Reviews for Love Me Days
Runadaemon chapter 6 . 1/25/2010
Okay, I'd be totally happy with samurai as well. *grin* You're so interesting! / It'll be interesting when Umi finds out Ren likes Kyoko as well. Speaking of Umi, doesn't it feel strange to write your own name as a character? I find it strange when I do it. _ Oh well! Happy Writing!
Runadaemon chapter 3 . 1/25/2010
Pillow fights are really great. _ For a little while. Good timing with that!
Runadaemon chapter 2 . 1/25/2010
Good preservation skills Hio. *claps your character on back* *nods* Good instincts. _ Yays! Next Chappie, here I come! Yakuza movie! Yakuza manga! Pwetty pwease? *pout pout pout*
Runadaemon chapter 1 . 1/25/2010
/ Interesting. ...Adding japanese greetings is a bit strange for an english comic. Just saying.

I hope it's a yakuza film. I really hope its a yakuza film.
Matelia-legwll chapter 6 . 1/20/2010
You posted! Yay! hehe. And Kyoko finally picked up the manga to read. _ I definitely liked the commercial too. And Umi is introduced to the get Kyoko together with Hikaru idea. That will be fun to read as it plays out. Good job!
animaniac2008 chapter 5 . 4/18/2009
just came across your story and i love it, wish there were more stories as good as yours with the bridge rock boys, and moko n co. great characterisation, dialogue, plot and humour, i shall look fwd to more - hopefully soon! thanks and good luck with the next chappie!
Ishasuki Mitochi chapter 5 . 4/14/2009
lol, I wonder what the students will think of the filming taking place at their school? :)
Boo chapter 5 . 3/10/2009
_ yeah! Loved this chapter!

I can't wait to see Ren be on Bridge Rock, Bo aka Kyoko will be so nervous. I think a Live show will make it interesting and the best part, we all get to be introduced to the mangaka - who will be giving us insight on the manga series Kyoko will soon be acting out right?

Look forward to seeing Kanae and Kyoko in their job together, and you really enjoy writing Hio into your story because last I saw your chapter plan didn't have him in it.

you sneaky devil you.

can't wait for your next update!
Devilishduck chapter 5 . 3/9/2009
I think you really captured how much Kyoko likes the prospect of Making a New Friend :D

Can't wait to see Ren Bo together in teh next chapter!
Enigma-Nemesis chapter 5 . 3/9/2009
A nice, long chapter. It'll be interesting to see how Kyoko and Kanae's new Currea commercial will be played out, and I can't wait for the Tuesday show :P
thats absurd.I LOVE IT chapter 5 . 3/9/2009
wow. long chapter. Kudos for it though! ooh, will umi find out that rens unrequited love is for kyoko? I WANNA KNOW! (squeals) hehe, i guess you'll just have to update before you become deafened by my fan-girl screams huh?
Enigma-Nemesis chapter 4 . 3/8/2009
I really like this story so far, and it's the only fic that does justice to the relationship between Kyoko and Moko (among other under-appreciated characters).

I can't wait to see more!
Veronica Marie chapter 4 . 2/28/2009
This is really good. Please hurry and write more on this story and quick, okay?
missunderstood777 chapter 4 . 2/18/2009
funny and cute...plz update
Boo chapter 4 . 10/30/2008
well I for one can not wait to see the mangaka. This was once again, a great chapter. I look forward to more Bridge Rock moments - and it seems you played with the Hikaru asking her out, I swear it was such a small scene/moment in the manga that barely anyone I know remembers it but you. And OF COURSE you do something with it. Do more - that's my advice, I'd find your interpretations of both Ren's and Sho's reactions to her dating someone else most entertaining.

It would be fun to see Kanae and Kyoko work together again - perhaps the president will start doing his big "LOVE ME" coming out project in the manga soon, after Natsu. But anyways, I look forward to seeing what you have in store for these too. Will Kanae be getting any romance?(say yes!)please. XD! see you next chapter girl!
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