I really hope you liked the last chapter! But nobody reviewed so I'm not sure if you guys want me to continue :( Guys, if you want me to keep going, please review! Aaaaannyways! Heres Chapter 2!

Disclaimer- I hate saying this...it makes me feel sad- I don't own naruto, charmed, or the book Twilight, although i wish i did cause i LUV EDWARD CULLEN!


Inner Sakura



(a/n but you already know this shit, so on w/ da chappie!)

Chapter 2

Charmed and Random Girl Talk

------3:00 That day----

Sakura pulled her little Honda Civic LX sedan into her driveway and into the garage. (a/n I LUV HONDA! an sorry if my car education is bad, i'm not a car fanatic so i'm dumb when it comes to car stuph!)

She grabbed her bags and walked into her apartment and was greeted by Sam, her furry little kitten.

"Hey sammie!" sakura set her bags down and picked up the black little kitty. "Come on, sammie, lets get you somethin to eat!"

Sakura smiled and pet his furry little head as she walked over to his bowl. She filled it up with some cat food and went to make herself a late lunch.

She didn't feel like cooking so she took out some onigiri and fried rice and sat down in front of the TV to watch Charmed. (a/n I luv charmed! Leo is my FAV!)

---3 hours later after charmed ends-----

----- 6:00------

"NOOOOO, Cole how could you!" sakura groaned dramatically at Paige's "boyfriend"/demon who just kept on making the poor sisters' life harder.

"Bastard!" she pouted, getting up with her plate and walking over to the sink, where she discarded it.

She sighed

'Saku chan! it's time to go to ino chan's house to get ready'

Sakura groaned 'does she really need 2 hours to get ready!?!?!'

Sakura could almost see those black and white eyes rolling. ' Suck it up, princess!'

Now it was Sakura's turn to roll her eyes 'Shut up!'


Sakura got out her outfit and makeup, hair products, and other necessities and put them in a duffle bag.

Among these were her pajama's (A/n Sakura and some other people were invited to spend the night- not EVERYONE will be sleeping over, okay!) a toothbrush and toothpaste , slippers, the book twilight and a brush among other things that the author of this fic doesn't feel like mentioning.

She gave Sam a pat on the head before leaving and hopping into her car.

"Bye Sam!" she called to her apartment as she left, something she did regularly just as a part of her daily routine.

(a/n I don't feel like writing about what happened during the ride so, sakura is just walking up the steps to Ino's mansion)

Sakura gazed at the enormous building in awe. 'i've been here so many times and yet i still think this place is huge' she thought to herself.

'If you didn't, i'd be a little worried, there saku chan' her inner replied with an annoyed edge to her words.

'oh, shut it' Sakura shot back as she reached out and pressed her finger to the doorbell. The loud sound almost made her jump, catching her by surprise...again.

"Sakura Chan!" ino exclaimed opening the large oak doors.

"Ino Chan!"

The girls hugged and ino welcomed her inside. "Oh Migosh! I thought you weren't going to come" Ino whined "I haaaave to tell you what happened last night" she led sakura to her dressing room. (a/n lets just say that ino's dressing room made the hollywood ones look like shit)

" fiiiine, what happened, Ino?" sakura inquired as she set her bag down and sat at one of the mirrors.

"Neji Hyuuga asked me out!" She screamed, doing tht little happy dance that made Sakura wonder if she had some mental issue.

Nonetheless, Sakura's mouth hung open "HOW????" she was like 0.o...

"okay, so..." Ino proceeded to tell her best friend of the last nights events until Hinata arrived with Tenten.


"i'll ge it!" ino yelled . She and Sakura ran downstairs to greet the new guests. "HI!" Tenten yelled. Hinata just smiled and waved a little.

"okay you guys" Ino Said assertively, "lets get ready!" She pumped her fist, high into the air and it was then that sakura new this was going to be a long makeup, gossip and guy talk-filled hour and a half.

Sorry if this is boring you guys, i'm thinking about changing this to itasaku just because thats one of my fave pairings and nothing's happened that i would have to change if i changed it to itasaku. Regardless of what the pairing's are, there's gonna be some fluff here in the next 2 or 3 chappies! R&R PLEASE! (p.s, thanx 2 all u who faved this story or put it on alert, i luv u guys!)

And Peeps, here are my accounts 4 youtube and my blog address if u wanna check it out or sometin.

Blog- www.mybitoftheuniverse.

youtube account- Sharingan920