Disclaimer: i own zilch


I made this little pre-chapter post b/c I really wanted to warn all the javajunkies. I've only written pre-S6 stuff and I know that's what ppl have come to expect.

This takes place in season 7, and it's filled with angst. Considering everything else I've written, the angst stands out very much.

I've been working on this since August--stopping and starting--w/ no clue as to whether I'd post it or not. I finally decided to when inspiration came out of nowhere and I was able to finish the story. It's complete. It's LONG, and I still have beef w/ chapters, so I just used one.

About the plot: This story starts off re-capping what we saw from Lorelai's first foot back in the diner to karaoke night. It leads to the actual fiction part. It's pretty clear when it kicks in. Now, this story doesn't focus on apologies. I'll go ahead and say that there ARE apologies, but that's a very small part. For this story, I just used the show's sorry version of a make-up, placing L/L in the 'comfortable' place we saw them in on TV. I think that's the main thing that makes this story different from everything else you may have read. In reading post season 6 material, there is one plot that I never saw. I saw it touched on, but no one did anything with it (that I know of). I don't think that anyone wanted to explore this as a possibility. And I could definitely understand why. However, when I get an idea, it's pretty much there until I do something with it. And I had this idea since last year, so I gave it ample time to disappear. It was stubborn.

No one is doing anything crazy or ridiculously out of character, so don't let the vagueness scare you away, lol.

While the angst in this is off the charts, I do believe in happy endings. Keep that in mind throughout. And it is my opinion that everything that is liked about my other stories is present in this one. That may be hard to believe at first, lol. But trust me.

Whew. Okay, I think you guys have been properly warned. It's not my intention to scare anyone off, and I hope I didn't because I think it'll really be worth it to read. --Says the author. LOL. Seriously, though, it may be a little much to take at one point in particular, so I HAD to throw a warning on here for all my beloved LL fans.

If you choose to do so, then please click bottom right and continue through... Ooh, and u may want to grab a cpl tissues, lol. I am selling the hell outta this story right now, I know. :-D