Disclaimer: If I did own Harry Potter, do you think I would have only given Ron and Hermione one lousy kiss and a stupid kid named Hugo? No! I would have had plenty of make-out scenes and their son would be named Jahosephat! So There!!!

"Wow! After 12 years of aquaintance and 6 years of dating, you're finally tying the knot. Hermione!" squealed the bride's best friend and soon to be sister-in-law. Hermione was trying on her golden dress one last time to check for any last minute alterations.

"I know! I've waited for this day a long time, Gin. I just never thought it would happen." She sighed."Remember when he asked me? He was sweating and stuttering so much that it took me a full minute to comprehend what he was trying to ask me!"

"Dear brother," Ginny started sarcastically,"has never been that good with touchy-feely stuff." The Maid of Honor checked her watch before saying,"Well, I guess I better get going. I've got to check on him and make sure he hasn't wet himself or something else terrible like the last time he was under pressure." Ginny sat up to leave.

"Don't say that! I really do hope he's OK, though."

Ginny entered her home to find Harry going over a checklist of all necessary items for the wedding, clearly ignoring a dancing Ron. Said dancer was flicking his hips from side to side, raising his spirit fingers in the air, and singing horribly out of tune.

"I'm getting married in the morning!" Ron sang.

"No, you're not," sighed Harry, "You're getting married at noon." Ron seemed oblivious to Harry's comments, too taken away with his song and dance.

"Ding! Dong! The bells are gonna chime!" the last note hit an awful key.

"We didn't order any bells." Ginny said, confused. Harry merely shook his head.

Ron ran up to Harry and grabbed his hands, only to have them immediately thrust aside by an irritated best man.

"Darling, come kiss me!"

"No." Harry frowned.

"Tell me you miss me! But get me to the church on time! Yes...Get. Me. To. The. Church...on time!!!" Ron frolicked out of the room.

"I thought the wedding was going to be at the Burrow!" Ginny called after him, grinning.

"It's been like this all day."

"At least he isn't nervous."Ginny stated, looking hopeful.

"No," Harry shook his head,"It'll sink in soon enough."

A cry came from the other room.

"Oh crap!! I'm getting married!" This was heard right before the sound of vomit hitting porcelain.

Harry smiled and nodded,"Yup! It's sunk in alright!"

TheQueenofMediocrity says this does'nt have an ending, but I like my ending. Agree with me and I will give you mental sugar quills! Yay! Sugar quills...I also edited it. Sorry it was a little messed up before but I had to type it up in literally three minutes and as my dear friend TheQueenOfMediocrity over here will tell you, I am horrible at typing quickly. I also changed Ron's exclamation because I had marked this story as K but put in a swear word. I don't like to offend people!

Postnote(from her AMAZING editor): This ending is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the original one, and I'm glad she actually listened to me this time. Oh, yeah, and she really sucks at typing. Teehee. :D