Reviews for Ice Cold Fires
Anonymous Sister of the Author chapter 11 . 2/7/2009
please update this story! i lost it a long time ago and just now found it again! what did hojo do to reno that he's so tired?

Myde the Turk chapter 11 . 6/22/2008
Very entertaining. I would say update soon, but I read your profile. Hope you enjoy torturing Hojo. I also use 'good doctor' loosly. Very loosly. All hail Sephiroth and his torture of Hojo.
Chaos Silk chapter 11 . 6/2/2008
Since I didn't review this one yet...

I continue to adore your Sephy and Zack, and Angeal too. And I can't wait to see what happens next...

And now, I'm off to work on more drabbles...

Good luck and health to you

Aeriths-Rain chapter 10 . 5/16/2008
aww! cute puppy :D XD love Sephs comment at the end, and a good plan!
Chaos Silk chapter 10 . 5/16/2008
This makes me entirely too happy. And I don't know why.

Heh, I continue to adore your Zack and Seph, they're just too cute for words. And the dialogue as well as the moving of the plot...

You, sir, are my idol. Lol.

Good health and luck to you.

Chaos Silk chapter 9 . 5/13/2008
*applauds and showers you with adoration* You've outdone yourself once again. I absolutely adore the dialogue and Elena, despite how I sometimes portray her, is one of my favorite characters. Good job...

Now, if I could only find where I scribbled out your drabble-fic...

Anyway, good luck and health to you

Aeriths-Rain chapter 9 . 5/10/2008
hehe YAY! Go elena XD and a good chapter.. Hojo creepy!
labyrinth traveler chapter 9 . 5/10/2008
haha! i loved this chapter! about time hojo got what was coming to him. this is one of those times where i like elena.

hojo insult elena

elena beat up hojo

hojo hit high note

elena toss hojo out on his butt

elena-3 hojo-1

as random as that was, that's what was going through my head during that scene
MoroTheWolfGod chapter 9 . 5/9/2008
I'm so curious as to what happened to Reno...MUST KNOW! *gnaws on her own leg with a rabid look in her eyes*
Abby Ebon chapter 8 . 4/5/2008
Ello, Chaos said to look at this, I hath done as bid. -Quirks smile- just kidding, I liked it - I rarely read FF; but I understand it for the most part, so - nicely done. I love Reno, he's one of my favorite charactors. I find it all too funny that yous "drabble oneshots" turned into a story not-so-oneshot-ish; well I can see how all the chapters link together, though random, which is nice. Agian, nice work, and worthy of her greatness. Now if only I could get Chaos to work on her chapter of our story...-pokes Chaos meaningfully-

Once more, with feeling - nicely done!
Chaos Silk chapter 8 . 4/5/2008
Sorry, it took me a while to review, but... I am reviewing from my laptop, so all is good... And I referenced a friend of mine to this story and she might review...

Anyway, loved the updates, both of em. I'm plotting an update on your story after I finish the three smut projects I'm working on .

*adores and prays for your good luck and success*

~Much love,

Aeriths-Rain chapter 7 . 3/24/2008
aww so cute, lovely reno!
blood-fire-dragon chapter 6 . 3/11/2008
yes, be a happy chibi! this is good, i can't wait to see wat else happens...and will hojo finally get his ass kicked?
Chaos Silk chapter 6 . 3/8/2008
*snickers* cute, cute. I like the dialogue and the mentioning that OCs make good furniture...

But my OCs bite and scare me, I'd have to fear for my safety if they were furniture...

Anyways, good job. Hope to see more .

*is debating on which fic of yours to beta first*
Aeriths-Rain chapter 6 . 3/3/2008
*reviews to make chibi happy* poor Tseng!
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