Guess what, guys? I know some people don't like Neko!Danny, so I decided to try something else (Just for fun) to see what writing Winged!Danny. I didn't see one of these on here! I saw one on dA that inspired me, and if there are any fics that have Winged!Danny, please point them out to me, would ya?

So, this will remain a oneshot, because I REALLY need to work on the stories I am (or SHOULD be) committed to, but a good writer never lets an idea slip away.

- - - -

I don't know who I am...

He sat there in his tower, the uneven stone floor cold on his aching joints as he stared out of the window at what lay beneath him. Heavy lidded blue eyes watched the blackened fields as the wind carried the scent of charred wood to meet him. It didn't matter that the sky was a cloudy, sightless gray. He would give anything to be up there, rather than in here.

A prisoner.

His glossy black wings rustled as the icy breeze blew back his hair slightly, the same black as his wings, messed up and dirty with time.

His pale hand reached over the window, feeling the open air cool against his fingers, and he contemplated jumping.


He wouldn't die, but he was trapped here. He was supposed to feel trapped.

"That is the only way you will learn."

That was what master had said. He was a sin. He was a fallen, rejected for nearing God's domain. Now he was lucky, he had been told, to have any place to call home.


He rolled the word in his mind, not understanding it. Home wasn't really a word he had known. He couldn't grasp the concept.

This was merely shelter, and his master, was just that. A master. An owner.

Not a father.

He stretched his wings, cramped from the lack of space. There wasn't enough room in this place, not for his wings, fourteen feet across.

Perfect for flying.

Yes...he wanted to fly. He wanted to escape, and he wanted freedom.

I don't know where I belong...

He heard footsteps approach the door to his tower, and he stiffened, closing his eyes as the door opened. It was his master. A tall man with slicked back silver hair, and piercing blue eyes, small and focused. He wore a fine tailored suit that fit his lifestyle, living in this castle alone.

Well, not entirely alone.

The man spoke, his voice cool and smug. "You would like to fly." It wasn't a question.

The boy nodded silently, turning his gaze back to the window.

"I will let you, if you stay where I can see you."

The boy tried to hide the joy he felt, and he looked at the sky again, trying not to smile.

"Go on then," The man continued. "Before I change my mind, boy."

The boy nodded. "Thank you...Vlad."

- - - -

The boy pushed off with his wings feeling the wind smooth his feathers as he surveyed the charred landscape. He felt so free, so alive. He had to make it last.

He continued on, farther and farther from the castle, breathing deeply as the air became cleaner.


- - - -

Samantha gathered her tools once again as she headed out of her house, trowel and watering can in hand.

Someone had to make this place look good again.

Ever since the forest fire, nothing had been the same. But Sam knew the ground was ready for new life, and so she set to work.

Her amethyst eyes were focused as she dug hole after hole, planting flowers of all kinds. Bluebells, pansies, violets, and lillies.

She smirked at the memory of her mother, disgusted at Sam's desire to get her hands dirty only for the sake of "worthless plants". Sam shook her head. The plants were far from worthless.

She watered every plot and smiled. Now all she had to do was wait. She closed her eyes, not noticing as the shadow came over her and landed in a charred tree until she heard it.


She looked up, eyes wide at the creature in the tree. A boy with icy blue eyes and hair dark enough to rival her own. Dressed completely in black, almost like her, this was not the thing that caught her eye.

He had wings. He handed landed in the tree. He had been flying.

And no matter how odd his wings were, she could not draw herself away from his eyes.

- - - -

The boy had flown too far. He knew that, but he didn't stop. He couldn't have stopped.

The chip implanted in his wing had decided when he would stop, sending a shock through his left wing and causing him to land in a tree with little cover.

"Hurt..." He murmured sadly, knowing he had blown his chance. He didn't notice anything or anyone as he tried to move his wing to no avail.

He heard the snap of a twig and looked up sharply, spying a girl. He wished he could have flown away right then.

She was staring at him, a mixture of shock and awe present in her violet eyes as she stopped stepping forward as she had been doing before. She wore a black muscle shirt and a black skirt than went down to her knees, and her hands appeared dirty, as though she had been digging.

They stared at each other a moment longer, until she spoke.

"Hello?" She said uncertainly, as though asking if he knew how to speak. He did, but not well.

He said nothing.

"You hurt?" She asked, seeming surprised at how calm she sounded. The boy nodded, and she stepped closer. When he didn't move away, she finally stepped up to the tree he sat in.

"Wing..." He said hoarsely, his voice having not often been used.

"Let me see." The girl said as she brushed her fingers along his wing in awe, and her touch soothed him a bit, for reasons he didn't know. "My name is Sam," She continued, "What's yours?"

He paused. Name? Did he have a name? No. He didn't know his name. "Name. One of those...I do not have..." He said quietly.

Surprisingly, Sam nodded, as if suspecting as much. "Well that won't do," She said finally, rubbing his wing where was sore, he smiled a bit. That felt nice. "We'll just have to get you one."



The boy smiled as she appeared to be deep in thought. "Your name will be Daniel." She said finally.

"Daniel..." He rolled the name around in his mouth, liking it.

"I will call you Danny." She added, and in spite of himself, he grinned. He liked that better.

"Does that feel better?" Sam asked as she let go of his wing. It felt much better.

"Yes..." He murmured. He stood up, stretching his wings. He looked down at Sam. "Thank you...Sam." This time he meant every word.

"You're welcome. Come back and visit me, Danny."

Danny frowned, then smiled. "I will." He promised. 'I will find a way.' he thought.

Sam slowly smiled, and hopped out of the tree as he took off. Her eyes didn't leave him until he faded into the distance.

I don't know who I am

I don't know where I belong

I am a sin against nature...

But my Danny.

- - - -

Well, that's all I have. I need to get better at descriptions. you may or may not see it, but it bugs the hell outta me.

As for the last part...Well, Sam always struck me as an outgoing and helpful person, so just because Danny has wings, she's not going to just avoid him. She wants to help him, because he is anything but normal, and so is she, in a way.