Authors note: This story takes place after opal deception, just FYI. I thought about doing it after the Lost Colony, but I had no idea how to handle the whole twin factor. Artemis having magic would have been so cool to write about though… (Sigh)

Ghostly Magic

By Sliver Child of the Sea


Butler was nervous.

That in itself was unusual, considering he was trained to absolutely never fear anything. What he was nervous about made it even stranger, considering he was hesitating about entering a room he knew perfectly well to have the best security on and under the planet. (Yeah, you read that right. Under)

He was hesitating because his charge, Artemis Fowl, had called him to the briefing room to explain a new "project." Being 14 years old, you would think it was a school assignment or something like that, but that was absolutely never the case. His projects usually involved high security banks, mafia of some sort, or mythical creatures. He was, after all, a child genius and once was a criminal mastermind. He was turning away from that, albeit slowly.

Butler was proud that his Artemis was changing from a criminal to something of a hero. Ever since having his memories returned to him, he had become the Robin Hood of the art world. He had stolen 20 fine pieces to date, and had given them all to museums across the globe (Anonymously, of course). Artemis still loved the thrill of a good plan executed, and didn't want to give up crime just yet.

'Some people just need to be stolen from' He had said. Butler smiled at the thought and opened the door.

"Ah, Butler. You're here. Now let's start the briefing," stated Artemis

"Tell me Artemis, what famous hidden work shall we steal now?" Butler said, relaxing his posture, but not sitting down.

"No art today Butler. Today we begin a grand new venture into completely new territory." Artemis was grinning as contently as a cat in front of a cornered mouse.

"New… territory?" All of the little color in Butlers face drained away to naught. The last time Artemis went into new territory, he almost started a cross-species war. With fairies, no less.

"Yes Butler. New territory. Judging by your reaction you seem to be recalling the last time I ventured into new territory. Not to worry, it won't finish up like the last occasion."

Butler certainly hoped not.

Danny Fenton sighed. The school day was almost over and as usual, Mr. Lancer was holding on to every last second.

"As you know, after the three day weekend to finish the repairs in the school, we will be having a guest speaker come to visit. His name is Artemis Fowl, and you all should be excited. He is a teenage prodigy, one of the smartest kids on the planet. I hope you all participate and enjoy the presence of a genius."

Danny barely caught the name, and paid no attention to it whatsoever. So a smart kid who was probably rolling in cash was visiting Casper High. Big whoop.

He only thought of the ticking clock after that.

But that didn't mean the name -and the story behind it- wouldn't affect him to an insane degree later.

End chapter 1

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