I don't want him to question whether or not I was sincere about it. Would he get mad at me again -"

"Ms. Mogami?" Ren spoke, his head tilted to one side gazing down at Kyoko with a questioning look.


"What did Maria say to you?" Ren asked curiously.

"Strange that Maria was here and she didn't even see me and come say hi. I wonder if she is looking for me now?"

"Oh, it was nothing special really. She did congratulate me about getting a role in Dark Moon." Kyoko smiled. Ren observed her as she replied.

"I wonder if that was all Maria said"Ren wondered to himself.

"Mr. Tsuruga?" Kyoko said breaking his thoughts.


Kyoko bowed to him again, slightly surprising him.

"I'm sorry, but I need to get up to Mr. Matsushima's office and I really don't want to be late." she said and before she could have his reply she was zooming off to the elevators at turbo speed.

Ren could only stare after her and watch in silent wonder.

"Well I hope he's got a job offer for her that she'll have fun with." he thought to himself, a smile creeping into the side of his mouth.

"Ren." Yashiro's voice made him turn slightly to the side.

"Is everything alright now?" Ren asked.

"Huh?! Oh, yes – I got everything straightened out so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Great." Ren said starting to walk toward the exit.

"Ren?" Yashiro spoke up following after him slightly beside him.

"Yes," Ren replied.

"Well, I was just wondering how sure you are with this."

Ren gave him a questioning look from the side.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

Yashiro didn't answer, he couldn't bring himself to bring up the matter again – especially considering where they currently were.

"I know you don't want to talk about it with me, but Ren- I don't understand what you are doing - it just doesn't seem like you to toy around with people like this. I guess this isn't the place to bring the topic up - I don't want anyone to over hear anything and draw the wrong conclusion-"

So by not responding the conversation dropped and didn't pick back up until Ren and him were driving in Ren's car and he asked what his schedule was like for the day.


"Oh, Ms. Mogami you're finally here. Mr. Matsushima is waiting for you." A young woman said as she crossed paths with Kyoko. Kyoko bowed her thanks and hurried past the executives and secretaries desks and back toward where the supervisor's desk was located.

He was on the phone so and motioned for her to sit down. She complied with a large grin on her face. Mr. Matsushima smiled to himself noticing this out of the corner of his eye.

"Two weeks, sounds good. Send over the papers and I'll get a jump on it." he replied into the receiver.

Kyoko really didn't want to overhear the conversation so she decided to focus on something else while she waited for him to hang-up. She reached down into her shoulder bag and pulled out the book Tsukigomori he had given her the other day. She was just past halfway through and was enjoying the story, just not the Mio parts.

"She's not what I was expecting, but I'll do my best as Mio, for director Ogata, I must help him create a Tsukigomori that will surpass the original."

"Well I think we can figure something out, if she really is that big of a fan- I'm sure it won't be any problem, I'll talk to the producer and let him know. - Yes. - Yes. - If that ends up being the case, I don't think it will be a problem, the president likes to take care of details like that himself. No, no, I don't think he will. - Well, sure that's understandable. - Yes, yes, well I'll be in touch before the end of the week. Good day."

Matsushima hung up the phone and went to writing something in his day planner. He dropped his pen and turned in his chair so he was facing Kyoko face to face. She was lost in the book, he could tell.

"Ms. Mogami," he spoke to get her attention. She lifted her head and noticed he was off the phone and staring at her with his hands clasped together underneath his chin, with his elbows resting in front of him on his desk.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to keep you waiting!" she shouted making a bowing gesture.

"Huh-What the?! You didn't, it's alright. If anything I was the one keeping you waiting, which I'm sorry for but I'm a little busy with having two executives on vacation and my primary assistant is home sick today. Actually that is why I called you here, well partly -" He shuffled around some papers on his desk clearing the space in front of him and then pulled out a small file envelope and placed it between them on the desk. Kyoko sat silent, waiting for him to continue, looking at the envelope curiously.

"There is a project in the works and your name was brought up during a discussion about the main role."

Kyoko's jaw dropped, staring at him too stunned to say anything.

