Title: Ice Cold Fires
Author: Chibi Envy Chan
Rated: PG-13
Warnings: male/male relationship
Pairing: Sephiroth/Reno, Zack/Cloud, OC/OC
Extra: This is a gift fic for Chaos Silk on Gaia, aka BloodyChaosDragonKnight. She's a good writer. Check out her fics if you like to laugh. XD I have her under my fave authors.

This is going to be a series of one shots. As to how many, I'm not sure how many I'll write for her. She's awesome.

Disclaimer: Square Enix pwns all characters except my two OCs.


Green eyes glared at the intruder. "Fair, don't you have someone else to pester?" Meaning he was busy though it was an understatement of the year.

His second shook his head. "I've tried, but they're all busy."

"And I'm privileged to be grace with your presence?"

"Aw Seph, you don't mean that," Zack pouted but smiled impishly when he saw his superior flinch at the nickname. He clasped his hands behind his neck and stared at the ceiling.

"Then why are you here?" Sephiroth looked at his drawer that contained his medicine, more specifically his headache medicine. Too bad none of them could cure a Zack induced migraine. He needed the more potent stuff, and they were all located in Hojo's lab. Needless to say, he chose suffering over seeing the "good" doctor.

As soon as he said that question, the General his very being frozen from the inside out. Zack could be serious, but when he was, it usually meant trouble, real trouble, the kind that involved someone either dying or seriously injured.

"Reno and I were supposed to be hitting the bars tonight, but he's a no show. Tseng said he never reported for work after his latest assignment, and Rufus hasn't seen him for three days. You know how serious is about his work." Zack was serious.

No wonder why he never answered his PHS. To think, Sephiroth thought Reno was having one of those moments.

"Have you tried contacting any of the other Turks?" Sephiroth asked, masking his worry and concern behind cool indifference.

"You know it's hard to catch a Turk," Zack said as he plopped down on Sephiroth's desk, his hands on his lap. Years of Sephy-watching had helped him read his stoic superior. Sephiroth was more than interested in this particular Turk, and Zack's curiosity flat out demanded an answer.

"I am quite aware."

"Does that mean you're finally noticing I have talent?"

Sephiroth coughed.

"Fine be that way," Zack pouted childishly.

"Zachary Knight Fair."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Rude's out in the field and has been for a week. Elena's out of training, but she hasn't seen him either. The Turk trainees are too busy to notice his disappearance, and the back-up Turks have been training the newer members. Happy?"

"No, you mentioned he hasn't been seen anyone for three days." Serphiroth once again attempted to play cool and once again, he had been caught by his observant right hand man.

Why would the General of SOLDIER be interested in a fresh Turk? Well, he had worn the suit for a year. It should be his superior.

"Yeah. His last assignment was escorting something to our good professor, and I use the term loosely." By the time Zack looked back to his superior, all he found was an empty but swiveling chair.

Sephiroth saw red. With Masamune secured on his back, he was going to make HOjo pay. Of course, he wouldn't say why. For the records, he was helping out his good friend, Tseng. They had an understanding. He half expected to hear the stomping of his second.

It didn't take him long to reach the door to Hojo's lab nor did it take him long to rip both doors from their hinges, scaring the lab assistants and sending them into a frenzy panic.

Green eyes scanned the room for a shocking patch of red. When he couldn't find his primary target, he settled on the next best thing, Hojo. In a few graceful strides, he closed the gap between them and lifted the "good" professor effortlessly into the air.

"Sephiroth, your boosters isn't scheduled until next week unless you want them now. I can arrange it," he spoke as if he wasn't in danger of having his neck snapped like a toothpick.

"Where is he?"

"Who is this 'he' you speak of? I have so many subjects. You'll have to refresh my memory."

The General slammed him into the nearest wall. "You know how I'm referring to. Don't play dumb."

"I'm an old man. My memory isn't as good as it used to be." Hojo was definitely asking to be thrown out of the nearest window or be skewered by his sword. Scratch that, he wouldn't want any of Hojo's blood to spill on his precious Masamune.

"Sephiroth, that's enough." Zack had his arms full of a Turk. When did he get here? Actually, Zack could be stealthy when he wanted to be.

"You better be thankful I have an intelligent second in command." With a flick of his wrist, he sent Hojo crashing into his lab assistants.

Once Sephiroth was satisfied with the moaning and groaning, the SOLDIERs departed the lab to tend to an unconscious Turk.