Mr. Matsushima masked a laugh by coughing into his hands and cleared his throat.
"Sorry, I can't be too specific at the moment since the project hasn't been confirmed and LME has no contracts as of yet, but basically there is a popular manga called "Die with the Dragon", and the mangaka has agreed to a movie script. Right now there are a lot of negotiations for rights and who will be producing and directing it so actors haven't even been chosen and there is not script to speak of. Apparently the mangaka wants to be involved with the production and gave some names and ideas for actors to portray her characters and she named you!" he stopped to let her react.

"WHAT!? ME?-How does she even know about me?!" Kyoko was very confused, beginning to freak-out internally.

"OH NO! Don't tell me she saw me in Sho's MV and wants me to act an evil character too!"Kyoko and her demons began to panic in her thoughts.

"Oh that," he was expecting a more excited response from her, "She apparently saw you in the Currea commercial and I guess you reminded her of her character enough for her to remember you when she was giving her ideas."

Kyoko paused mid-panic mode. She sat down properly and her expression changed to glee.

"Really! The Currea commercial!" she said excitedly remembering how fun it was running around in the school uniform and smiling, "So she thought I reminded her of her character. That's awfully nice of her. What is the manga about?"

Mr. Matsushima beamed at her, he was happy with her reaction.

"This is more like it." he thought to himself.

"Yes, but remember nothing is definite. We don't even know if LME will have any production rights with it yet. However, I thought I'd inform you of the good news since it is a great opportunity for you to get your name known. I took the liberty of getting you this," he said pulling out something from a drawer in his desk. He handed her the manga.

"That's Vol. 1 of the 5 that are currently published. The sixth one comes out this next Tuesday. And I also prepared this for you," he said opening the envelope folder he had already placed before them.

"Huh-Oh, What is it?" Kyoko asked, she had been too busy looking at the manga to pay close attention to him. She blushed with embarrassment and could tell by his expression he had figured out that she wasn't paying him any attention.

"This is some information on the manga series and the mangaka. I thought you would enjoy it and would like to keep up on what it going on with this so I have given you the fandom website run by the mangaka herself. You should be able to check on any new news there - because we won't know anything sooner than she will."

"OKAY! I will do that." Kyoko stood up completely determined, she was excited about getting another role, and this sounded like it could be a lot of fun.

"Sit down please, that was only part of what I need to tell you." he interrupted her moment of joy.

Kyoko sat down a little embarrassed with herself.

"Your work with Bridge Rock is going well, but with the upcoming Dark Moon production do you still want to continue working as Bo?"

"What!? OF COURSE! Why wouldn't want to continue working as Bo!?" she shouted, freaked that she was being asked to give up her role.

"I just thought it wasn't a priority to you since you don't want it on your résumé-"


Mr. Matsushima moved backwards in his chair and held his hands up as if he were surrendering to her.

"Alright, alright. I was just wondering so don't worry about it. You are still Bo."

"I am!?" she asked unsure, she seemed upset enough to cry.

"Yes," he said, hoping she would believe him. She did. Kyoko burst into a gleeful smile and jumped in place with joy.

"Thank you!" She practically squealed at him.

"You're Welcome." "I guess..."he thought the last part to himself. "Now since you are already here, I'm going to put you to work." he changed the subject quickly turning to a pile of papers and envelopes on the edge of his desk, picking them up and placing them in Kyoko's arms. She took them almost unconsciously from him giving him a blank stare that told him she didn't understand. He let out a sigh of slight annoyance.

"Since I'm down some important personnel this week I could use some help with basic errands so the rest of my staff doesn't get stuck with more than they can handle. You'll be delivering those scripts and files to the proper offices in the building and bringing others back here. Everything is labeled so just read them as you go around. Please keep the things you pick up and the things you are delivering separate." he said, picking up a pen and beginning to skim over his planner.

Kyoko stood there for a moment waiting for him to continue with his directions or something. Mr. Matsushima noticed she was still standing there. He looked up at her with a blank expression.

"You can go now," he said just as blankly.

Kyoko jumped to life and dashed off leaving the supervisor in a cloud of dust and flying papers.